Close your eyes, little one
You just might see
You might see the truth, and you wouldn’t love the world as you do
Don’t take a breath because you might just feel the sky inside your lungs, and you
Might just feel the acrid tang the air carries with it always now
You might just feel the crumbles of sand from a great Sphinx scratch against your throat as you exhale
Put your fingers to your ears, because you might just hear the windchimes from your childhood garden
Shiver through your head like a memory always does
Sometimes the world is better when you can’t see all of it, little one, so squint until the horizon
So thin and sharp and real
Becomes a pair of lips instead of the end of the world, instead of a knife blade, instead of the limit
Only think of the moon, little one, as a bullet hole, and
Forget the ones that have killed so many in the night
Every death, nothing more than a twinkling star
The blood only so vivid red against the white of a nurse's gown, but you don’t see, little one,
So how can it matter when everything turns black in the darkness
And don’t believe that you can still taste the iron, because then you might just taste
An atom bomb, and you wouldn’t be able to handle that, little one
Open your mouth and you might just taste the hot pine of a forest, slowly overtaken by the
Late June heat
Little one
Don’t think, little one
You will only create your own tragedy, but I have told you
Little one
There is too much already
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