Slide 11: The fake wings of the little black bird
Long strands of grass flouted in the wind like ripped sheets of paper going all about this way and that. In the far off distance a large pile of light green trees blown in the wind like ceptars of life. The sky was a light blue with yellow rims on all sides. If you walked off a few good miles you'd fine a fine little town with pretty white faced people and tiny orange homes. But that was not here. Ontop of one of these long blades of grass was a little tiny black bird. The bird had large endless eyes and a blank face utop the beak. It's gender would have been unknown to us just by looking at it, but I can tell you if you'd like to know that the little bird's gender was make and his name given to him by his mother named after his father was Refe. But as I said you couldn't tell, for birds don't speak our language and we don't speak theirs. The little bird kept hopping on the strand of grass he was tapping on and he kept his eyes open wide. You may wonder what this little bud was doing, well you see he was just a little bitty and could not fly as fast as the raptors that lived far off above in the Heaven like Hells of the sky. And this little bitty wanted what they had. Disirded it beyond all other things. The little bird was somewhat wise for his little two years of living and had over the winter and the fall while half sleeping half searching for food he crafted himself some little lovely tools that could give himself something that he always wanted. To fly just as fast as the danger birds above him. Besides his normal bitty black wings tipped with yellow where two longer thinner light brown wings attached to his back besides his real wings. They where here to help him really fly after all these seasons. It jumped into the air off from where it was, and he fell to Earth slamming his little body into the ground hard. His tiny slits of eyes growing dark for only a momment before he jumped up again off the dirt and started running up to the bush by a tree. He flown to the top of the bush and looked out for a momment, he was higher up, but he needed to be able to swaor like the masters of old. So again he jumped off of the bush, his little heart raced, he was actually swarroing for a second in the air! Flying over the grass wind blowing him all around and then- he plumited down again and slammed into the dirt. A large chunk of dirt landing into his mouth chasing the little bird to have to spit it out. The little bird growled in anger, if there wasn't a thick layer of feathers under his black face you would have seen his cheeks turn red and his eyes blaze with pink. The little bird jumped up once and started running off to the tree besides the bushing going even farther. He flown up the tree and when he was inside it's leaves he hopped from brantch to brantch higher and higher until his little black head poked out of the top of the tree and he was gazing out into the pretty blue sky, little clouds running all over the canvas of the Heavans. The little bird did not take time to think that over though for he wanted to actually feel the air between his wings and not the mer sight of the thing. He hoped to the very end of a tiny stwige and stared for only a few moments until he spread out his real and his fake wings and he finally took flight. AT first he thought he was falling but then when the ground didn't hit he realized he was actually flying! No he was souring across the air like a fish in the water as easy as butter on a pan. He felt like the egles in the sky or the owls in the night searching for the injered and the meek. He saw light green and a pretty blue going across the natures and the skies. He smiled so wide even you could have seen it apon his little beak, he was bright and like a shinning star, he revolion won. Soon he found that he had his cure and way to start off his flights he moved up and down easilly without issue. He turned up going and higher up into the air leaving behind the green of light in the dust. He raced above several clouds and almost made his whole body covered in pre rain water. He tweeted out a few good laughs and even with him being so high up you could have heard it if you where standing on the ground with him far far far above over your head. The little black bird tweurled in the air He laughed and grinned again as he reached up over the light blueness of the sky and for a good momment took a second to be still and look around him. He saw that everything was a light blue so light infact that he could no longer see any green below. He wondered if there where any large birds near by, but there where none. He took just one more second to appericate everything before taking a nose drive downward and started falling to the earth like a fire ball of holy light raining down onto all of us with rightouse judgement. The bird's whole body fake wings and all looked akin to a tiny rocky with red around it. The green came into veiw and the trees and the other little birds and bees and soon the grass. And right before he smashed into the dirt the little bird made a swift right turn and upward his body went sworeing off like a bottle rocket only two feet above the ground. Now that really made the bird laugh out a few good tweets. He flapped his real wings a few times but that was no need sense the fake ones took him as far as he ever needed. He laughed and laughed and laughed and then- CRASH. He slammed into something. For a second the bird thought he was dead but then he realized he was not so, only a few cuts on his feathers reaching some of his soft flesh and a few tares on his cloth wings. Then he realized, he was trapped, held down complettly by thick white webs going all around his body. He was trapped inside a web right beside a large thick black oke tree. He looked around for the spider that could have lead to this, but there was no insect around, the she spider must not have been around. This was clearly the work of a wolf spider, a thick old female one too. Animals even birds just known these things. He struggled and cried and pushed but he could not seem to move out of the binds. The bird cried. Then something loud came by, the little bird struggled so hard he had not even noticed. The loud stomps sesed and finally something large a pink bent down to where the bird was trapped. Then two large hands reached down to pluck the little black bird out of the webs. When the gaint plucked the bird out the bird looked out and saw a kind Godly face. The face smiled and spoke some soft sounding words in it's langues that the bird did not speak, then the hands of the gaint picked the webs off the bird white strings across the dark form. The gaint formed and fixed the fake wings as well clearly knowing the fake wings where there on purpose. When the gaint was finished the little black bird hoped up onto the hand and flown up onto the gaint's shoulders, it tweeted a few thank yous, it known the gaint was not only kind but would make fine company as well. The day went on and the gaint and the bird stayed together for a while until the sky started to slowly turn dark, and the little bird kissed the gaint's hands and finally with one last tweet left the man and flown to a nearby safe tree to stay the night, while the gaint moved on. And the bird slept happy and well that same night.
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