Slide 7: The sea sisters
Down by the very end of Delaware in the times when the sea touched the land dark, there was a lake that lead to that great endless sea. And in the south end of that unnamed lake lived the sea woman sisters. Pale white skined women with long brown and bloud hair, dark eyes, and most noticable of all, dark green tenticals with eight legs reaching out at the ends over five feet in langth. Those many legs where always reaching around them and touching everything. They thought a lot and did very little in all the many years their young yet old styled bodies have lived there. Hundrids of years ago there father a man shaped fish the size of a small island fell in love with a human girl, the last of her kind in the lands before the humans where wyped out there. And the two mated before the island sized man sank back down into the sea for winter. And all throughout fall winter and early sping he swam across all the seas, he swam across the whole world going under mountains and counties and underwater valcanos. Then when spring came he was just there long enough to see it. The momment he appred out of the sea the same woman he mated with was standing at the edge of a large cliff, and when her eyes met his she was hit with a sudden pain in her inlarged belly, and soon ten little merchilden all female sloshed out of her tummy, and the woman was covered in blood and sut. The island man knowing he had done a grave ill left the lake and swam back into the sea, and no one has ever seen him again to this day. The woman not knowing what to do with her ten not fully human girls went back into town, and the village- or what was left of it, assepted her and her elk. A few years later the woman married a more acceptibal fully human man, and they left the America or what would be known as America and along with what was left of the village went farther up North away from the cannibals and killers below. And for eighty years the woman, the man, the village, and the ten now grown sea girls lived there. And when their mother at least died the ten girls known there time there was nearing it's end. And saying goodbye to their friends in the village and not wanting to see anymore mortals around die of old age, they took the long and seemingly endless 11 year jounry back to where they where born in that lake leading to the sea in Delaware. For the first thirdy years the sea sisters where very unhappy, they didn't get along well they frought very often, they didn't see much in common with each other, they missed their dead mother and adopted father. But soon they started to learn to like each other more. Their names in order of their births where, Nova, Bbit, Murshe, Fora, Pan, Rura, Eyerish, Grital, Fona and Dellafeen. Their mother had named them all of course. They had made the lake they lived in all these many years their kingdom, every month when they needed to eat again the fish where sacrifice one of their own to all sisters so they would not go on a hunting spree. When a sister wanted to take a long swim through the deep the waters made sure it wouldn't push hard againt her as he rided. All of nature was careful with the womens forms and their ways. This evening was a day like most others. The sky held down over the seas, the mountians too the sides where teaming with deer and other small lifeforms. Every once and a while a coon would come round and drink from the waters edge or steal a clam or fish from the edge. Maybe even a fox would dig up something it barried. Two of the sisters where peaking their heads out of the water, all their other kin where underneath somewhere in the many homes they had made before. Those two sisters where Dellafeen the blound and green eyed, and Nova the long armed black eyed and brown haired. They sat on water chatting among themselves. Mostly talking of a uninportant sort of chatter women of bordmen do. When something catch the darker sister Nova's attenstion. “Look yander there!” She pointed to the side of the lake way off, the back behind a great vast mountain. By that lake and behind that mountain was a tiny figure much taller then any land animal they had seen before. “Keep behind me, I'll spot it out.” Nova said again ducking under the water and her lighter sister Dellafeen right by her side. They swam around the shape sharply unrtil they saw it more clearly, it was of course a man that was odviosly. But what wasn't was that he was wearing long pink clothing and had a sort of a droppy face and long thin limbs about him. They had never seen a human wear such funny clothes, never before had they known humans to wear colors beyond those of a more common natural tone. The light sister Dellafeen popped her head out of the water and called “Who be you wayward man!?” This so called wayward man clumsly turned his head over to the two women beasts and called. “Are you one of the sea women sisters? I've been lead here with a message for you and your kin.” “We are!” Nova popped her head out of the deep and kept a sturn eye on the man. “What word do you have with us?” “A jounrey!” He called out happily. “A epic! Come bring your sisters I shall tell you all at once!” Nova turned to Dellafeen and wispered. “Be fast sister, go bring the others and do not daddle. I shall be alone with this creature. Do not haist!” Dellafeen nodded and she ducked underwater and soon many thin tenticals bottomed below sunk in blue. Nova turned her now boredish and reddish black eyes to him. The man gave a sad smile and shrugged his colored shoulders. “What just is it your going to tell my sisters stranger?” “It's where you'll have to go. I have a message from my master.” “Who is your master?” The man gave her a little smile and pointed up. “Fine then. Why are you dressed so oddly?” “Ah, I'm not from here. I sort of... Travel across different lands. Diffrent places. I don't change things as I go though, I just set them as is. You dig pig?” That last comment made the sea woman turn her nose and sink back into the waters below. Leaving the man there alone. When all of the sisters returned fresh and stern looking, all Nova, Bbit, Murshe, Fora, Pan, Rura, Eyerish, Grital, Fona and Dellafeen, it made the man in pink a little shy and turn his head away from them, he was unfortanitlly given his human needs at this momment and seeing ten topless women was a little much for his virgin eyes. But regardless he went on. “Here is the message my master gave me to give to you. There is dangerous people coming in from the south, mens with dagors and women holding posion vapors, and their children have nashing teeth inside their mouths. My master says they will come and kill you and skin you alive fair women. And for you, are the last of your kind though you may not know it. You must go that way to live.” The pink man pointed away to the sea. “Go to the land of the Christian men, when you find men there unwed and virgin like, love them and bare their children, and your kin will live on through the years.” The man looked to them sorry like. And the sisters look among themselves. “This can't be true...” Grital said shyly looking out. “Let it be so.” Nova said sternly. And they all became stern.
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