Story written by Nic
"Haha, oh my god!" Ella squealed out from the living room. Rihana heard her voice from her bedroom, peaked the door open a bit and listened. She heard more giggles and laughter, so she shook her head and quietly walked downstairs. Since she could be very sneaky, it was almost impossible to hear her footsteps. When she got down to the living room door, she stayed behind it and listened in again.
"Aww, that's so sweet! Maybe you could give me some?"
"Som- E-EXCUSE ME?!?!" Rihana accidentally screeched out. Since her cover was blown, she opened then door and calmly went over to her, took Ella's phone placed it to her ear. "If she wants some, she can get it from me!" She hung up, turned on the camera, pointed it at Ella so it was like a selfie and stared at Ella's reflection, ready to torment the living hell out of her.
"What the hell was that about?"
"You got 3 seconds to explain!" Rihana growled and didn't dare look away from her reflection. "Some what?! Who was that?! SOME WHAT?!?!" It took a moment to realise it, but Ella noticed a rare side of Rihana. She was jealous. With a smirk, she looked at Rihana.
"Explain, Fatty!!"
"Okay, okay!" She laughed. "That was a friend. She said she liked my new outfit and the 'some' you're so bothered about is chocolate. She was eating chocolate and bragged at how good it was. What did you think I meant?" She tilted her head to the side. Silence. Rihana gripped harder on the phone and clenched her jaw shut. "Hmm? Did you think I meant se-"
"Shut up!" Rihana threw the phone on the couch, stormed back to the livingroom door.
"Aww." Ella giggled. "You were jealous~" Rihana glared at her, gave her the middle finger and slammed the door.
"You're still fat!"
"And you were jealous!" Ella called out.
After that, Rihana didn't leave her room for an entire week due to being so embarrassed.
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