Slide 13: Tom Bearson and Kelly Phone
He pushed his hat down farther onto his head and leaned farther back Something a deep pinkish red catch his eyes making him smile. They where hot red mini boots attached to a beautiful blond busty woman. She stood upright far away from him starring out into the crowd blankly and bored. She seemed somewhat nerves, she was fiddling with her hands and looking out at the crowd with a bland white face. She was one of the showgirls there to entertain the masses with dancing and cheers. She wore a cowboy hat, small boots, tie bra and underwear fully bathed in red with no other colors to adorn it. The woman didn't seem to quite know just where she was in the first place, she just stood there looking back and forth like a mouse afraid of the eagle. The man leaning back on the fence smiled a little and pushed his hat above his eyes a flop of messy brown hair falling to his face and he stuffed his two rough hands into his pockets and started off walking to the woman a happy little smile on his face as he left. The crowds moved past him many happy fat families and little kids running around. It was a very hot sunny Texas day so he wasn't quite fitting in with these sweating red people, but he was always cool at all times. He was Tom Bearson son of Jordan Bearson. He was the man the figure the ride around town that everyone could trust on. He didn't really talk to women all that much, he told himself he was always too busy to get a woman and sure he was, but more over he didn't really understood what they wanted. He only ever had a girlfriend for a month at the most, and that was always twice. He told himself before he left for the fun today that he would at least make nice conversation with a woman that day, and Hell, why not this woman? Tom wasn't pretty but he made good money for a 22 year old and most people in town known him well and liked him plenty. He stood behind her and mumbled out. "Hey." It came out a little awkward so she did not hear him, he called out hey again and she turned over to him with a awkward look and frown. "Do you need something?" She looked very untrusting and cat eyed, she went from virgin scared little girl to tired old she-cat within a second. With this slight threat with pushed Tom into a version of himself that was more natural to himself, he liked playing defense, it was his best offense. "You look like your looking for something?" Tom offered and she took a step back. "No, I'm not." Only this up close Tom could see that she was sweating below her neck where the shade of her hat didn't hit like where it was darkening her own pink face. "Do you want a drink?" He offered and she became more blank faced less hostile. "Yeah, I need some water- but I'll be getting some. In a few minutes they'll be handing those out to the girls." "Ah few minutes? No that's a good thirty at least now till the show is even close to starting." Tom pulled out his cell phone from the back of his pocket, clicked around a second to see if he could get reception out here while the woman watched him, then he turned the cell to her so she could see. It was over thirty minutes till at least then, she frowned and and turned more wilted but kept her voice unwavered. "I see, well I can deal. Thanks for the concern though." Tom put the phone away matching her blank face all of the sudden. "Eh, how about you stay around here, eh?" She stared at him confused and he turned away from her sinking back into the crowd. He walked through the may people once more, they started to scatter a little more so going too all the booths near by to stay inside the shade and take drinks or give their kids small candies to suck on while they waited for the barbecue and burgers. Tom Bearson went to one of these such booths and picked out drink that seemed fitting, it was a pink lemonade of course, he could have just gotten her water but that didn't seem to fitting. He payed then sunk back into the crowd holding the land red throw away cup with him and moving fast so the ice wouldn't melt away with it. As he reached pack into the same scattered crowd where he used to be he did not see the woman anymore, the strands of red scattered across her pink body gone, so more lady no more flesh. He scratched his head and looked down. Just then he almost dropped the drink, a little white bitty looking lizard scattered across the ground climbing and running then jumping off his left brown boot then scattering off far away from himself and the crowd. Then when Tom looked back up he saw her again! She was in the distance far off by the booths on the other side, she was engaged in conversation with three other girls in the same outfits only colored in blue and green. Tom smiled wide and started off to her walking through the side of the Texas desert he was in and moving over to lands to where she and the other ladies where. The air during this day was so joyful so gay it was hard to believe that once with was hard cruel plans filled with murderess Indians and groups of families that feared nature and famon. Before Tom got to the girls the woman in red eyed him looking very suspired. "Oh." She squeaked out as Tom got to her and stood tall like he achieved something amazing. The two other girls looked at him like he was a pest or something very odd, actually they gazed at him like he had a second pair of eyes where his nipples should be. "I gotcha a drink." Tom said proudly. "I thought you left! I didn't think you where getting something for me!" She looked up at him and smiled red faced. "Thank you, ha ha!" She reached out red nailed tips touching the wet circle of the cup and when her eyes peaked inside the cup she stopped herself and withdrew her hand as if she was looking at poison. "Oh, oh! I'm so sorry but is that lemonade?" Tom frowned too and one of the girls behind the woman in red made a strange throat noise at that. "Yes?" "Oh..." The woman cupped her hands together and stepped back her eyes sliding away from his. "I am SO, sorry. But ah- I'm very allergic to lemonade..." She said red faced and quickly Tom stammered. "Oh! No that's fine! I should have asked what you wanted." Quickly he himself turned from embarrassed to once again on the defined offense. "Hey." He looked to the two other women clad in green and blue. "Either of you want this?" The two other women looked at each other in silent cooperation, out of the corner of his eye he could see the woman in red looking sad but he did not waver. "I'll take it." And Tom gave it to the short woman in blue and turned to the woman in red. "Let me buy you something you can have, we're waiting anyway ah?" She perked up and Tom walked past her staring at her before she got the hint and started following him saying bye to the other girls, and them looking freaked out. She catch up to him and said. "Thank you! Again so sorry for your trouble." "Nah, I'm a people pleaser it's what I live for." "Really?" "Yeah." "That's a nice thing to be." She smiled and he grinned. "I'm Tom, you?" "Oh, he he, hello Tom. I'm Kelly Phone." He reached out her hand so he could shake it but he missed it. "Well hello Kelly. I'm looking forward to your show later!" "I'm not." She smiled as they reached a cool booth.
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