Winterfest was wonderful.
Of course, being busy with family, Milo and Corym only saw each other a few days later, at the university. Corym had decorated his small room, cooked a nice meal and, as a gift to Milo, composed a piece for the piano. He gave him a small stone that he enchanted to hold the music, that he could play over and over again.
Milo got Corym a unique print of his favorite childhood story, accompanied by the same edition of his own. "I thought it was cute. Our favorite stories together". He knew Coryms copy was old and so tattered it was barely readable anymore, but he couldn't afford a new one.
Milo smiled as he watched Corym carefully open the book, surprised at something falling out.
"Mi, you forgot the receipt inside."
He chuckled. "No, read it."
Corym got frustrated at the fancy handwriting. "Translator, if you please?"
Milo grinned. "I got us tickets for that ballet you keep mentioning. It's in about two hours."
"What- Milo, how?-"
He shrugged. "Helps to be from a Keeper family. Now go, get dressed."
Corym scampered to the back of his room and pulled out some fancy clothes from his closet. Milo himself was already wearing a fine jacket.
"How's this?"
Milo couldn't help but blush seeing Corym dressed so well. It was clear that his mother's eye for fashion helped out. The suit was threaded with tiny strands of silver on the shoulders that faded down the jacket. He had shifted his eyes to a slightly darker blue, and his hair to a pure white. He looked like a winter spirit.
"I uh - um - y-your collar is undone."
Around his neck was a thin silver cord, loose and open. It suited him, but keeping it untied held a subtlety that the wearer was seeking a companion.
"Yeah I know you fancy types have a code, I just don't know how to tie it."
Milo couldn't help but kiss him as he helped him tie his collar piece.
Corym chuckled. "That's very weirdly backwards, Mi".
"Shut up, let's go."
Milo only let go of Coryms hand once they got to the theater and he recognized some people. "They'll tell my grandfather if they see us together. Do you mind just being my friend from class who I ran into here, just for a while?"
"I... sure, ok. Probably the best cover anyway."
They found their seats and settled down to watch the performance. While it certainly was incredible, Milo was equally as entertained by Coryms reactions to it. He reached out to rub his back after a particularly beautiful act that brought tears to his now-silver eyes.
The ballet was more beautiful than Milo expected it to be. He had gone to several without much enthusiasm, but the story told through the dances piqued his curiosity. It wasn't often that the dances were so expressive, and he found himself lost in the story. He let himself take Coryms hand and enjoy himself.
After the performance, he didn’t want to let go of his boyfriends hand. And yet, as the lights turned on, he made sure to be far enough away for none of the Keepers in the room to raise any questions. Quickly, he noticed some of the people he recognized approach him in the main hall. They exchanged pleasantries about the performance and how various family members were faring. Milo was always good at this kind of talk, but never truly enjoyed it, especially when it turned political.
"Did you hear, Mr. Anani, that one of the drow in the holding cell recently confirmed he tried to kill the Regis? I saw one here tonight, in my opinion they should all be in that same cell".
Milo took a breath and held back on several reactions. "I have heard, yest. However, the one you saw here tonight is someone I know from university. He has a bright mind and seems to only want the best for the city. We also have humans in the cells for worse reasons, so would you say we should all be there as well?"
The woman laughed. "You raise a fair point, Anani, maybe there is hope for your family after all."
Milo exhaled. It was just one of those allegiance tests. Nothing to truly worry about.
He soon after left the theater, and was happy to notice it had started snowing. The snowflakes bit at his cheeks as he glanced around, making sure to take a rather complicate route home, away from anywhere the theater guests may have gone. Corym was following some distance behind until they both knew they were far from view, on a small stone bridge that most people considered too dangerous to cross, lest they get their shoes wet. Corym ran and jumped up onto Milo's back, who almost buckled from the surprise and sudden weight. He laughed and wrapped his arms around Milo's neck. "Thank you thank you thank you!" Milo chuckled and turned his face to let him kiss his cheek.
Milo let Corym slide off his back and took his hand. “You, sir, were all kinds of emotional.”
“Do you have any idea how long I’ve been dreaming of seeing that performance?”
“I mean you talked about it before we even started dating, and still, I have yet to see you dance. I swear, such perks are the only reason you’re courting me”.
“Well if I break up with you tonight, you’ll know why. Shame, I actually kind of like you, guess I'll stick around.” Corym teased, before lifting his face towards the sky, letting the snowflakes bite his cheeks. “I can’t believe it’s snowing, it was so warm- what is it?"
" Just - come here."
Milo pulled Corym close for a kiss, hands holding his face gently. It was simple and sweet and held everything he had contained all evening. He pulled away, still holding Coryms face. “I’ve been wanting to do that all night, the snow made it impossible to resist…” he smiled down at him, admiring the snowflakes on Coryms lashes.
