In the past, there was a young girl named Ana who was just about to turn nine years old. Her parents decided to gift her a doll as a birthday present. However, as soon as Ana saw the doll, she found it to be quite terrifying. She immediately put the doll in the room under the staircase and completely forgot about it as she went back to her parents to have some cake. After a long day of celebrations, Ana started preparing for bed. However, in the middle of the night, she heard a voice whispering, "I'm on the first step". Ana was frightened, so she hid herself under the safety of her blankets for the rest of the night. Eventually, she fell asleep due to exhaustion. The next morning, she told her parents about the incident, but they simply dismissed it as just a dream and comforted her.
But the voice kept coming back night after night, each time getting closer and closer to her room. Ana kept hearing the voice saying, "I'm on the fifth step", "I'm on the seventh step", and so on. However, nobody believed her when she shared her experiences. One fateful night, the voice whispered, "I'm on the last step". The next morning, Ana's parents went to wake her up, but she was nowhere to be found. They searched the entire house but with no luck. Ana had vanished without a trace.
There are rumors that to this day, people can hear the sound of laughter coming from Ana's old house. The doll that she had found so scary has also never been seen again. The mystery of Ana's disappearance remains unsolved, and her fate is unknown.