Slide 12: The worlds smile on the last solder.
Everything, everything was white and dusty pale brown the tone of bread flesh. Nothing lived in the Harrison or in view or on the land of Earth. No trees far off or birds in the skies or clouds or hard objects on the ground. There used to be but not anymore. While the sights may have been bare on the ground there slugged through a land of swamp and dirt and thick wet. Everything was nothing at all and from now on it seemed like it'd always be so. Some of the patches of ground where more hard then others almost enough you wouldn't think through, others where almost fully water like. It hadn't rained in so very very long that it was believed it got it's wetness from the very Earth itself, water pulled itself to that land instead of it falling from the Heavens. In some long patches of ground you could see lines going across the dirt almost like gravel roads you'd see on the paths to hallars and country villages before the bare times. Now everything seemed black and white, bare as suet cold as a dead man's finger. Some thought the rain would be coming someday again while others believed no such thing, though that mattered little when the non believers didn't stay around that long anyway. Still the world stayed white all over on every country and once drawn border. There where no seas, no forests no dry lands no animals no flora, and no real humans either. As I said before, it was all white and that's what you should think when you think of this world your picking inside of, though not suck in like the poor man of this world. Still zooming out we've seen out bad the state had gotten let's do the opposite and zoom inward. Along one of these many dirt covered paths with water inning all across the way was a man walking slowly across the way. He was hunched over and if you where very close to him you could hear him breathing hard and heavy like a man after being erect. Here is his profile. He looked short under the water but if you saw him standing on flat ground you would have known he was around six feet tall. His face and head were hidden by a gas mask he no longer needed but kept to his face for mental well being. And there was a pale dark green helmet atop his head faded out by years in the dull sun. Under that mast was something old and very young at the same time, and very gross and wet and mossy. His body was much more handsome and more ideal but was ruined by his many scars, though those scars where both covered up by his large patches of body hair and more importantly his solder uniform American army style, both ripped and torn. And at this moment muddy with all the sledging through the mess the man under the sheets was doing. On his blacken white back was a dark rifle stabbed to his body at all times, he wasn't sure it even worked anymore, but that rifle was the only reason he was still here to begin with so he held it close not only to his body but also his heart. And there the man was sledging through like a cancer marching through the form of a already dead man having no where to go, host gone life over, game over. He grumbled things through his mask voices tones pains mumbles, he told himself stories and always vocalizes his thoughts out loud whenever he had a somewhat profound thing to expire. He wasn't crazy, no not there yet. But he was no fool, he known what happened to people in isolation he known his brain would fail him soon. He denied it for a long time trying to tell himself he was not leony, he did not miss his friends, he did not miss his enemies. But he known he'd lose something in him he could not replace at some point, whenever it would be later or sooner, sooner or later. Something about not being able to fix his problems made them oh so much worse. If he had really understood the pain of being alone like this he would have spared one of his enemies. He slugged along holding his rifle close to his back mumbling out small pains. Maybe during the last battle, he thought. "Yes!" Jordan called out into space, the solder man, warrior boy. "Maybe I should have spared one of those bastards in the tents, the ones that left in their sleep. I could have taken them with me!... No no no, that wouldn't have worked. There is no possible way I could have kept a hostile person with me... Oh but maybe he could have been my friend... All those he's. The men..." Then he mumbled again to himself. He thought vage undefined thoughts about how much he missed women. Still a virgin that wasn't a easy one. There may have been a woman somewhere. Maybe. Probably not. Women where too soft too supple too tender. This brave new world hated women they hated the tender and the sweet and the kind. All those people where gone. The man used to be tender a lot longer then most men his age in the before periods. But he had a strong self preservation instant so he lost that tenderness and softness when he found it was not only killing all the women around him like flies, but himself too. That's why the wars happened. No better way to keep someone safe and hard when fighting in these gorey wars. If you died in them, well you where going anyway. Just no deal, no deal. That's what kept some of them alive for a while, the sum. But now that he stood there alone the dust of humanity flying past him he saw no point in it. Earlier in his life he saw nothing but red. Nothing but hate and gore and horror and pain and death. No buds of youth graced him no breast of a mother and no future for a father to give onto him. But now, now that he could taste the past and could fully look back onto the whole novel that was the his hands. It maybe, just maybe, didn't seem so bad. There was something a little beautiful about the whole thing. Not tragic beautiful but a real kind of beauty he never saw before and couldn't have before. For all he known he could be one of the last ten men on Earth, maybe even the last. After his star fallen, no life was left, and somehow it fell at last on the final chapter, he held that cheaper in his hands and he would be the final closeting notes humanity left onto the world. The book end that put God to rest. Thinking on that put tears into his eyes and made his steps a little faster. Lifting the mast over his face and holding his helmet in his hands he kept marching on forever, maybe there was something past these swamps and this moist world, food had found itself onto him so maybe he could find more interesting lands, leave things behind for the pure and meaningful memory of them. He known no humans would come back after him, he known man was gone and the beauty was fading, but maybe all of mankind where above in the skies watching done on him with kind smiles. Maybe the wicked and devilish where changed into their kind and pure versions of themselves- was man truly evil? Jordan didn't know. Maybe saint sinner, those who died in old age and those who where aborted could stand together now all fully pure, and they carefully stood atop in the clouds telling stories of their own lives or lack there of, with fondness and smiles. The whole world into one large family where somehow everyone known everyone, watched over someone carling and cruel turned into genital, lion into cat. The solder marched onward to lands unknown
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