"I still can't believe you fell asleep last night." I grumbled for about the fiftieth time to a forlorn looking Faye. She rolled her eyes giving me the same answer as all the times before.
"Medically it was impossible so it must be magic."
Her saying it was not reassuring. Because Faye had fallen asleep while keeping watch I had no more proof than before on whether I had a super active imagination or not.
"Not true. You had a bunch of sleep drugs mixed with your caffeine stash. You could easily have doped yourself with the same stash."
"Next time i'll only bring caffeine."
I shivered. "No next time. I don't think I can go through you staring at me again. I'm traumatised."
"Dammit... We still need to work it out." She gave me a hard stare. "Time to ask Alric for help."
I bit my lip "But how. I mean i'm not sure if I want to ask Alric for help when this seems so silly."
Alric was a good friend but unlike Faye he would mercilessly take the piss out of me forever if it turned out that this had been a stupid idea. Unfortunately he was also more of an expert in anything magical than both of us combined.
"I will only let you put me through the ordeal of Alric if you bring noodles to tonights plotting session." I decreed. Faye held out her hand and I shook it.
Poppy's life is simple. She works as a Librarian at an Arcane University, lives alone in a small flat and sometimes goes out drinking with her friends.
There is absolutely nothing special about her.
So why every night for the past month has she woken in the middle of the night in a giant wolf's embrace? Is it just a weird dream? Or is something else going on?Read more
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