As the Island faded
into the distance, the captain noted in his logbook that if his crew could keep
control of these passengers, they actually might all survive to reach their
Their homeland's a mess. It's an island called Cacophony, living up to its name, taken over by chaos, uncertainty, and fear. In today's world, you might even feel powerless and trapped just like this. But not this gang of Angry Honey Badgers. They've had it! They're escaping to the Chaotic Village on the metaverse mainland, taking their recently hardened attitudes with them. They will check in to the Chaotic Hotel, where they become threads in a far-reaching story as other guests arrive from the Island, among them Flimflam Flamingos, Grunge Rats, and Disenfranchised Penguins. They're all embodied in a collection of unique digital NFTs living on the Ethereum blockchain. Each guest collection will total 5000 unique NFTs and can be accessed on and NFT trading platforms. Their stories are played out at the Chaotic Hotel and in a growing community of unique retail shops, service providers, and thought leadership institutions in the surrounding Chaotic Village. Visit them at
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