“Well, after such a display of classic romance, I guess I won’t end our relationship tonight. Kissing me on a brige under the snow, watch out, you might make me swoon.” Corym wrapped his arms around Milos torso, under his cloak, and leaned against him. The hug turned to quiet jokes and soft kisses, oblivious to anything else than each other. Milo held him close, until he started getting cold again.
“We should go back, before one of us gets sick.”
The two kept laughing and talking on their way back to the university, hand in hand. At some point, Milo hand given Corym his gloves, at another, they ran into a side street to avoid being seen by a High Keeper, giggling together. Once they arrived, Milo noticed that Corym had undone the collar around his neck once again, and was looking at him….
Corym smiled and pulled Milos face down to his for a kiss, two, three, that then moved down to his neck, his collar. It didn't take too long for them to find themselves in each other's arms, giggling but yearning, constantly pulling each other closer amidst dizzying kisses and touches. Both subsided at Coryms question and Milo's shy nod of approval.
C - He held Milo after as they both steadied. His fingers traced the incredible tattoo stretching across Milos' back and shoulders. Are you ok? Was that OK? You're awfully quiet.
M - I'm fine. I'm just tired. A little overwhelmed.
C - Wait. Was that your first time?
M - Kind of? Not exactly…
C - First time with a guy then?
M - Not exactly either...
C - You know I love how mysterious you can be but honestly you're confusing me, Mi.
M - This is the first time I… I mean… It’s the first time I didn't ask the other person to… stop…
C - …
M - ...
C - Milo, are you SURE that was OK? You should have told me to stop, I would have.
M - No, no I promise you it was. It was wonderful, I didn't want you to stop. For the first time, I felt comfortable. For a long time I thought maybe I was like Reyna - I didn't feel the need for… um… physical intimacy.
C - Is that what we are calling it now?
M - Shut up. I knew I had romantic feelings towards men, but you're the first person who makes… ah, the next step, feel safe, comfortable, even maybe wanted. Thank goodness, too, I had no idea how to tell you I might not want that.
C - … I see… Mi, are you completely sure you are OK? We don't have to do it again if you don't want to.
M - *chuckles* I am completely sure. *kisses Corym* one hundred and five percent sure.
C - *exhales* thank the stars.
They exchanged soft kisses for a moment before settling back into a hug. Milo put his glasses back on to be able to see Corym clearly.
C - ...were the others all that bad?
M - I don't know. I just never wanted this before. So there were a handful of times I would get myself into situations that could potentially lead to it, on purpose, as I knew that that was what people usually want. I just... I felt a deep discomfort almost immediately, every time. But I never felt a want or need, until you suggested it just then. Well, actually, until you started kissing me when we got home.
C - That's fascinating… maybe it's because we are actually together? We are already comfortable together?
M - yes, I think so. I promise, I didn't ever want to say stop. Not once. I ah, I would have been bothered if you had stopped, I think. I just... I feel safe with you, I knew it'd be okay. And, well, it was far, far more than just okay. *kisses Coryms' jaw*
C - You.. you feel safe with me?
M - *nods* Mmhmm
C - *seemed lost in a thought, smiling. He held Milo more tightly for a moment and kissed his forehead* ... I was your fiiiiirst
M - ...
C - I'm… Not, am I?... Milo? *sits up* Honey, what's wrong?
M - *Hiding his face in his hands* I wish you were my first...
C - But you said you always said stop…
M - That's- *exhales shakily* that's the problem... I did, Corym. I said stop. Several times.
C - But that means… *Recoils in realization* Sun and its stars Milo, honey I had no idea
M - Nobody knows. Only you, now. Even I avoid thinking about it. I ah, I didn't think I'd tell you about it, but I didn't want to lie to you. I want you to know.
C - Is that why you didn't want me to-
M - -yeah. Sorry, we can try that again another time, maybe? I just- I freaked out. I mean, it's just a detail, but- but he-
C - It's ok, darling, we don't need to. It's not really my thing, anyway. Just... who was it? I need to sew his lips shut.
M - He ah, he got in trouble with the guard and moved cities, I'd rather not say, anyway. It was some time ago. I just hope that telling you this doesn't make you think of me otherwise.
C - What? Of course not. It explains some things but that's all. I also really want to track him down and make him regret doing that to you.
M - ... I don't know, maybe it was my fault, maybe I wasn't clear enough, I did join him initally, but just in a back room for some kisses. I- I didn't stop it when he got handsy, but started panicking when he knelt. I tried leaving, I tried pushing him away, but maybe it wasn't enough. Maybe he thought- I mean-
C - No. No, Milo, honey, don't you dare give him excuses. You said no, you said stop, that's all that should matter. If you had told me to stop I would have stepped away without thinking twice and would have made sure you were okay. I would have brought you a blanket and some tea and made sure you had every bit of space you needed.
M - ...
C - ...
M - Thank you. takes Coryms hand If it changes anything, you're the first that mattered. That I enjoyed. That I chose.
C - kisses their hands I choose you, too.
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