Slide 17: The child's bathroom
He laid back and started up into the ceiling and smiling pink rosy face he held atop his frame. He was a think pale pink and black haired little boy with warm brown eyes. For now he was pretty but someday he would grow up to be rouph as sand paper and as wise and fast as a razor. But in the current comment he was fun and cute more then anything. As the current moment he was laying back inside of a little yellow bathtub a casein of soap bubbling on one side of the tub by the boy's feet. There was a few dinosaur toys flouting around the kid and maybe some of his stray black hairs at the bottom too. The room he was in was lager and all the colors of the rainbow both dark and bright, red and orange. The larger portions of the room where pink and yellow and the walls were covered in sea underwater imagery. The window on the other side of the wall to the boy was a circle shaped window but only darkness was outside, the boy had never seen anything but the darkness outside so he assumed there was nothing out there to see and stopped looking years ago. He snuggled inside the tub back inside a few more moments, just calming his thoughts and self regulating the mindset his forced onto himself. Like all well in thought kids- boys most of all, he played all the time when he could, which was all the time actually, but unlike most kids there where no adults along with the boy, in fact there was no one with him. He had never seen a another living soul either human nor animal in his entire life. He did not know who raised him as a babe before he could ere himself, though he did not exactly know that was a thing babe's needed fully. He was always alone. Food was always there for him, drinks where always provided, the 'john' was always flushed, his bed was always made. And most odd of all he never lost his mind. If you met him today right now this evening if you looked away from being told from this small peace of his life and you saw him right before you now, you wouldn't think anything of him anyway either way. The boy lifted himself out of he tub and took a towel and wiped himself off while draining the bath very quickly. He walked to the other side of the small colorful room and picked up with long dark clothes, slid them onto his body and with a light grin as all his grins where, he tried the lock and- oh, it didn't work. He pulled again, nothing. His arm moved back and forth and finally he cried out. "Open! Why door why?" This was not normal, everything of this nature, doors machines what have you, they never failed him, they never abandoned him. His face cringed up and the dark haired boy stopped, breathed, then tried the knob more calmly and genitally. Still nothing no luck at all. He banded against it now, his little fists hitting the wooden frame hard as he panted a little. "I washed! I need to go read! Please open door I need to go! There's not even a john in this bathroom!" He winded. Finally after a few more pounds he resigned himself to trying again in a few, and slide down the frame of the doorway and signed, his head heavy and his body leaning back against the hard wooded teeth of the door. A grown man could have easily broken through that door with a few good kicks, but no 9 year old boy, there wasn't a one on Earth that could do that. Not a one. The boy didn't know what a man was, he sure would someday but not yet. He pouted there wet eyed and looked down at his legs sadly. Then something light and prickly catch his pink ears and he lifted his head up slowly. At first he thought it was something inside the room with him, but no it wasn't it must have been something far away. He almost tilted his head back down again but the noise pricked at him once more! It was a prick of a sound like the pattering of little samon mouse feet across a wooden kitchen table. The boy pressed his right ear against the door and the noise became slightly louder though it was clearly not anywhere near the door. The boy's eyes where wide, not out of fear but out of coldness, a feeling he had not felt before, not even I am sure just what it was he was feeling but it wasn't anything good as far as the boy was concerned. His breath was so still and his body was lifeless you could have heard a pen drop or a nat buzzing past you. He was frozen like a gargoyle on the burnt Notre Dome. Then the pricking sounds where getting loading maybe closer, the samon mouse paws tipping along now transformed into cat paws dancing along a ball room floor with no other old couples gazing round. It changed it's tune too, more alive and natural less machine like. Now it actually sounded like walking, not just walking but steps! Slow steps too. One step two step three step four step, and so on. It was slow like the walking of a large fat man or two hardened toads hoping in uneven rhythm. Now the sound of cat paws turned into roofs, there was something sounding like a horse coming closer and closer to the door. It still sounded far away, but moving like a ravish mindset had eaten into it. The boy now gained a dry mouth and a blank stare. He moved his head away from the door slowly but when he moved away he found he could still hear the footsteps coming closer, it wasn't just when he pressed his right ear against the wall. The boy shaky stood up leaning against one side of the wall. Then slowly he started backing up to the other side of the room. The hoofs got only grew now sounded like they where in the blue hallway leading up to the door. Foundry a new noise came along with the hoofs. It sounded akin to something being dragged by the side of the hoofs, something heavy and rouph. It dragged like sandpaper more then anything. The boy's face cringed hard and he pressed his back up against the wall and his eyes turned wet. The noises when they reached the peak of their sounding halted. And. There. Was. Silence. The boy held his breath tight. And... Suddenly the door burst open and for a brief moment there was something in the doorway large and too wide to fit into the room, and then the yellow light overhead bust as if it could not handle the short sight of that thing that caught the boy's voice in his throat, and the colorful rainbow room turned black and evil. Everything was fully black. And in that black the boy felt nothing, his mind almost went fully numb. All was dark, dark, dark, dark, dark, dark, dark, dark, dark, and he almost fully blanked out when he felt his knees touching something. And suddenly there was light! The pale boy with the black hair found himself seated with his legs and knees on the carpet and his hands laid polity on those legs, head looking up. He was no longer in the bathroom but he was in the dark blue and breathy living room from the bathroom down the stairs there the hallway was. There was only light above his form and a good few feet away from him, here and there a living room object was illumined but nothing much else. The boy known there was more there but he could not see it... He whimpered and wanted to hug himself but didn't want to move from his pose. Then, without noise, he felt it come into the room. He felt it step in from what side of the room he did not know. And he was alone no longer.
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