After almost thirty minutes, I could already smell the delicious food Yazid was cooking, but my irritation towards Zephyr wouldn't be overcome!
I don't want to see him!
It would only ruin my appetite!
And as I looked around, Zephyr sat beside me again, holding a plate.
But I avoided looking at him because I was annoyed by his face!
"Let's Eat, Arkcray." Zephyr said, "I've given you my favorite part of the buffalo."
"Will that make me happy?" I asked irritably.
"I don't know, but you're acting so fussy, like a woman!" Zephyr said irritably.
"Just leave if you're going to annoy me." I said.
Zephyr let out a sigh and put his right hand on my head, forcefully turning my face towards his!
With our faces so close to each other, I swallowed hard and fell silent.
"Eat, I know you're hungry! I'm hungry too because Yazid won't give me any food unless you eat!" Zephyr said with a smile.
"I'll be content with that?" I said, smiling.
"You're so stubborn!" Zephyr said.
"Indeed!" I replied.
However, our stomachs growled simultaneously, and we fell silent.
Zephyr took a deep breath and composed himself.
"Don't be stubborn. Just eat." he said calmly. "Sorry again for earlier. Zephyr was wrong, and he has a bad attitude. He's the one without a heart."
"Well, at least you know." I said, smiling.
"I'll teach you how to handle a weapon." he said.
"Really?" I said, smiling, feeling relieved.
"Eat first." he replied.
"What kind of weapon are you going to teach me? Is it a sword? Spear? Arrow? Hammer?" I asked excitedly.
"A fan." he replied with a smile.
"A fan? But that's a weapon for women!" I said.
"Got a problem with that? You're the one I'm going to teach, and you still act so superior?" Zephyr asked.
"Even a sword or a bow will do! Why a fan?" I said.
"Because your body won't be able to handle a sword. It's better for you to use a fan. It's lightweight and easy to handle, especially..." he said, coming closer to me, "It will suit you."
"It doesn't suit me to use a fan! You're teasing me again!" I said.
"Do you still want to save the Apollans from Helios?" he asked.
"Yes..." I replied, sighing, "But I wanted a sword. So when they see me, they'll be impressed!"
"Stand up." Zephyr said, and I stood in front of him.
He stared at me for about 10 seconds without saying a word, so I waved my hands in front of him.
"What happened to you? Why are you staring blankly?" I asked.
"It's nothing. Don't mind it. I just have a strange feeling." he said. "Hold this." and he handed me the sword he had behind him.
But when I held it, it almost fell to the ground because it was so heavy.
"Why is it so heavy? Why does it look so light when you held it?" I shouted while trying to lift his sword from the ground.
"I told you, the sword is heavy for someone like you. It's better for you to use a fan." Zephyr said.
"Well, I can't do anything about it! It's better to have a weapon than none at all!" I said.
"But even with a fan as your weapon, it won't be easy to use. You'll have to use your whole body, and it will feel like you and the wind are one before you can fully use it." Zephyr said.
"I'll manage it for the sake of my kin! And I'll make sure to avenge them against the Helians!" I said.
I raised my hand and started jumping around, happy that I finally had a weapon to learn, even if it was just a fan.
"You act just like a woman." Zephyr said with a smile while shaking his head. "And you're even dressed like a woman. I really thought you were a lady earlier."
"That's why King Daemon was attracted to me, right? Because he thought I was a woman!" I said.
"Even I fell for it." he said.
"Huh? What are you saying?" I asked.
"Nothing. Go back to the kitchen and tell Yazid that I already feed you before I devour you! I can eat you even if you are a human." he replied, and I quickly entered the kitchen.
"What weapon is Zephyr going to teach you, Arkcray?" Cassius asked me.
"He said it's a fan! Hmmp! I want a sword or at least a bow, but having something is better than nothing." I said, starting to wash the dishes.
"A fan? It's harder to use compared to a sword. Do you think you can handle it?" Yazid asked.
"I'll learn it no matter what." I said.
"It will take years before you can use it properly." Yazid said.
"Years? I could understand if it were months! But years?" I asked.
"I think Arkcray will learn it in no time, Yazid. This one learns quickly, just lazy," Cassius said.
"There you go, Cassius! You're praising me and then adding a bad comment!" I said.
"Do the dishes!" Cassius said.
"Hmmp!" I grumbled and asked Yazid, "Your cooking is delicious, Yazid, but why isn't anyone eating here?"
"Many people eat here. But since my wife, who used to help me, passed away, I lost my will to cook." Yazid said.
"That's sad. But don't worry, Yazid! We'll bring back the former glory of your restaurant! With a little cleaning and tidying up, it will be presentable again! Arkcray will take care of it! We'll surpass all the other restaurants here and invite all the Ikarians to taste your cooking once more, Yazid!" I said, smiling.
"Thank you, Arkcray." Yazid said seriously.
After I finished washing the dishes, I stepped out of the restaurant and noticed Zephyr practicing his swordsmanship. I couldn't help but smile as I watched him skillfully wield his sword.
He seemed to be dancing with the wind, and he looked so handsome doing it.
"Oh, you're done washing the dishes." Zephyr said. "Let's go, I'll accompany you to buy your outfit."
"I just need to inform Cassius." I said, smiling. "Cassius! Zephyr and I are going out!"
"Don't wander too far from Zephyr! You're not familiar with Ikarus. There are Ikarian who court men, even if they're men themselves." Cassius shouted.
"Fine!" I exclaimed and approached Zephyr.
"You heard what Cassius said, don't stray too far from me." Zephyr said.
