Ted, Mayne and Bolt feast on their meals and after they finish, they stake out after night outside the cafe. Bolt lights another cigarette and smokes it. Mayne is calling random people. Ted closes his eyes while they wait. Morning arrived and Ted could feel someone poking him, "wakey, wakey... Morning sunshine." The waitress from yesterday pokes Yed with a stick, Ted stands up, cleaning himself up while Mayne and Bolt we're still sleeping, "What are you doing outside?" Tea explains to the waitress that they were waiting for someone who had a package for them. "Would you like some coffee? the first batch is on me." Ted politely refused her offer and said that he and his friends have to move. "It was nice... Meeting with you..." the waitress told Ted that her name was Melanie, "My name is Ted... Goodbye..." Ted wakes up Mayne and Bolt and they walk profusely, Melanie enters the cafe but Ted stops her, "Melanie... Would you... L-l-like... To go on a... Uhm... A date?" Ted was kicking his feet in a rhythm and prepared for rejection. "Sure," Melanie said, surprising Ted, "Cool... Meet you here... Somewhere around later?" Melanie smiles and replies, "sounds like a good idea, it's a date... remember that."
Melanie entered the cafe while Ted walked back to Mayne and Bolt who were proud of what Ted did back there, "that was smooth alright... Let's hope whatever this car wants us to do, better make it quick! Little Teddy over here is going to need to get his game on." Mayne was proud of what Ted did, "Hey, maybe in two to three years, we might get to see them having... Ow!!! What was that for?! I was going to say, have the bunker to themselves... Remember that one time with this... Ow!! Quit doing that!!"
The car arrived and the door opened, "I hope you weren't waiting too long, please come inside..." they yawned as they entered the car. "What's this thing you want to talk about?" Mayne asked, "I want you to find dirt on Robery Baxter..." Bolt interrupted the car with facts, "as in THE Robery Baxter?! The man who somehow rose after a $53 million debt... That Robery Baxter?!" the car confirmed what Bolt said, "why'd you need dirt on him for?" the car shows them a news report, "breaking news as Simon Glem was found assassinated at his luxury home three hours before paramedics could arrive to the scene... The late Glem was last in contact with 3x millionaire, Robery Baxter, who has this to say, 'it was true that I was in contact with Mr. Glem and I assure you that I am willing to pay for his funeral... Mr. Glem was a talented athlete, he worked his butt off to be at the top and he was close but as for the family, I will do as much as I can to help Mr. Glem's grieving family and until then, thank you.' where it may have been suicide, paramedics have found no sharp weapons in the house and, no illegal substances that could contribute, I'm Selene Maters, signing off." the car turns off the news, "that fucker has something, I know it! And that is why I hired you three, to get me that dirt!" They all looked at each other and felt skeptical about doing this and even so, the car was willing to pay a shipload of money for them to do it. "I don't see why we should do it..." the car hands them a crystal-like shard, "No Fucking Way!"
This is a story about a mercenary who has no understanding of how he ended up in the dumpsters, with a little help and guidance by his mercenary friends, Mayne and Bolt. This mercenary has no purpose neither no mission relating to understanding his past. All that matters is that he makes a name for himself in the futuristic city of Nomalan. Throughout his life, he makes allies, makes enemies and pisses off the higher ups with what he does. Actions that oddly sound familiar to a former vigilante.
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