We arrived at the park in record time, the small bug knew all the turns and secret backyard passages from the skyport, it was weird being back here, this was the place that Sam had found me in the ice, its also the place I put a fraction of my life force into him as well, he couldn't die otherwise id be trapped in the mortal world forever and that's not what I need.
"Jack come over here" small one shouted at me, I should learn his name too if I wish to make Sam happy, I need to see him smile "what you thinking about" my mind flashed back, why do I need to see him smile? Its because he will like me more if he smiles, yeah that's why.
"I'm thinking about your brother.." I couldn't remember his name, Sam I'd remember I had looked into his memories, you don't forget someone after that even a pathetic human, I saw how he worries about his brother 'Lucas' the name was quite as if one of my own memories had recalled it but it was one of Sams "Lucas"
Lucas as I now remember smiled at me he reminded me of Sam, and now I felt a slight tinge in my chest, I thought of Sam more and more since this morning, why am I feeling for this human, I can't feel, or I'm not sapos to feel for them, is it a side affect of becoming mortal
I looked around the park, I can't focus on that issue, its probably just a side effect of looking into Sam's past, his life is much darker then I would have thought and I can't see some of it clearly, but theres this one moment, its dark, its an ally way and all I can hear is Sam, hes crying as a wet sound fills the cold and dark allway, it last for hours or muinites, Sam has no idea how long it is and I can feel his pain regret and worry about Lucas.
"what would he think" I said the words aloud it was strange I knew I could see his memories but to feel what he felt, I felt sick something bad happened that day and even looking at the memory outside Sam's head hid it.
"what would who think" Lucas had been standing in front of me this whole time, how long has it been since he asked me the question
"ahh... go play in a puddle or something" I could feel my face redden, why was my body reacting like this, why is it acting so human.
Lucas eyed me wearily before running off towards a tree to climb, I'm glad he isn't making me do anything, I am just too tired to deal with today, its been only a day since I arrived on earth and I'm already losing myself to this weak body.
As I looked and watched I sensed something dark and inky, it made my mouth feel fowl as if I was tasting tar and black liquorish. The void has opened near by and taken a soul from its body. I rushed over to Lucas, I need to get him out of here or Sam will have my ass "we need to go its not safe here"
"huh what do you mean we just got here" damn this human, why can't he just take my word for it, I'm not strong enough to take on a void right now, I don't even know if I can summon my scythe without storing more power in this weak body.
The air thickened "fuck theres no time get your ass here right now" I shouted at him, there were other people in the park, they all turned to look at us, which one was being taken over, which living creature was going to become twisted.
Lucas slowly walked towards me, he needed to move faster, he can't be so stupid that he cant feel this killing intent, the hunger, I moved towards him almost sprinting at him as I grabbed his hand to pull him towards the gates of the park but our path was blocked by a small dog, it's gaze was fixed on us and in an instant its body tripled in size as it lifted onto its back legs, its form was like that of a small deformed boy with fur and a snout.
"well your not too bright being that size" I couldn't but help relax as its body shook, foam coming out of its mouth, the void can't keep that body alive but that just means it'll risk the body knowing it will already die.
I pushed Lucas behind me so that if it lunged I'd be its only target, I tried to will my scythe into being but I couldn't focus the energy, I must be too weak for a spell without incantation, I really shouldn't have wasted my energy helping Sam through his introduction "hear my plea, Scythe of the dead, I call upon you to serve me in the name of the Reaper, help me do my bidding" I felt a little embarrassed saying the words but it did what I needed it to do my scythe, though plain looking its long sleek pole that ended with a sharp curved blade that gleamed in the sunlight, despite its appearance it was a strong weapon capable of ripping through the armour of the twisted once it fully encased its body in its black tar.
The twisted screeched as it decided now was a good time to lunge at me, I swang my scythe, it was heaver then I remembered, its heavier weight took away the power from my swing making me lose my balance and only managing to graze the twisted as it easily doges my blade.
"Lucas run" I shouted to him in ghasps, I couldn't believe it, one swing and I'm already exhausted, I'm pathtic I can't do anything, the twisted now watching from a distance waiting to see if I was just bating it
"Jack" I looked behind me and I saw that Lucas had frozen, the smell of piss wafting off him, he must have pissed himself, but if hes frozen then who said my name and that's when I saw her, a woman was behind Lucas, she was familiar, her long violet hair came down like it was a cape she wore with pride, it was one of the exiled.
"Are you okay?" she was looking at me, a smirk plastered on her face and of course she'd be, I was a reaper stripped of his power and now I can't even use my own weapon
"of course I am" I can't let her win this small compition, I have a pride "I can handle myself"
"obviously" she gestured to the twisted "if you are capable then you can get rid of this dying mut"
I pulled my scythe up, I needed to get a grip, normally I'd just swing and it'd be fine but now this is a human body so I needed to use it like one. I focused on my arms and legs, muttering a spell I enforced the stragth of them, normally I'd swing with the end of the scythe but now all that will do is make me weaker and my swings wont have the strgth, I need to be at the center of the pole and use its perfect balance to become a dangourus weapon again.
"now watch and learn exiled" I ran at the twisted, this time I was faster, with the enhancing spell and the center of gravity of my Scythe adjusted I wasn't being held back as much as I was before, I made a swing, I used my whole body swing the scythes blade where I wanted it to go and I managed to get the twisteds leg, it screeched out, my head was pounding, if I was still a reaper this sound would be noting but a bother but in this weak body it made my eardrums bleed which knocked my balance off and I span around swining my blade almost hitting Lucas but managing to rain it in.
The woman walked forward, she seemed to be enjoying herself, she said something but my ears were still ringing from the scream and then she placed her hands over my ears and the ringing stopped "can you hear me now" she didn't wait for a response before pushing me out of the way and aproched the twisted that now tried to crawl away but she lifted her hand above it and in an instance a thin pin shaped sword materialized in her hand before she ended the twisteds suffering causing it to turn to stone.
"who are you" I asked her, hoping shed grant me an answer but she just looked at me with a smile and handed me a small envelope kissing me on the lips before vanishing in an instance as if she hadn't been there a moment before.
"J- Jack" I turned to see Lucas has now fallen to his knees shaking "wha- what was that" Humans couldn't handle the sight of a twisted, they could feel the wrongness of them, how they distorted the world around them, most humans shut down in front of them and that's how so many die from one existing but Lucas seems to be one of the few to go mad after seeing one.
"it'll be okay" I aproched him and placed a hand on his head, he started to cry, not of fear or sadness but a mad cry, one that told you the human was broken on the inside "I'll make it better"
I focused what was left of my power "mend the mind and fix the brake, make the past dull and the future bright" a simple spell but it'd stop the effects of seeing a twisted so close, Lucas fell silent and collapsed into my arms, his breathing was low and he reeked of bodily waste, it won't be a pretty walk home but it'd be better then staying here.
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