Tarun further reveals he one day met a depressed filmmaker at a restaurant where the latter revealed he possessed a copy of his first and only film which had been declared illegal by the government of India since it was bankrolled by criminals. He didn't want to do it, but since he also wanted to fulfill his dream of making a film, he had to become involved with the criminal underworld, even though his wife kept requesting him not to do so. Once it became known that the film was funded illegally, it was banned and denied a censor certificate. All the copies of the film were ordered to be destroyed, but he managed to secure one with English subtitles. He held on to the copy for over 20 years, and after confirming that everyone who watched the film had either died or somehow become unable to remember and explain it to others due to its complex narrative where he had targeted someone specifically without mentioning that person's name, he decided to let go of it. He originally wanted to hand over the copy to a director like Ankit after watching Tarun's debut film, but changed his mind once he discovered about the plagiarism case.
Plus, he was impressed with Tarun's performance and imagined him in the lead role. He offered him the copy and requested him to do something about it. Tarun was back then planning to remove the blot on his career and further convinced the director deserved justice, decided to adapt it in his own way. However, the director told him to avoiding crediting him for the writing and other credits, fearing it would remind the public of the controversy and lead to investigations. The director then thanked Tarun and walked out of the restaurant. He was never seen again.
Tarun refuses to disclose any further since the sequel is in production, but he admits to feeling uneasy about claiming someone else's credits. Still, he tells Ankit the whole series has targeted someone or something that has existed in the country for a long time and not something which has developed recently. Ankit stops him and tells him he doesn't need to tell him anything more about it since he has realized filmmaking is a business but not just a business. Tarun later attends an awards ceremony where he wins the best actor and director awards. He thanks everyone and reveals the third film to be the final one, and that anyone who felt uncomfortable watching the protagonist rightfully targeting and punishing those "secret" people, is a bit evil in some way. He further criticizes the filmmakers who rely on remakes and unofficial remakes in order to turn cinema into a mere business than an art form.
He promises the final film will be exposing a lot of such filmmakers, while concluding the speech by thanking his girlfriend Aditi and promising to marry her soon.
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