After my meeting with Donellan, as he had said Emille came over to let me know that I would be resuming my classes but that I would be assigned another teacher. When I asked Emille what kind of person my teacher was, he looked at me and told me simply that he was the eccentric kind. He didn’t say anything else after that and left.
“What the hell”, I thought to myself.
Eccentric could mean a lot of things. In some cases being eccentric isn’t a bad thing but during these times being categories as an eccentric wasn’t a good thing. It meant that they were out of the norm or different. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. I didn’t care much for my teacher’s personality as long as he wasn’t the difficult kind. Difficult teachers are the worst to handle because they make learning almost impossible and find fault in everything. I was really excited to start learning again so I hope this guy (Emille told me he was a man) won’t ruin things for me. According to Emille, Nicolas Leox is a renown teacher in the Kingdom.
He graduated the top of his class from a prestigious school and has become a professor at the young age of 20. He is currently teaching at Scientia Academy For The Elites (Yeah when Emille told me I couldn’t believe it. What kind of name is that?!) but decided that he wanted to do more so he started teaching students privately as well. Usually he only taught children from royal families and although we aren’t apart of a royal family (technically) the Grey family are apart of the few noble families and have always been highly respected. He became interested in teaching the son of Donellan Grey when he found out that the position was currently available. Donellan was actually one of the few people he respected considering how Donellan was also top of his class in his school days and graduated at an early age as well. Not only was he a genius in school but he was a genius at martial arts as well.
Nicolas thought it was a shame that he didn’t not pursue the scholarly route since he had the means to do so but focused on swordsmanship instead. There was nothing he could do since the Grey family were known for their excellence in swords. Nicolas decided that perhaps he could get the little Grey to change his path, considering how Simuel didn’t have the body for it. But he had heard that Simuel although bright, wasn’t quite interested in his studies and sometimes neglected them. However he had no worries since he knew how to whip up bratty and entitled kids like him into good shape.
Simuel was quite worried but decided he’d give this teacher the benefit of doubt and trust him. Since he was one of the smartest people in the Kingdom of Novellus he knew that there would be no better fit than him.
“Well at least I have something to look forward to.” I mumbled to myself.
The following morning, I got up early in order to start getting ready. As Emille mentioned yesterday, my lessons would start at 10 o’clock and I wanted to make a good impression on Mr. Leox. As per usually, Gwendolyn helped me get dressed along with Yvonne and Saoirse. Today I went with a simple black blouse with grey dress shorts, socks with garters and black dress shoes. Gwendolyn kept my hair in it’s natural state and finished adding my ring and broach as an accessory. I wanted to keep things simple and opt out the broach but Gwendolyn told me my outfit was already too plain and since I was meeting my teacher for the first time, it would be in my best interest to make a good impression. I gave in because she was right. Once we were done getting ready, Emille came into my room to let me know my teacher Nicolas Leox had arrived and was waiting for me in the main room.
Accompanied with Gwendolyn, we made our way to the main room which I had been in only once since I arrived in this world. One of the first things I did besides visiting the library was explore the mansion. Of course I did this without anyone knowing since it would be quite strange if the young master who had been living in the mansion since he was little suddenly didn’t know where anything was. I wanted to get a good feel of the layout of the mansion so for the past couple nights I’ve been doing some exploring. The manor was huge so I had a lot of ground to cover but eventually got through every room and now I can make my way in the home without any problems. So I had an idea of where the main room would be and started walking a little faster since I couldn’t contain my excitement. We finally arrived at the main room and I made my way inside, standing with his back facing me, I saw a slender and tall man with beautiful red hair cascading along his back. He was dressed in all black and had a white overcoat over his shoulders making his red hair even more alluring. As if sensing our presence, he turned around and his eyes narrowed in on me. I was immediately captivated by his beauty. If Donellan is described as a devilish beauty, this man would most likely be described as an ethereal or angelic beauty. If Emille hadn’t told me my teacher was a man, I would have thought Nicolas Leox was a woman, that’s how beautiful he was. The air around him was also no joke, he exuded elegance and grace but there was also a certain coldness mixed in as well. I could tell that this man was no joke. But he was still nothing compared to Donellan so I immediately steeled my nerves and started to greet him.
“You’re late”. I was cut off so brusquely. I was almost startled, I looked at the clock in front of me and saw that it was currently 10:00.
What in the world is this guy talking about. We got here at exactly 10 o’clock, so how in the hell are we late. As if the confirm my thoughts, Gwendolyn gave me a look and I immediately frowned.
“I’m sorry to say this sir but we got here at exactly 10 o’clock” I said while looking confused.
“I specifically said that class would start at 10, meaning you should’ve been before that time so we could start right away. It is currently 10:02 now and we are already 2 minutes behind.”
Because I was so flabbergasted by what he had said, I failed to stop myself from saying
“The hell is he on?!”
The words had already left my mouth and there was no taking them back now. From my side I heard Gwendolyn gasp and I looked at her only to notice that her face was a little pale. Following her line of sight, I was now faced with a dark and oppressive energy I couldn’t quite place. I didn’t know where this feeling was coming from but I could tell that Mr. Leox was angry.
“What was that?” He barked
Well I’m screwed. I already pissed off the very person in charge of my education. How am I going to get out of this one.
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