A local film crew is filming the ultimate documentary , all being shot inside the old abandoned castle. A castle that has had a long history in the small town.
CAMERAMAN: This place is absolutely legendary! ... They say Dracula used to reside here.
CREW MEMBER #1: Yeah right! ...A fictional guy from the movies.
They spend a number of days touring the facility, recording it all, and also looking at hisorical pieces all around the large castle. The documentary is known all over the town, and many residents tried to warn this film crew not to mess with that castle, and even pointed out the signs put up, that warn the people to stay away.
While the documentary crew is inside recording, one woman stands outside, just down the long dirt path that leads up to the massive front doors. She stands, with a look of concern and a feeling this will all go wrong. She turns and walks off, her red skin glowing in the evening light, the long tail with a spear at the end trails behind her. The Devil Woman has experienced many strange things, but this one is giving her a completely bad feeling.
A documentary film crew tries to make a film about an abandoned ancient castle, not realizing its history. When Dracula awakens , the city becomes overrun with vampires. When a vampire bites The Devil Woman, it creates Demon Vampire Mutations. The only way to stop them? … The spear of her tail through their hearts!
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