Dianna was, for once, having a peaceful dream. Until all she could breathe in was… warm fur? Even the sound of the alarm clock seemed to be muffled. She had no idea what was going on… until it dawned on her that Sans was laying on her face in his cat form.
She screamed a hapless and useless plea. Meanwhile Sans just had his closed eye sockets and a shit eating grin on his face while she flailed around like a spastic spider on ridaline.
“morning sleeping beauty, how wasit?” He purred, knowing full well she couldn’t respond… and how well she slept, he was there for a reason, after all.
*GET- OFF- ME!!!!*
She demanded through her limited air supply. She then got a devious idea. It was risky and possibly life threatening and humiliating…. But it was worth it.
She used her air supply to breathe hot air on him to make him SEEM like she was okay with it… but then she slightly bit his stomach like an electric pinch. It JUST so happened that's where one of his cat nipples were.
He shrieked and disappeared in a swirl of blue magic.
"Ggggghhhaaaaaaaaa!!!!!" She breathed in. "Fresh… Air…. Thank…. God!" She huffed and puffed in the delicious life giving aroma that is known as air. She hacked a few pieces of fur from her mouth and recoiled. "Ew. Hairball…" she groaned.
She trudged out of bed, grabbed her clothes, and went to the bathroom. And after fifteen minutes of getting ready, she had her hair brushed out and in a half braid while wearing a flowy sky blue long sleeved shirt with black, stretchy, and loose pants. She made her way out of the bathroom and noticed that it was…. "FIVE IN THE MORNING?!" She screeched in horror as she stared at her microwave clock. She then sighed tiredly and started to make cereal for breakfast.
She sat down with a box of Fruit Loops, milk, and french vanilla coffee creamer to add to the flavor to make her wake up. While she was doing that, a certain skeleton man trudged his way towards her with his fluffy hood drawn tight around his head.
"Morning. "Sleep well"?" She casually and blatantly mocked like scooping her loops as she stared at him with the doneness you experience first thing in the morning on a school day.
He cringed. “uh, yeah, i guess i deserve that..”
"Insider TIP. Never mess with a woman first thing in the morning unless you want to experience something SHOCKING. COMPRENDE?" She reiterated as she saw his face glow neon blue in the face. 'Hmmm, now I know how I can get a free nightlight or replacement emergency lamp.' she mused to herself.
“ok, ok i get it!” He turned away, trying to make himself less of a flustered mess. “s-seriously though, no nightmares?”
She smiled in amusement and appreciation. "Yes, for once… I could properly get a good night's rest. Although my waking up could've been less dramatic and… intimate." She giggled.
He flushed again, just as he’d finally cooled down too. “agreed. no more of that. ever.” He shivered. “uh… what’s on the menu?”
She smiled a shit eating grin. "I don't know~ I was planning on having cereal but you seemed awfully intent on handing yourself and your own way of making milk to me this morning~." She laughed as he burst blue like a volcano.
“Y-you kn-know what? i-i think b-breakfast spaghetti s-sounds good right n-now. s-see ya-” He blipped out of existence for the time being.
She laughed. "Aw~ and he was JUST making this more interesting~! Oh well…~" she finished breakfast and packed an energy drink for later. 'Something tells me I'll need it later…' she inwardly groaned.
She then gathered her school stuff, locked the house, and drove off to school.
As she arrived, she noticed her new friends at the edge of the courtyard. They were huddled around something. She raised a curious brow and got out as she parked the car. She walked towards them as she then finally noticed that Lottie was crying! And that Ember and Roland were holding back a struggling and pissed off Levi. She then noticed that the jocks and cheerleaders were acting all high and mighty. Though Jason looked like he got a good sucker punch to the face before Levi did anything worse.
"What's going on here?! Lottie?! Why're you crying?! What'd he do to you?!" Sabella and Virgo were trying to comfort her while Lottie sobbed on Sabella's arm.
Sabella stroked Lottie's blonde hair in comfort while giving Jason a dangerous glare. Virgo was trying to use her magic to give Lottie positive thoughts while singing a small lullaby.
“Damn, you’re such a crybaby. It’s no wonder I’m with Calista now instead of some wannabe like you.”
"DAMN YOU AND YOU'RE PETTY WHORE, YOU POOR EXCUSE OF A "MAN"!!!" Levi screamed as she was dangerously close to breaking free. Making the other party slightly scared.
