Slide 3: The snake lepaord
The girl walked on down the dark blue path in front of her, she'd walked it a millon times, maybe thousands. She almost died when she was 12, she was 19 now. The night she almost died was when she met the snake lepored. At first she hated the lepored for it hurt her and scratted her so badly they almost both died in a way. A few months after he hurt her she followed him one evening and found out where he lived. She'd been visiting him ever sense. At first just to know more about why he attacked her, then to understand more of him, then to spend time with him. She hardly ever got to see him during the day time because the snake lepored was hiding from her father. Her father owned the large mastion, once a great castle, but the forest. The white one with purple and pink flowers all around it. The roads of lace and walls of marvil. By the end of the next moon after the one that was already in progress they would be wed. The girl wore a soft pink dress valvet like and clear. Her hair was long and a sort of endless bloudy brown of a more natural shade. Her face was old mature and thought filled, somewhere inside deep was great joy as well. The forest path she was going down was lined knotted and covered with roits of trees and blood vains of mushrooms. Every night she always took great care not to step on any of the little ones as she went along, pratically dancing across curtain more lively areas. The trees by the path leaned down and sort of pointed themselves away from the road and ingored any passerbyes. The girl always left very late at night so her father or mother or 13 sisters, or any of the workers that lived inside the mansion or slept in the shedhouse would see her leaving. Most of the bedded very early and woke up long before the real daylight came. Sadly She was never able to wake up early enough herself to get to see the Snake Lepord the one hour he was human. She'd only seen him like that twice ever in all the years of knowing him. First the same night they met and hurt each other, and second one time he woke her up during a imergancy, she forgot what it was now but she remembered it well. That was no matter to her for they would be married tommarow and when they where then the snake lepored would be switched and he would only be a snake one hour in a whole day and human all the rest. That didn't bother the young girl at all, only a hour wasn't a issue, besides, she'd learnt to assept him as a lepored as a friend, and the man as a future lover. When she met the end of the road she stood in front of his wooden cave made out of the middle of a bark wood tree. A very large and very thick tree for sure. The door was hid wide open for anyone to see, but no one ever came to see him or even really known of him but her. She pulled her hands out and called in a woman's voice. “I am here pienner!” There was a short pause before sliding across the ground a long mained and six eyed thing came out of their, bathed in a brown red and black nosed. No sign of humaity was in that body not even the eyes. But the girl saw it for she had seen out he really was. He couldn't talk very often sense it was very hard for him but he gave her knowing large looks that said enough for her. She did however always miss good conversation that was for sure, he seemed to miss it too and normally spent her a few good words before she left for the night and he was alone again. The only other two things in the world he could talk to besides her was a old warlock who licks the devil's feet and wants to play games with the snake lepord's curcomstance. And a well meaning black dog that could talk to human's in animals bodies, but see if you ever wanted a dog to talk let me assure you dog's no matter how well hearted don't make good conversation. Their eyes say enough. She smiled and reached out her hand and petted the snake and he lifted up to her eye level and they both smiled at each other warmly. They had only been smiling at each other like that for two years now, they would have gotten married sooner but she was afried of him till now because he had hurt her. “How are you doing tonight?” He looked at her a little worried and she patted him on the top of his furry head and top of his snake neck. “Don't worry, I set up the wedding in the very back of the yard, no one will ever see it, at least before we want anyone to see it.” That seemed to slightly ease the pain. The forest behind them leaned into them as they talked, and the smile on the girl's face gotten a little bigger and she pulled the beast too her. “Are you looking forward to it? Really?” He nodded a little and moved into her even closer as a old dog would come closer to its master. “I know your worried on what my father will think on you. I know your scard, but don't worry, after it's all over I'll work it all out.” What was there plan? There plan was too come together at night and get wed in the very back of the backyard beyond the masion. Then they would run off into the woods and stay together for a full week, then after they where both gone for a while they would come back and she would make up some kind of lie about where she met her new husband, and her family would slowly have to learn how to love her marriage she was now in. She thought they could learn to like him, he wasn't very personable but he was stern and she liked that in a man, in a person at all actually. Really she couldn't wait to see him come into his own. “Want to go in?” The snake lepord slivered off of her and went across the grassy floor and slowly moved over to the tree while the little white girl followed along with it hard shoes clapping onto the floor. As they stepped into the tree house the outdoor still world kept to itself but watched them gentally. The inside the wooden house was dry old and only few bogs lived in it since even the bugs could sense the human trabbed inside the lepord snake. There wasn't any furnature inside the home but it was still indeed felt. The girl sat down on a corner of the room she often went onto, she brushed off the top of her dress and almost said something to him until the lepaord snake slivered onto her dress and laid it's head onto her lap looking up at her eyes. She blushed a little and tried to push him off of her, though he body was far too heavy for her to bare. The long shivery tail of the beast started going up and down her legs while the mouth of it licked at her chest. “Stop it old dog.” She tried pushing him off of her again but it just kept going tail going higher and mouth now sucking. The whole body of the beast laying on her. “You've always been this way huh? For 20 you sure are oner.” She lifted out her arms and finally with one long heve pushed the monster off of her and it fell too the ground sadly, looking up at her with dissapointed eyes. He moved closer then to her side pratically sitting right next to her. “I'm...” A horse hard voice said moving his head onto her shoulder. “Looking... Forward...” “To it?” The girl finished for him, and the snake lepard smiled large like a dragon. The girl reached out her hand and took ahold of the side of his long bushy fur and leaned into him. “It's nice to see you treating me nicer then that first night you met me. Your doing it right this time.” She said as he smiled.
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