Slide 5: Black island, white tales. Her eyes opened wide, for a second she thought everything was completely normal, then she finally noticed the ceiling was casting her shadow. "AAA!" She cried as she realized that her head was facing the ceiling, she whirled around and found she did not fall to earth, or rather her bed. Instead she started flouting to the window, and soon she was pressing against the glass. When she realized the force wasn't stopping her Carol opened the window and with a speed she was flung out into the fresh cold night with a scream. "Don't!" She yelled out to a unknown force. She was taken away from her tiny little straw home and throw the apple fields, as she went her three black mouth curs barked and yelled out for her but they couldn't run as fast as she flown, and it was too late. The apple trees with dots of green and red flashes across her like a car window at full speed but there was no stopping. The light droppings of trees soon turned into a full assault of large thick forests the very tallest among the trees scratching at her legs and herbage thin white gown. Her long black hair fizzled in the wind and flown around like a cape of wonders. Her eyes and mouth at first lay open and venerable but as the flight fright ride went on and on she was used to this incredible speed and laid back limp as a cruller on a pint and let the unknown force take her where it would, and when they this conflict would meet it's end then she'd fight back like a lioness. Soon the unknown force started flying her lower to the dark orange and green forest, Carol feared she'd hit a tree since she was always close to smacking against one but the force was careful and not even a edge of her gown scratted the pine. The night plates below her feet flown this way and that below her whirling and hooting as her form flyed past. Soon a large pack of black wolves, or coyotes or what have you, started chasing after her in joy. Their eyes where full white and ghosting. They followed right behind her easily not even really pounding on themselves to keep up with her at all. They followed as if they where pulled along with her, though they did not look worried or uneasy or unjoyed. They grinned their evil grins and their tiny sharp paws caused right behind the tail of her dress. Carol turned her head away from those beasts. Soon after in the corners of her sight she catch figured to her sides both left and right, maybe evil figures with stern bodies and cold frames. One out of the two had sorrow and soft eyes but a ugly old hag's completion. And the other was stern wicked and hiding, like a wolf in coyote clothing. When she actually made the effort to turn and really look at the wholes of those two phantoms they vanished, though they seemed to look just like her, only with much older faction tastes maybe and much more pale skin. Soon though the coyote wolves still followed she was once more lifted up into the air higher and higher over the trees and soon the whole mountain was like a visage of shock to her. Then she saw, the forest of orange and green was ending and she was at full speed reaching a tall steep mountain hill top by the edge of a vast black sea. She had lived here all her life and never known a sea nearby, the forest she was now over always lead into the village, the sea was half a country away! The force pulled her closer and closer to the mountain till she saw a little run down little orange cabin. The cabin door of the little house flown open with a quickness right before Carol was flung inside, and the second she was away from the doorway she fell to the ground landing right on both of her knees and the wooden door behind her shut dust flying all around her. For a second she believed herself to be in complete darkness, then the little flickers of light made themselves known to her. There was little lights on a desk nearby her on the other end of the tiny room. Green orange blue and pint flickers grinned at her with eyes of dim and teeth of thoughts. Then she made out other blacken and almost unreadable furniture and objects around in the room. Stairs to her right leading to somewhere, a little chair only big enough for a child to sit in with nails on the seat to her left. A scrappy dry carpet that her knees and hands toughed. Then finally she made out the last thing she needed to see. There was a figure in the back of the room. Their hands leaned back against the desk where the lights where as their form blocked some of the brightness making lines of color march along the shape of the person. Only details Carol could make out where a long thin dress and a hairless head. "Hello Carol Dinver." The person spoke out in a deep young woman's voice. "I came to make you a offer my good girl." "I don't want anything from you!" Carol said sternly sitting up from her kneed position she was in that whole time now standing up like a general making a speech. "You don't want anything? Anything at all my young girl?" "Where am I?" The voice thought for a moment. "In the island of the black. The tales of the white." It was only then that Carol realized though the voice spoke in a clear woman's voice and tone, their body was flat as a man's and the body bore bare feet large then any man or woman's she'd ever seen. "What does that mean? Are we in Mississippi anymore?" "No. Now please tell me my good girl, is there anything I can give you?" "I don't want anything! Take me home now! Your a demon or a sprit! I don't want your sickness keep it too yourself!" The figure removed it's hands off of the desk behind him or her, and stepped just a little closer. "Can't we do friends? Here." The thing reached out one of it's long arms, and then Carol saw one of it's fingernails where longer then all of the others, and a lot sharper as well like a raptor's claw. "No!" Carol moved away and tried to open the door behind her but it was completely jammed. It's claws reached and finally it slashed around her arm leaving a large march along her pale pretty body. Carol screamed out and just when the bald monster came in to take a bite out of her arm and drink of her blood Carol jumped upon the man and slammed her whole body into it, the whole of the two of them hit the ground both screaming out in angry. It punched Carol's head a good hard few times with angry eyes and yellow teeth. "Don't fight me!" It screamed. "I will have you one day! For you live in my domain your mine I will have you! No one else can you are mine mine mine! Your father gave you to me in return for your orchard! No one ca-" "To Hell!" Carol yelled clawing at the thing's face as hard as a coyote on a cat and she gave it one great kick on it's knees. The thing scammed and tried throwing the woman off of it. "Damn you!" They yelled at the same time. The imp turned redder with rage and suddenly screamed out a cry of both sexes then the door was suddenly flung back splintering into many pieces and Carol was flown out of the room and fell down the mountain. Everything was going one million miles an second she screamed but it died in the air around her. She fell and fell and just when she started to feel her skin ripping off and her hair being torn from her head, she landed in her bed, light hit her face and blood running down her head she yelled. "Spare me God!"
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