"Jason announced that he and the head cheerleader made their relationship official by going to the Caves of Wonder at the edge of town on Stardust Hill." Sabella said.
"E-Everyone knows that once you and your official chosen mate go there… the bond is almost unbreakable. I-It's a spiritual place for when your spirit guides deems it right that you're taking the next step to growing up or just evolving into another self entirely. E-Even single adults go there…. To try to make it official… but they have a tendency to make it more… inappropriate." Virgo explained quietly. "And he h-had the nerve to say it out loud to everyone and target Lottie, since they promised to go there together when they were old enough…. H-He's basically saying that he's cutting her and blocking her totally out o-of his life and moving on without h-her." And for a minute, Dianna saw a bit of viciousness in Virgo's eyes towards the jock.
It's been a good while since Dianna had been back in Grendel that she'd almost forgotten the special places that the townsfolk had seen as Holy or special. These places are supposedly important for the youth or unattended to go to in order to enhance their spiritual growth with their guides and their magic. But right now, she didn't want to think of that. Right now, she wanted to comfort her friend. She went in front of Jason and stared him down like a predator.
“And what the hell do you want?” He asked cockily. “To try and appeal yourself to me? Like a bitch?”
"HAH!" She cackled. "Like I'd stoop so low as to do that for you! No, I just can't believe that the school's- no the town's most immature bastard is trying to make himself grow faster by trying to get himself laid. Pathetic!" She bit out with a look that could kill.
“What the fuck did you say to me?!” He raged, apparently not noticing the obvious death glare.
"What part of a pathetically immature small balled cretin, do you NOT understand?" Dianna said bitterly.
“it’s a well known fact that guys like you have tiny dicks too. bet it’ll be very pleasing for the misses.” How long had Sans been on her shoulders? Apparently long enough.
Jason and the others behind him stepped back in surprise and confusion.
“ya better get the fuck outta here before i really show you a bad time.” Sans hissed lowly at them.
The teens were both scared shitless, confused but yet amazed at how there was a talking cat that just appeared out nowhere.
“well..?” Sans prompted, and finally FINALLY they retreated… at least for the time being. Sans sighed and started grooming himself. “people like that really piss me off.”
"Well, it's finally nice to see my nightlight again." Dianna stated bluntly with a hint of amusement.
He flushed under his fur. “please no! i just got back, have a little mercy!” He begged.
Dianna giggled. "Fine, I'll let up… for now."
"Excuse me… but, WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!" Roland screeched as she saw her friends terrified. But at least Lottie wasn't crying anymore.
“heya. i’m sans. sans the… cat..” He introduced casually with a feline grin. “i’m dianna’s spirit animal to make a long story short.”
Lottie wiped her eyes and beamed at her. "I'm so happy for you! I wish we could've met under better circumstances…. Ugh! Now my makeup is ruined!" She groaned as she looked at her reflection from her compact mirror. Virgo hugged her and tried to soothe her while Sabella rolled her eyes and dug out remover wipes from Lottie's bag.
“nah, you still look nice. that i can’t makeup.” Sans joked, trying to cheer her up.
Instead she made a face that screamed "cringe".
“ah, not a fan? i thought it was pretty humerus.” Sans was gonna have fun with this. ‘It would be pretty ironic if Pap was her spirit guide.’ He thought to himself.
She narrowed her eyes in thought. Trying to piece together his words only coming up with squat. But Dianna seemed to get it while she was trying VERY hard to hold back her laughter.
"Uhhh, anyways…. I'm Roland, that was Lottie you were talking to, the redhead is Ember, the blue haired spitfire is Levi while the pinkette is her twin sister Virgo, and the one next to Lottie is Sabella. Nice to meet you Sans. Gotta say… it's kinda weird to be hearing you." Roland stated curiously.
“heh, right. most don’t… yeah i’m kinda… different.” He said slowly, not entirely sure how to explain himself. “you’ll probably see what i mean someday.” He shrugged.
Roland was even more confused but shrugged it off. "We gotta go to class if we want to avoid the hall monitors to give us detention." The group nodded as Sabella finished helping Lottie clean up.
Le Time Skip brought to you that school is BORING!!!!
As the group was leaving the school, Lottie caught up with Dianna in a huff.
“Di- *huff* -anna! Can we have a girls day?! Well, plus him, but still! Please?” She put her hands together and interlocked her fingers as she begged, giving big puppy dog eyes.
