Slide 15: Sensual tall and curvy
The sky was reaching it's point in time, the end. The very first signs of the day ending and the night being had started. The sky here was much like the blue sky we have down here, except for the only two colors it ever was is a deep blue and a bright orange for daytime, and just reddish black for nighttime. There was no other colors like we have here no pinks or whites or bright reds. The clouds that came where so high up you'd need a space craft to spot them. So now when the blue was kissing it's night it was a sight to be seen. So bright and stunning was it you'd pay good money just to see once what the men and women of this tropical planet see everyday. That's what Sargent thought anyway. He had come to this planet as a solder many times for three years now. His general had been negotiating a sort of protection act so they could mine on their moon which they shared with a nearby hostile planet to the humans of Earth. Sargent wasn't always very with the way the politics where going as far as the negotiation was concerned. But there was something about coming back and forth that he did indeed enjoy. He got to see his lover Della. She was a basic needs server for the military on her planet, Women weren't allowed to be in active duty in her country but her family had no men to send out as every family had to, so when the military was given people like these they made them into basically maids for the kings and the duke's across the country, sometimes even ex generals. The only two other jobs women where allowed to have where nurses and cleaners, and more and more men where taking the jobs as nurses and the mentally lesser or retarded as you may put it, men where becoming the cleaners. So almost every maid for one of the many kings and princes, dukes and as war heroes was female. Della and Sargent where technically not allowed to be together. Most counties states, planets what have you, have come to know that different spices out there know intelligent life can in fact have children together. But most often those children grow up with strange health problems and unknown needs. Now in some places in the 'interplant highway' different species have interbreed so much they have more or less ridden themselves of these issues and health wise seem no different from you or me. But the pain and early graves it takes to get there isn't worth the price of omission. But however Sargent was too respected and too dug into his place in his respective military for anyone to try and do anything let alone win. And Della hadn't a figure to be noticed or to be made a scandal of. When his four year term was up Sargent had the intension of having a false wedding 'meaning it was not legal by any country, but it was a personal long lasting word' and they would move to his home planet of Earth and live there for a year until Sargent would sign himself up again for the force core, and by then hopefully Della would be allowed to live in Poland. Della wanted to move to Earth with him and anyway from her home, for she feared incoming war and saw Earth as being more safe. And besides, normally it was the man that forced a woman away from her mom rather then a woman doing it too him. Now he stared at her, she smiled and untied her hair. They where both back from their jobs, it was a rest day so their jobs ended in half the amount of time it normally did. Sargent was not the same since five months ago for he had seen combat that time round and it had not been pleasant. Which only worsened Della's fears. Della wore a light red rod and Sargent wore nothing at all except a back brace all the way round. She was knitting cotton babies shoes as she sat across from him on the circle bed. That was a job she did for free in her spare time. Her and Sargent had never had sex yet because her kin would not as sexually needy as his kin where. Pride and Lust where Sargent's kin's most comment sin, for Della her kin's was Envy and Glutens, though most sins where very alike to another when you get right down to it. But contently for Sargent sake she would do something for him to make him restful, for she loved him. Now Sargent gazed at her with two blank eyes and a quite smile. "Someday, I want a mud house... With a stone door with our names on it." She mumbled quietly in a thick accent and perfect verbs. They both spoke her langue when they talked so they where not speaking English or Polish, this is just a mear transcript. "I don't want to live in a mud house, that sounds unstable." He said stilly and calm. "Aww. Maybe a dirt house barrier in the ground?" "You mean like a hole you have to climb down into?" "Yeah!" "Oh, that would be just fine. For a good many years, but what if we have children and they need to climb down? And what if we I don't get shot someday and we grow old together. No good." Della did a fake pout. "I have a better idea," Sargent said leaning and snuggling into the bed staying flat on his back for the brace would hurt him on his sides. "How about we build- or dig in, a grass hill, a really small hill. So we can walk in our home at any age but it'll also be cool in the hot seasons and small and tidy. They'll be bugs though unless we flush them out often." "Oh! I like that! But ah what are bugs like? How are they bad?" "Bugs? Think of your filgos when their in heat now imaging them smaller and around all the time outside, except for in winter. Those are bugs. They suck and bite and they crawl all over ya. Real annoying but there part of life on Earth you know?" She nodded and he went on. "Yeah, I know you'll probably be real annoyed when we finally travel to Earth, it has a lot of uncomfortable things about it. I know I wouldn't have wanted to spend any good amount of time up here three years ago. But the thing about going to new planets is completely adjusting and repairing how you think when your on a on any given planet." Della nodded. She had been on space crafts but never actually landed on a physical planet, maybe a anchored in sation but never a planet. And the world between a sation and a planet is not to be engorged. She smiled and stood up from the circle laying the baby shoes where she sat. She paced over to the large widow on the other side of the blue room and she opened it letting in some natural air and a cool breeze. If it wasn't his hardened skin from all these years the breeze would have chilled him quite badly, but since he wasn't so pink and new he jumped up still only wearing the back braced, and he walked up behind Della as she looked out at the garden below the castle, outside in the evening's end there was a little family with four small children and two older ones. Della was prow to not talking for large spans of time. Sargent leaned in behind her and cupped his hand over her shoulder, smiling. "What are you thinking?" "The endless confusion and fearing everyone is always hiding. I hate how dishonest we have to be to survive." "Eh, I think that makes people more interesting." She shrugged. "I just admire honestly. All the powerful I ever see are secretly scared to death." "Scary times babe." He mumbled and grinned. "All times are scary times..." "Well said!" He laughed and pulled her face to his.
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