Good morning! (Afternoon, really, but I feel like it's still morning!)
I am finally uploading Part 2 of "A Moon For The Mountain!"
I'm so happy and so eager for all of you to read! I'm
only up to Chapter 5 so far, but I'm going to take a break for the rest of the day to help my daughter with her K-Pop group orders.
As you can see by the scheduled time stamps, August 21 will be the release date for Part 2. I will be scheduling them DAILY -- no more Saturday's off! To be perfectly honest, I wish I could schedule the rest of Part 1 to be published right now. I'm so impatient to share my work HAHA.
If you missed it, I have posted two teasers for Part 2. They are located in the chapter list. Those teasers or for Chapters 1 and 4 of Part 2.
In the past, I've been tempted to make hardcover novels of my work. I think I may finally do that with this story. If I do, it will be a Ko-fi and Patreon perk. (Yes, I still have Patreon but I haven't really gotten into learning it.) If I do, I will announce it here.
Thank you for continuing to support "A Moon for The Mountain"! I sincerely hope you enjoy Part 2. I've worked hard trying to blend the stories of Garson and Evie, and I think I did a good job. Let me know what you think!
Please consider supporting me on Ko-fi :
Welcome to my occasional chatter. Like the little bees and butterflies and birds that have visited my gardens, you are invited to "listen" to my spontaneous pondering, occasional rants, joyful events, and random gibberish. Feel free to add your own experiences to the topics in the comments.
Is this me procrastinating again? HAHA! We all need breaks when creating becomes somewhat of a chore.
My mind doesn't stop creating, especially when I try to sleep or meditate to calm it. Those efforts seem to increase the speeding train in my head all the more. I have found that speaking on other topics and sharing current feelings not related to my books helps to at least clear my mind enough to slow down the thoughts and give a bit of peace.
Since this is a slice of life, there is no set end. It's for as long as I'm here on Tapas and will update when I feel the need to share what's going on in my world. :)Read more
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