The head housekeeper immediately turned on her heels after everyone left, not even giving Xuhong a bit of time to breath. They went into the kitchen, weaving through the other servants preparing and chopping food before making their way to a large table with plated food.
The housekeeper stopped before a floral-laquered tray with steaming food and a pot of tea with a teacup. Xuhong’s mouth watered at the sight and aroma of the meat and rice – servants typically did not eat until after the master of the house had eaten, and even then they mostly ate plain carbs such as mantou or if they were lucky, meat buns – but he could do nothing but look longingly at the food. After all, it was not for him but for the fourth prince.
She shoved a tray into his hands. "Bring this to the fourth prince. His room is down this path to the right, right next to the gardens.” Then she left but not without turning to send Xuhong a sickeningly sweet smile. “I look forward to seeing you get punished.”
Xuhong hated that he could do nothing but accept that smile and the punishment that was coming. So he did the only thing he could. He followed his orders and steeled himself before he slid open the doors to the fourth prince’s room.
No sooner had he taken one step inside did he slip on something on the ground. He cursed under his breath as the dishes rattled precariously on the tray and he struggled to keep his balance. Luckily, nothing had fallen. He was safe for–
A vase came flying his way suddenly and he let out a loud yelp before the tray went flying in the air. He dove for it and was able to catch the tray, but the damage had already been done. Food was splattered everywhere on the ground, dishes were cracked and chipped, and the vase he dodged lay in shattered pieces.
Fuck fuck fuck. What am I going to do now? Xuhong didn’t know what to do. Surely the fourth prince would be angry that an expensive vase – nevermind that Xuhong had no idea from where and why it was thrown at him – was broken and that his breakfast was ruined.
Xuhong hurriedly began to gather the spilled the food, wincing at the hot porridge that slipped through his hands and the sticky meat and vegetables.
“I hope you’re not planning on serving that to me.” A deep voice came from above.
Xuhong winced inwardly and stood up quickly with his head bowed low. It was probably the fourth prince.
“Will you not say anything?”
Xuhong thought it’d be better if he didn’t say anything lest he say something that’d get his ass kicked out of the residence.
“Oh,” the fourth prince paused. “Are you waiting for permission from me to speak? You may speak then, servant.”
“The vase.” He gritted his teeth. “It was just suddenly in the air, flying straight towards me. And I slipped on some water on the ground.” And then, as if it was a forethought, “I apologize for my incompetence.”
The fourth prince raised an eyebrow, but Xuhong wouldn’t back down. After a moment, without taking his gaze off of Xuhong, he called for his guard.
Tiewei seemed to instantly materialize. “Yes, Fourth Prince?”
"Go get some people to clean up this mess and take this tray away."
How strange, Xuhong thought. Why is he not making me clean it up?
Tiewei stood patiently before Xuhong. Did he want him to give him the tray? When he didn’t move, Xuhong handed the tray over to him and Tiewei nodded his head in acknowledgement to the fourth prince.
“I will do as you ordered.”
He left as quickly as he came and then Xuhong was left alone with the fourth prince. Xuhong pulled his hands into his sleeves, twisting them in nervousness and despite his original surge of small bravery, he was unsure of himself now.
"Wild little wolf, where did all your courage go?" He was mocking him now, but Xuhong refused to get riled up.
The prince continued. “As you may know, I am not someone who let’s a mistake go unpunished. Tell me, little wolf, how are you going to repent?”
Little wolf? Xuhong had a name and it was most certainly not “little wolf.” But what could he do against his master? His master could call him “trash” or “litter” and he’d have to accept it.
“Wh–” Xuhong began before immediately shutting up. He’d made a mistake.
The prince smiled knowingly and held up a hand. “First,” He ticked off a finger, “You came into my private quarters without my permission. Then,” He ticked off another finger, “You dropped all my food. And lastly,” A third finger went down,“You broke this lovely vase I got as a gift from the Empress Dowager.” He looked straight at Xuhong with a sly smile. “However shall you atone for such grievous sins?” he mocked.
All redundant questions. Xuhong said nothing as he waited for the fourth prince to mete out his punishment.
“As punishment,” he declared. “You will not get any dinner tonight, and you are to draw water from the well to provide cooking water for the kitchen and bathing water for my bath tonight. No one is to help you. If I find out you received help, know that your punishment will increase. Tiewei will show you where the well is.”
Xuhong was surprised. The punishment wasn’t as bad as he thought it’d be. He bowed lowly before taking his leave.
He didn’t notice the gaze that the fourth prince had on his back.
Yehui was calculating.
Calculating how useful this new servant would be to him.
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