"Fine! I'm under strict watch here!" I said, annoyed.
"Let's go! There's too much talking." Zephyr said, and we started walking towards the marketplace.
"The clothing here in Ikarus is different from Apollo. The ones here are sturdier compared to our delicate fabrics!" I remarked as I looked around. "Can I choose my own outfit?"
"This is my money, so I'll be the one to pick your clothes." Zephyr replied with a smile.
"Tsk! Do I have any say in this?" I asked.
"No, so just keep quiet." Zephyr replied with a grin, and he seemed so happy walking along, his eyes beaming with joy.
And as I noticed that we were heading towards the section with women's clothing...
"Wait! The men's clothing is over there! Why are we here with women's clothing?" I asked.
"This suits you! Hmm!" Zephyr said as he took out a feminine outfit that looked very revealing!
"Are you serious? You want me to wear that?" I said, annoyed.
"Why not? It looks good on you." Zephyr replied with a mischievous smile.
"Tsk! Because I'm not a woman!" I said.
"Does this suit him?" Zephyr asked the shopkeeper.
The shopkeeper laughed and nodded.
"Tsk! Fine, you two are in cahoots!" I retorted.
"You look beautiful for a man. Even your current attire suits you." the shopkeeper said.
"I'm not happy about this!" I said.
"Forgive him. He has a hot temper. He's like a woman who has her period every day." Zephyr jokingly told the shopkeeper.
"Are you tired of women, Zephyr, that you're now attracted to a beautiful man like him?" the shopkeeper joked.
"This one? I won't entertain that. Even if the world crumbles, I still won't like him because his attitude is beyond redemption." Zephyr said to the shopkeeper.
"Same here! If I were to like a man, I'd be more interested in Yazid because he's kind and helpful! Unlike you, always teasing!" I said to Zephyr.
"But you can't deny the beauty of the man you're with, Zephyr. His charming face is quite unique." the shopkeeper said.
"Ha! That's always the case. I'm too attractive that I'm often mistaken for a god. I always get that. Hehe!" I said.
"Enough, this guy's ego is bloated." Zephyr said annoyedly and pulled me to look at other clothes.
"Let's not fool around here! Let's buy real clothes for a real man like me!" I said.
"This is my money, so I'll be the one to buy clothes for you. If I want you to wear feminine attire, that's what I'll buy." Zephyr replied.
"Ugh! You're worse than Cassius, honestly!" I said.
"Fine, men's clothing then." Zephyr said.
"Finally!" I replied with a smile.
And as we returned to the section with men's clothing...
"Do you have any clothes that reveal the thighs, arms, and stomach?" Zephyr asked a vendor.
"Wow, really? Then I should've worn women's clothing if that's what you're looking for in men's clothing!" I said.
"Just kidding!" Zephyr replied, laughing.
"You're on your own! I'm not amused by your jokes!" I said, rolling my eyes at him.
"I think this would suit you, Arkcray." Zephyr said, showing me a blue kimono made of a beautiful shimmering silk.
I smiled at Zephyr, and he finally chose a normal outfit after his little escapade!
"You can change your clothes now. There's a small room nearby where you can do that." Zephyr said.
I entered the dressing room while Zephyr waited outside, keeping watch over me.
Since it was only a curtain separating the room...
"Don't come in or peek, Zephyr! I'm undressing!" I said.
"I have no plans to look at your body." he replied.
"Good!" I said as I started putting on the blue kimono.
"Hmm? This outfit suits me." I thought as I admired myself in the mirror in front of me.
Finally, I wouldn't be mistaken for a woman anymore!
I'm handsome again!
"I'm done, Zephyr," I said.
However, Zephyr suddenly entered the dressing room where I was changing and seemed surprised.
He held my cheeks and stared at my face.
"Why?" I asked as I looked up at him.
He gently caressed my cheeks, which startled me.
"Stop it, Zephyr!" I said annoyedly and removed his hands from my face.
"Is this really you?" he asked and showed me a paper.
On the paper was a warning about a female dancer from Apollo being sought by King Daemon. There was even a drawing that closely resembled me! Because it was me!
I swallowed nervously and looked at Zephyr.
"The Helians are spreading the search for the female dancer. The one in the picture looks so much like you. But who is she?" Zephyr asked.
"It's me! I pretended to be a woman before. I caught the attention of King Daemon, but when he took over Apollo, Cassius and I managed to escape!" I whispered.
"I need to hide you right now!" Zephyr said.
"Why?" I asked.
" We looking for this woman! Have you seen her around here?" a man outside the dressing room shouted.
"They're Helians outside, patrolling every kingdom!" Zephyr whispered.
"What? They'll capture me if they see me right now! That can't happen!" I said anxiously.
"I'll take care of you, Arkcray." Zephyr whispered, and I hugged him tightly, feeling the warmth of his body.
There, I heard the curtain of the dressing room, where Zephyr and I were, being pulled open...
"Why are you hugging each other inside this dressing room? Turn around and introduce yourselves! Perhaps, sir, you're hiding the female dancer who is currently in your embrace!" the Helian soldier said.
He couldn't see my face as Zephyr's large frame covered me.
I was trembling with fear, as they were about to discover me!
Then I felt the Helian soldier grab my hand and tried to pull me towards him!
Zephyr tried to stop him by holding me tightly.
"Don't resist! Introduce yourself! Perhaps, you're the female dancer I'm looking for! If you don't want anyone to get hurt, give me the creature you're currently embracing!" the Helian soldier said, forcefully trying to separate me from Zephyr.
Will they catch me so soon?
It can't be!
End of Chapter 3
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