Slide 2: Red sea, Two virgin men.
The young man stood tall hands onto his hands and looked out with the stare of death on his face. He stood alone the man, Morris did. But he wasn't fully alone there. Men beyond him far off where standing in grounds waiting for the boats to come in. The boats came in every day but there was always so many there was always a long line- or more over large groups of men waiting. Morris wasn't wearing his uniform anymore he pulled off his shirt and his jumpsuit, a white sleeveless work over his fit and let very thin garmet. Something really catch his ears and he swerved his head over. A boat was coming in the opposite direction. A little orange boat with only one man on it. Morris furrowed his brows and rubbed his forehead. He'd have to keep a eye on this man, no one token this boat. The man on the boat jumped off of it, he stayed near the edge of the water and pulled the orange boat to himself and made the boat follow him along. The man was walking to Morris and when he got near him the man pulled the boat a little onto the land and walked up to Morris. "Hello! Do you know where I am?" The man asked, Morris waited a good few moments to really speak. "You don't know?" Morris asked. "No." The man said with a smile and sorry eyes. The man was so tall when he stood next to him it only made Morris more worried. "We're the men who wait." And he looked to the water over the mountain. The sea was a orange red and the purple sky shun down on the red ocean. The man made a knowing sorry look like he was sorry to have bothered him, he understood what he meant. "Of course!" The man turned to the sea in deep thought. "I've been waiting too. How long have you been waiting?" Morris grimaced. "Not long, only a week. It only felt like a day maybe, and it's night now..." "Actually, I think it's evening." The man mumbled. "You?" Morris asked and the man stomped his feet back and forth a few times. "Ah, my whole life." "What!?" "Don't worry about it, it's my cross." The man looked out to the nature. "What's your name?" "Morris." "Ah, that's a fun episode, great name. I'm Rinpoche." "What?" The young man looked over to him and frowned hands in his pockets. This Rinpoche shrugged and gave a little sorry smile as ever. "It's just my name." The man nodded and looked away from the odd man. "Very well then, whatever. So where are you planning on going when the boats come?" Rinpoche rubbed the bottom of his chin. "I don't know, I'm being lead. I'm a traveler. Always have been, so I don't know." "Oh, well what do you normally do on your travels?" "Mhh, I help people mainly. Not always directly in fact I normally don't see how things turn out. That's my job that's my right. It's what I have to do." "Huh... Where did you get that boat?" Rinpoche looked over to the boat and frowned. "That's the little orange boat I just found. Not sure how long I've been swimming out here. I was lead to it. If your waiting on your boat mister then I can lend it too you." The young man thought. "Oh, well I'm not sure..." The two wayward men laid there in thought and kept to themselves and their own silence and lived inside their own brains. The land beyond them was wayward new and raw. There was a sea of orangeish red beyond them, Morris thought days ago it was blood but when he finally brought himself to bending over and tasting it, the drink sort of had the flavor of honey and milk, but the milk wasn't quite fresh. There was a long never ending yellowish brown mountain many many feet beyond where the two men stood. There was many islands amongst the waters, some of them held men on those islands and others didn't. You could easily swim across and in fact when a new man came out out of the mist sometimes they swam or half walked across to other islands where more men waited. The men waited together close in groups because they known when the fleet of boats came only a good twenty men could hold on there. Morris had only seen the fleet come in about two different times as he come here. He had almost gone on the first but a older hurt looking man had come to him as Morris was lifting up onto the boat, the old man laid a soft hand onto the young man's bare shoulder and said quietly. "I'm sorry to ask this, but I've been waiting for... Three months now. I need to get on that boat I cannot wait any longer my soul cannot bare it." Morris laid still for a second, the other men on the boat watched in entreat, he did not want to give up his rule to the boat but he had little choice in the matter, it was all already made up for him for he could not deny anyone who had waited longer then himself. " The old man smiled deeply and thanked him, kissing the younger man's hands and stock his place on the boat. The men going on the boat waiting a few moments in silence keeping still in honor of what Morris gave up, then they all started talking drunkenly to each other while the boatman along with them kept silent. Morris watched sadly on and this was where he was now. There where clouds overcast moving along very fast and very lively. But despite the clouds no rain or weather ever came. Even though under normal body problems the rain would make them cold he somehow wanted the rain to come. Sometimes in the water you could see little things bubble alive and move about, or maybe it'd be a long forgotten object like a shoe or a car radiator or something else even more meaningless and unused, forgotten forever and unloved, very unlike the men that waited there. Maybe that was why all the men stood there waiting on their little islands, because they known that wasn't where they belonged, that land of red, the endless blood that was all around them. The yellow sand islands they stood on thinking and brave. Yes they where brave, they where very brave, and this here was there reward for there bravery. Morris looking out at it now known he had to go, even if he didn't know this man he gotten a good big feeling he should follow this man where he traveled until he found where he was going himself. But something told him that this man's jounced was along and far away from his own. His trail was not nearly over while Morris, as quite fast and not finished as it was, was almost over, his epic dead, his star arisen his revolution won. It may have been short but he did not regret much of it, he was thankful it had lasted as long as it did, he loved so many and he himself was loved just as much by others. This stranger would come along with him to see this unknown epic end. "Well then, I'll come along with you if you want, I see your of good character. If the fleets come to us then maybe we can go onto their boats." Morris said dully still looking out which made Rinpoche smile. "Great! I was hoping you'd say yes." Rinpoche jumped off and pulled the boat over to himself and started lifting the thing over to Morris and Morris helped finished setting up the water board. Rinpoche stood at the front, the boat flouted on through the red and Morris jumped onto the other end though the boat rocked little. The orange vessel started off into the sea of red, and the other men on the other islands cheered them on saying their goodbyes as they forever went in red.
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