Dianna giggled. "Sure thing! Where do you want to go?"
“Anywhere will do. I just wanna hang out! Get to know you better as my friend.” She explained.
Sans waggled his kitty cat eyebrows. “want me to go? i'll be back after pap’s story, if you do want time alone with your buddy.” He offered.
"Is it that late already? I mean it's only…" she looked at her watch, "A little after three." Dianna said as she gave him a suspicious look.
“papyrus goes to bed at six and i’m guessing this’ll take a few hours.” He responded.
Dianna thought a bit at first then shrugged. "Sure, I guess. What're you gonna do in three hours till then?"
He gave a cheshire grin. “sleep.”
She narrowed her eyes at him. "Why do I have a feeling that's not the only thing you're up to…"
“... because i have papyrus who is the biggest ball of cinnamon roll energy and my dad who could use all the help he could get at the lab?” He replied innocently.
"Mmmm… okay. I'll buy that. Hey Lottie, is the mall on Locust Avenue still there?" Dianna asked in thought.
“Yes actually! That’s a great idea!” Lottie’s eyes sparkled with excitement.
“welp, i’ll be seeing ya later, ciao.” Sans poofed away once more.
Dianna looked everywhere just in case and turned to Lottie. "Okay, I was hoping we could go to a gift store or something to get Sans or something…." She replied shyly while blushing and scratching her neck. "Do you know which stores we could go to?"
“AW THAT’S SO SWEET!!! Sure I know a few places, but speaking of Sans… what is he? I mean, I know he’s a cat, but he can talk? And what was he saying about a lab? And spirit animals have parents? Who’s Papyrus?” She rambled, clearly curious about the subject.
Dianna started to sweat nervously. ".... How about we discuss this AWAY from prying eyes…" She glanced at a few students who were peering over at them strangely.
“Oh. Right, hey, let’s get going to the first stop then and once we get whatever we can talk about it at your house or something?” Lottie offered.
Dianna smiled. "Yeah. Sounds like a plan. Let's go."
They made their way out of the courtyard and to their cars and Dianna followed Lottie to where the mall was. As they parked their cars and walked in the mall, Dianna stated in awe at the three story building.
"Oh geez… last time I saw this place was when they were constructing the second floor. Where to first?" Dianna asked an amused Lottie.
“It’s a secret~” Lottie chirped. “Come on this way!!!” She grabbed Dianna’s arm and dragged her up to the third floor where most of the Spirit Animal stores were. Soon they were standing before the one and only “Raven’s Nest”.
The store itself was both mesmerizing and spooky. Various new and old stuff of various works of art and knickknacks. Along with jewelry, clothes, and some of the more fragile items like an antique Chinese glass flower vase. The store had dim lighting but just enough brightness for one to point out the obvious. Various styles of hanging lamps and dark decor made it seem like something from Alice's Wonderland.
'Wha…. Did I get myself into….' was Dianna's first thought. While Lottie looked like a kid in a candy store.
"Um… Lottie? Where are we…?" Dianna nervously asked.
“The Raven’s Nest of course! Raven Winchester owns all sorts of unique items for Spirit Guides. Some are even known to be from the Spirit Realm itself! It’s the perfect start!!” Lottie bounced in place
Dianna rose a brow but smiled regardless. "Okay. Let's get going shall we?" They entered the store and immediately smelled the cleansing incense. The dark haired woman in a dark blue Arabian outfit and exotic makeup perked up as she saw new customers.
"Welcome to my store. If there's anything you need help with or just need some information, you can come to me." The owner replied as her dark blue eyes peered at the girls.
Dianna was a bit nervous but she felt that she could trust her. "Yes… I was hoping you could help me find something for… a monster friend of mine. He's new to me as a roommate and I want to get him a housewarming gift. I'm hoping you have any suggestions…?"
The dark haired girl seemed to stare straight into her soul so casually that it seemed unnerving. Then before Dianna could say anything, a bright skeletal man with yellow eyelights wearing a beige turtleneck and black dress pants peered out from the backroom.
“hey blackbird! did i hear something about a housewarming gift for a monster?” The strange skeleton asked excitedly. “what kind of monster? oh- i’m dream by the way!”
Dianna didn't really know how to respond. The words just kinda came out. "He's… uh… like you?" She vaguely responded. But Dream and Raven were both surprised and then amused.
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