JJael trudged through the dense forest, a determined look on his face as he searched for his magical friends. The snow-covered ground crunched beneath his massive paws, and his keen senses were on high alert for any sign of their presence.
He sniffed the air, picking up the faint scent of something warm and fiery. Following the trail, he pushed through thick bushes and leaped over fallen logs until he finally spotted a glowing light nestled beneath a snow-covered rock. There, beneath the icy shelter, lay a Firebite Fox, with her golden eyes aglow and her tail aflame, radiating an aura of comforting heat. The heat coming from her heated the rock and was causing the snow on the rock to slowly melt, dripping onto the ground just in front of her. JJael approached Ember with a warm smile. "Ah, Embia," he said, greeting the fox with caution. "I've been searching for you."
Embia lifted her paw lazily and licked it before responding. "What brings you here, JJael? I'm sure that you didn't seek me out just to send time with me." She put her paw down and looked into JJael's turqious eyes. "I found a young human cub lost in the forest. She is chilled to the bone and I would like you to lend you warmth." The fox stretched her legs and curled. Yawning, she replied, "And why would I do that? The cub is of no concern to me." "Please, Embia," JJael's tail flicked in annoyance as he pleaded with the fox. "You are the only one who can do this. The girl will die form the cold without you." At these words, Embia's ears perked up. She always loved being in a postition of importantance and this was no different. But she wasn't going to do this for free. "I will consider it if you will do something for me in return." JJael had to hold back a growl as he asked the greedy fox, "What is it you want?" His gem gleamed slightly as his irration grew.
Noting the change in JJael, Embia choose her words carefully. "I know that I owe you for when you saved me from the Stoneclaw bear this past fall, but I have an issue that needs solved. A wolf has taken over my den and I can't get close enough to drive it out." JJael listened to Embia explain while pulling his emotions back under control. "If you can help me with this, I will do as you asked." With a sigh, the tiger turned his back. "Fine. Show me the way."
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