Slide: The great Bass
The trees reached out and signed with open arms as a army of cool wet winds flown down the soft grass and green virtue. All around the great grand forest was a light blue and a dark grayish navy undertone. It was the night of the harvest, the time right before the storm when everything living all around that vast garden of life on Heaven stood up one last time before the storm. It was the last day of all. Winters where hard in that land, many old men and women died, many cattle fell, many young babes born then couldn't stand it. Winter was the only fault in that haven. So this was their time to celibate, their time for joy. Sort of a pre funeral for what was too come. And what was too come was nothing good, but their little community always handled it with grace and joy. At the edges of their town the whole community sat around by thin wooden tables set up last day, not being day it was night now, almost midnight. Everyone there was fat and happy with rosy cheeks and large grins. They where waiting for the great bass to come right at the turn of midnight, the winter, a new sign of hope. Inside the group stood a outsider, when he came two days ago unlike them not wearing thin white clothes, the outsider wore strange thick pink clothing bore by a tall body. They locked him away thinking he was a danger too them, but when two village women found they where bearing children, the cornfields gave them even more then normal, and the hunters found even more game then ever recently, they known his passing was a good omen and they let him stay. The stranger said something on balls leading him here? Regardless the village elder permitted him to stay as long as he wished so he spent one day working in a rice field and this night he gotten to eat and laugh along with everyone else, wearing thin whites as everyone else fully integrated for the accusation. Now that stranger sat in a empty chair staring out at the woods, when a middle aged man came out thin faced and pink lipped. "Where are you leaving after the harvest Rinpuche?" The old man asked sitting down besides him. "I'm feeling no sign to leave, and besides maybe I've been sent here to help your community out this winter." Rinpuche said looking out into the night with a little smile. "It'll be hard, if you think working in the rice field was difficult just wait till the snow piles start falling." "I'm sure it will be. But I've helped with many hard things, I believe I can really help out this place, I have a most wonderful feeling about it" the old man shrugged and looked to the forest along with the new comer. "There it is! It's coming!" Someone far off in the back yelled making everyone turn their own heads as quick as leopards and eyes as wide as vapors. Slowly a white fog was coming over the forest and a slowness in the air. Everyone around the tables, alone and in groups stood up to their feet smiles on their faces. Mothers took children's hands and men took women by the arms and young grabbed a hold of old's arms and shoulders as everyone started off walking to the woods leaving their village valuable. Their bare feet sunk into the moss and cut into it as butter does on bread. Smiling faces traveled along and older people talked to one another about the first times they saw the bass when they where fresh. The little ones held onto their mom's wide eyed and with pursed lips. Some where scarred, others happily calm. And some where quite excited. The bass passing could be seen many a different ways. As a romantic end to the year and one's life as a great image, and as a new beginning and a call to keep up the good fight. All saw it as a well thing. The newcomer stood in the back trying not to introduce on this sacrit event. Then it came, it came out of the woods white smoke followed it along, it's large mouth not smiling but kind, it's wash of eyes seemingly passing everyone by and telling them all something as it journeyed along, like it known them all. It didn't quite seem to be itself more so that it was a visage of something much more grand. It flouted a good many feet off the ground like a machine of missions and always knowing where it went onto. It wasn't doing a perfect flout, it's fins on the side of it's body moved up and down every so often flapping like a little bird moving everywhere sometimes. It's mouth was still but it looked like it could speak at any time. All of nature seemed to suddenly burst out singing in a hymn like tone as it journeyed along becoming louder as it was closer to the people. The people all huddling in close to themselves while watching the grand fish said nothing and kept perfectly still while holding their hands together, some teery eyed as well thanking themselves and it for making it this far in life. It seemed to tell them all that things where okay and they did alright. They did alright. The white fog huddled closer to the grand bass, it was the closet now to the community then it ever was before this night and it seemed to make a smile at them all now, collective. no one known where the bass come from or where it ever went, all they known is they where glad when it came round every year. Somehow they all known they couldn't survive without it's life. Rinpuche stood tall eyes wide, tears falling down his eyes and lips quivering. Rinpuche thanked his master then for the life he had been given and he thanked the grand bass for coming around and letting him, Rinpuche see it's true beauty shine through him. Like the people of the town he was been given life when he should have been given death. He was a unwanted person, and no matter how many friendly faces he had seen along his travels that did not ease his pain for being unwanted by the only person who should have loved him unconditionally. The great bass when it's eyes hit him he held back and sob and prayed, he wished he'd seen this long before now, he wished he was led here before now. But he had now seen it and that truly was all he needed. The great bass turned it's head slowly, the fog reaching out behind it and tapping the bass's body. The people cried out happily as it turned in thanks and the forest itself reached out with arms beckoning waiting for it's true love the bass. But the bass's true love was the humans above all. And with that it left now bland faced while the people screamed out in joy as the fog of white turned thicker and the bass was gone into the trees. The night kissing it's groome once more... When it had vanishe the people grown still and signed holding their hands and looking to each other with great smiles and some even tears in their eyes. Men held their women, women held their children. Everytime the great bass came they all had the over welming feeling everything was going to be okay, and they where truly feeling okay now. The man among them the outsider, he stood tall wet would have fallen down his face now if he was more aware of his body at that momment. He had been oh so beaten by the world of man and as he 'grew' into his human form he was held oh no gentally by the hand of his master. He was both heart wearly and hurt so yet so sheltered and soft. But he had never seen true beauty as this true love in it's purest form. Virgin and smileing. He turned to the old man that had followed with him, and they grinned.
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