Hello my dear readers,
This is the end of the excerpt! But you can find the full novel on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, etc! It is currently on Kindle Unlmited and can be read for free! You can also purchase a paperback/hardcover copy! Please tag me with a copy of your book on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Tiktok, etc! Find my socials through my website! I will be posting links in the comment section!
You can also read the webtoon for free on here, Webtoon and Globalcomix! Remember The Siren's Mistress it a dark twisted horror romance! The novel/webtoon will uncover many dark topics/themes!
Preorders for book 2 featuring a whole new cast of characters are now available! Preorder The Ocean's Star now on Amazon!
Thank you for reading,
Dolly Nightmare
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