This world is empty because most people are attached to the things of this world.
Most people are not interested in spiritual realities. Many of them are totally focused on temporal things.
The more you look for superficial material things for happiness , the more you will go empty.
It is like the law of diminishing returns
That you will end up getting nothing.
People are attached to the material pleasures in this world .
This world is dominated by pleasure and pain. Most people are stuck in the material world and so they are not even aware of the spiritual world.
The spiritual world is a world of ideas , concepts , philosophy , knowledge and understanding. It is a quest of self actualization.
People are stuck in the material world because pleasure is the strongest force. We are naturally attracted to pleasure.
It is like the hedonic treadmill. We are never gonna be permanently satisfied by pleasure. So we keep running like a hamster on a wheel and we never go anywhere.
The answer is detachment. Detachment brings freedom. Detachment is not depression. They are not the same thing.
Depression is a state of sadness and misery. Detachment is the state of non-dependency on the things in this world and of non-reactiveness to people's actions. The mind and body are calm, stable and clear.
Detachment allows you to remain calm and stable when things go wrong. Detachment helps you to not take things personally. You do not become dependent on others' opinions.
Detachment does not mean living a life of boredom or living a life of loneliness without love. Detachment means that you can enjoy love and pleasure that life gives without being dependent on it. You can enjoy it without being enslaved by it. That in fact is what allows you to truly love life. Detachment is the secret to real happiness.
Detachment means the ability to let things go and to let people go. Detachment means to not let your happiness depend on anything or anyone. Nothing lasts forever. Everything is temporary. Detachment helps us to handle losses and rejections as well as successes and achievements in the same way.
We remain stable and non-reactive. We go with the flow . We learn the art of non-attachment. What belongs to us will not pass us by. The universe is on our side and always gives us what we truly deserve.
Detachment and having no desires is the solution.
Attachment and desires lead to misery and suffering. There is no peace in attachment. No peace in depending on things. No peace in expecting things. No peace in demanding things and people to meet our expectations.
Yes, my detachment is Jesus! No longer guilty of sin and shame. I can refuse depression for God gives us joy--not because of our material circumstances, but above them.
That was a nice reminder of what we, as a society, are dependent on.
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