In preparations for the upcoming battle, Paul Gekko is daydreaming about his adventures. He was daydreaming, remembering the times he spent in Wano Country. In his past daydreaming, due to Gamamaru’s death as a child, Paul Gekko was being attacked by a unnamed group of bandits during the trading of SMILEs for weapons invested by the Galactic Eggman Empire. He saw a mysterious samurai who killed the bandits and saved his life. The mysterious samurai said, “You must travel to a nearby village and start a new life. There you will find your peace.” At night, Paul Gekko was burying the bodies of everyone at the site, including the slavers and the bandits.
Impressed by the boy’s gentility and kindness, the mysterious man told him, “I am Hiko Seijuro, the ultimate swordsman. You have a hidden power sealed away by the Gekko Clan.” Paul Gekko replied, “I am Paul Gekko… I’m the Gekko Clan’s ancient heir.” “You are the pupil, who would one day become a hero of the legendary country. I will name you Tsurugi Kenshin.” said Hiko Seijuro.
Paul Gekko and his adoptive clan spent training and growing up. Paul Gekko asked, “Yuki… What’s wrong?” “The criminal is not Kurozumi Orochi or Kaido. The one who killed our master… is one of us. It was Kagami…” said Yuki. “Nee-san.” said Paul Gekko sadly. “He was… simply…” said Yuki, fainting. “NEE-SAN!” Paul Gekko yelled, grabbing her. “I’ll take care of sister… You go on ahead!” said Kaede. “Oh, great…” said Moriya. “There’s nothing… I have to say.” “Nii-san…” said Paul Gekko. At the mansion, Paul Gekko meets Kagami. “I see. Successor to the Blue Dragon sent you. Someone as green as you, dares to confront me?” Kagami asked. “Of course I do!” said Paul Gekko. With his challenge accepted, Kagami and Paul Gekko clashed. Being overpowered by Kagami’s, Paul Gekko used his hidden power defeat him in battle and closed the Gates of Hades.
Waking up from his daydreaming, Paul Gekko meets up with his teammates, noticing that he and his friends have arrived at the Solar Empire.
Paul Gekko and co. landed on Coral Atolls they meet the Solar Grunt who escorts Paul Gekko’s group to the Imperial Palace. “Your majesty! The Galactic Rebels have emerged to acquire assistance!” said the Solar Grunt. Paul Gekko and friends saw Solar Emperor for the first time. Solar Emperor spoke, “I am Ki-To the Solar Emperor. Seeking allies, me and my wife helped our successors defeat the Xylvanians.” “History of the Eggman. It is what we had not foreseen.” said Lei-Qo.
“Do you think we have a chance against the Galactic Eggman Empire.” said Adam. “Yes. with the Solar Ninpō. My family’s ancient technology that connects your technology with the Solar Wi-fi. It gave us the strength to maintain our status as ruling monarchs many years ago.” said Ki-to. “We’ll show you our history of how the Eggman Empire came to be.”
“It was the Dark Emperor Sauron who created the empire to control the countries of Dressrosa and Wano. The empire used a weapon of mass destruction against the Iron Legion and it cost us our finest soldiers. Sauron killed Qa-len in cold blood.” Paul Gekko asked, “Why would Sauron kill his wife?” Lei-Qo replied, “Knowing that the Staff is making him too powerful, our ancestors hid it from him and refused to reveal the location of the weapon.” Ki-To added, “Enraged, Sauron led a strike battalion to find and locate the weapon only to be stopped by the Ancient Anglo King and his allies.” “Following the fall of Sauron, the Xylvanians was planning to use the Staff of Qa-Len in a bid for revenge. Luckily the Alliance of Nations prevailed and stopped their plans.”
Ki-to said to Paul Gekko, “I’m sorry… This realization was overdue.” Adam Atlantis asked, “What happened?” Ki-to told the Atlantic Pirates, “After years of peace and having endured the Great Grand Civil War, Galactic Eggman Empire used the technology to create the Asymmetrically Permeable Shield generator which can generate electromagnetic pulses and mixed it with the radioactive heat. The Evil Emperor Eggman forbade anyone across the multiverse from worshiping Sonic the Hedgehog as their hero including our people.” After finishing the story, Lei-Qo shows them the blueprints of a dangerous weapon and said, “This is the weapon the have been working on. They called it the Death Egg.” Much to Adam Atlantis’s anger what kind monster could build such a deadly device!?”
Suddenly the Solar Grunt reported to Ki-To. “Your highness! Young Master Gekko! I have a report! Imperial Walkers are at the coastline of Bongo and with it a thousand Egg Troopers!” “What should we do?” Adam asked. “Very well! Alert the remaining forces to evacuate to safety!” said Paul Gekko.
The Atlantic Pirates rushed to the shorelines and see Egg Battalions, a group of Egg Troopers, Egg Tanks, Egg Walkers, deployed from the ships of the Egg Fleet. Deadly weapons roared as they marched towards the Solar Palace, crushing everything in their path. Paul Gekko led a squadron of starfighters against the Eggman Army. “Straw Squadron!” Paul Gekko shouted. “Attack the Egg Battalions with Bob-ombs! We got to hold these guys off to get the Solar Civilians out of the palace!” After successfully evacuating the citizens of the Solar Empire, Paul Gekko got a message from the Anglo King. “Hello.” said Paul Gekko. “This is the S.S. Atlantic Industries. How may I help you?”
“Hello this George Anglo, I heard that you want to overthrow the Emperor Eggman and let Lelouch take charge of the Galactic Eggman Empire.” said the great Anglo King. “Yes.” said Paul Gekko. “Because of your act of courage, most of my Anglo Battalion will join your rebel cause.”
At the S.S. Atlantis, Adam explains the details of the mission. “Because of the Eggman Empire has supply ships supplying the troops with a dangerous weapons and dangerous warship. In analysis of the plans provided by the Hansel my ship mate has demonstrated the supply depots. The target of the supply depot was located in the Triceraton Prime. The Eggman Empire has established the base in the ruins of the Triceration Castle. The task is simple, destroy the factories and capture the supply depots and the base with four strike battalions.” “That’s impossible for the brains.” Kash said. “It’s not the brains.” said Paul Gekko. “It’s the Brawns that can storm the castle. You know what the Triceraton is capable of.” “You heard Paul Gekko!” said Windsor. “Storming the Triceraton Castle is second to none. Chop-Chop fellows! Let’s tally ho!”
After opening the portal to Triceraton Tribe, Paul Gekko, the Solar and Anglo strike battalions meet up with the Triceraton Revolutionists. “Good to see the Galactic Rebels have sent you Paul Gekko.” said the leader of the Triceration Revolution. With the Triceraton Revolutionists at their side, the Galactic Rebels managed to free the slaves and cause mayhem on Eggman’s base. After successfully capturing the base, they were ambushed by the Galactic Egg Boss, Midnight “Captain” Boy of Pacworld. Paul Gekko, the Solar and Anglo strike battalions were forced to help the Triceraton Revolutionists and the Triceration civilians escape from the Galactic Egg Boss’s Devil Fruit power to get them onboard the S.S. Atlantis and met the Galactic Ignis named Sigla.
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