Slide: 4 Cat soup
The hairy hand turned and turned and stayed what stayed inside the bowl like a weir of a smile and the wink of the eye. The thing that whirled the bowl wasn't thinking at the time, the wonderment of a easy task had made the job dumb his mind for sure. His strings on his head twitched every once and a while the four eyes of the creature glace over at the table on the other side of the room, the living room and the kitchen where connected to each other so it was easy to look across. There was a man tied to the table and his chair, a middle aged man with a annoyed but worried look watching the creature as he worked. The All the windows where tapped up and sealed up so no help was coming in a while. The living room looked quite modern but the kitchen had a more older early 19th century feel with a hint of 1950s. When two hours ago the thing tied the man up he looked around the house and read all the documents he could get his four hands on. Then only 10 minutes ago the thing realized he man was hunger and started making him a soup as custom. He was a bounty hunter a gatherer, but not a murderer, and he cared for kind somewhere though he didn't know where in him that erg came from. He was raised to know who to cook unlike his other buggy brothers, his mother wanted him to be a learned rouge and a well thinking man inside that body, not a idiot working under a larger term, but a singular Independent man. So he known who to cook and that was what he was doing for the man he took under. The soup was a older kind of chicken soup mixed with some rabbit spices. The old respire was made with cat not chicken, in the old days his people owned many cats that would go out in night and find them foods and bring it back to them, they loved their pet cats, and when they eventually died they'd set up a great gathering and would gather themselves up too eat the dead cat. Given how many cats a family of the creature's kin would have, normally they'd eat a cat once every four months. But now more modern ideas and more cultural normality made them start barring their pets of all kinds, and more picky on food in gernal as well. So they replaced cat with chicken or sometimes rabbit. There wasn't any rabbit here anyway so he had to make do with what he had, it didn't seem like the man who's house he was in and who was tied up by the table had much a eye for food. So the creature's choices for what to make the man wasn't good. When it seemed it had boiled enough and he studded it enough to not have any good bits stick to the edges making them burnt and untastey, he turned the heat to almost off and sat a little ways away thinking while watching the soup with a buggy satisfied look. Eventually after a second he looked over to the annoyed looking man and said. "Don't worry, I'm soup is safe, I have no need to hurt you." The man didn't say anything, the creature had tired making his voice country normal for years but still it sounded like he spoken with three voices at the same time, but at least it didn't sound like eight now as most of his kin. "You can speak, please there is no ill will my good man." The man pursed his lips, tried to lick the long thin cut across his cheek and beard, then gruffly spoke out. "I don't want your rat food." "Rat?" The creature turned away and looked to the food blurry eyed. "I never ate rat before. They have a lot of illnesses. But they are lovely animals." "Nasty." The man bursted out half laugh half snot. "Can't you just take your bag and leave? I can make food myself." "I'm not so sure mister..." The creature looked over at the near by fridge to where there was a few papers with the man's name on it. "Mister Berenstain. Your meal plans here don't really insure much confidence in me. Besides, I hold no ill will, if you hadn't been so hard I wouldn't have to have hold you known like that. I just can't have you attacking a government worker like that. But don't fear, I know it was late and my looks may have scared... Someone in your position..." The creature looked over to the man with a sight sorry smile in not finding anything better to say. "I won't mention any of your physical hellos, at the office. And I forgive you for getting here in the first place." The man looked crimson in anger but said nothing of it. "I read your record, and I'm sorry about your family. I love my family dearly as I love life." What the creature was referring too was that this mister Berenstain had being having a lot of personal troubles the past two years, money had ran out after the national, no international pandemic, the one where the same government the creature worked for sealed the people away, stole their money and killed their old and ill. Now the money was so ill that Berenstain had to send his wife and three daughters to cross country to live with his mother and father since he as the man couldn't protect them anymore. Berenstain didn't want to engage with what the government gave him, so he wasn't allowed to work anymore and was fired from any jobs on forth, now he had no funds to pay for what the government gave him in property. And that, was what the creature was here to do. Take was the government was owned at least. "If I was you, mister Berenstain, I'd follow your family and go there. If you insist on engaging with your strange radical ideals, maybe you should live more traditional." The man rocked in his chair a little. "Just what does that mean?" "Hunting. Gathering, self farming. You take too much, maybe make some yourself." "That's not legal anymore..." The man said dark faced and sorrow toned, but the buggy man didn't seem to hear him and turned away from the table. "Do you even have a name? You never even introduced yourself before you cut my face and took my work." "Not one you can pronounce." Two out of four hands picked up the large long pot and with a tired hand pulled out two bowls and poured one halfway and the other full. Then he sat the pot back down and pulled two spooned out of a drawer, one plastic one silver a older model. Then he walked fast across the kitchen tile and fluffy dusty living room floor then he laid both bowls and spoons on the table, pulled a chair out that didn't even fit his wide thin body but somehow he managed to sit down and pull closer to the table. Then he reached one long clawed hand out and cut one of the white tape that bounded the left hand of the man. "Eat." The creature said as he lifted up the bowl to his mouth and started slurping, spoon unused. "Ah, I'm right handed." The man said but the creature did not seem to hear. "I love this traditional food, you'll adore it I make a great soup." The man reached out to grab the spoon and started eating. The man though hard to hold the spoon sense it was on the wrong hand finished first, and when the creature was done he patted down his large platted belly laughing out in five voices this time not his on adverted three. "Great meal! You can get more if you wish mister Berenstain." The man said not at all. The creature stood took his bag of goods, fitting his empty name tag on his chest, cut the tape around the man making him free, then with a wave walked out the door and didn't quite shut it. For a good minute the man just starred, then he cried.
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