...1000 years ago, this world was doomed to darkness by the vengeful goddess Yvonne. Monsters surged from the inky depths, and despair itself became a deadly plague. The fruits of civilization rendered to ashes, mortals cowered in fear until their tyrant took her own life. All traces of our past were destroyed, leaving nothing but terror.
There existed a rumor, a tiny glimmer of hope. Was it wisdom, or wishful thinking...? This rumor was glorified to a prophecy, and the fearful humans founded the mighty Church of Light. Desperately, they awaited the arrival of a divine hero said to bring back the sun.
One of the church's disciples was a woman named Sacha. Like everyone, she was raised on the doctrine from before she could speak. But 1000 years had passed without so much as a sign... Who still earnestly believed in salvation? This "hero", this "prophecy", it was nothing but a blight on their world.
Her rage bubbled forth like a viper, and she fed her faith to the flames. She became a heretic, rejecting the hero and urging people to fight the darkness themselves. As the Church feared her blasphemy would incur the wrath of the gods, she was exiled from the City of Hope. Even so, more and more fled to rally forces with her...
This rebellion against god lasted for years, until finally the Cathedral of Light was completely silent. Under the command of the warrior Sacha, they pushed against despair and found strength in each other... It was then that Sacha was reborn as the very hero she forsook, and using the flames of hope that burned in her people, fashioned together a new sun.
To turn hatred into salvation... she truly is a remarkable person. But it's impossible for the entire planet to whole-heartedly trust in hope, and even her influence didn't convince everyone. If all the world were united by one emotion... What would that be?
Collection of written logs, or "archives", telling the story of "The Darkover Records". The Darkover Records is a fantasy song series by "Vocaloid" producer IrunaBara. Entries will visit very dark extremes, including mentions of racial conflict, genocide, suicide, depression, terminal illness, cultism, and dystopia. Viewer discretion is advised.
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