"Finally you two woke up!" Enid waved a fork at them.
"Fariss?" asked Ammaurith
"Yes, please"
Ammaurith poured fari juice into a cup and gave it to Sebastian.
"Nah.. i'll make oka" Rob took some dried leaves from the jar
Sebastian sat down and
enjoyed his drink. later,
Enid brought a stew and stacks of skewered leat meat. The door slides and Sannekth entered the room along with Gersoth,
Mafith and Laenoth.
"Where'sss Pulkthss?" Ammaurith handed them a bowl of stew
"He'sss busyss atss the storagess." said Sannekth while grabbing one of the skewered meat.
"I'll bring his portion."
"Thankss youss" said Ammaurith, she helped
enid arranged the food on a
Sannekth munched the skewered meat before looking at Sebastian. "Heyss Kidss!, sincess i don'tss havess anymoress to teachss youss, wess are freess untilss the nextss 4 cyclesss, so.. any placess youss wantss to seess?"
Mafith chimed in "Theress thisss waterss worldss thatss mightss interestss youss, What'ss itss calledss.."
"Atlenticass" said Laenoth
"Ahss yesss! Thatss!"
"Uhm.. How about we look for earth?" Sebastian suggested.
Rob choked on his drink.
"Earthss ehss?" Sannekth rubbed his chin
"Accordingss to the datass wess foundss on yourss shipss, earth wass destroyedss.." Laenoth waving her hand.
"Eldersss alsoss toldss usss to leavess itss bess." Mafith added "Besidess wess don'tss havess locationss ofss thisss earthss."
"but maybe there's a chance the Watcher had already been there in the past, before the destruction i mean.."
"Why bother though?" Rob shrughed his shoulder "It's gone."
"Still.. i want to see it with my own eyes." Sebastian stared at Rob "aren't you curious?
"Hmmss.." Sannekth mumbled
"Wess mustss askss the highss eldersss firstss." said Ammaurith
"No needss, Elderss Su'udss willss surelyss bess delightedss ifss wess did find earthss." Sannekth waved his hand. "Nothss, tryss matchesss allss thosess datass fromss humanss ship withss ourss archivesss."
Lenoeth nodded. She drank her stew before she leaving. Sebastian decided to
help Laenoth searching the
At the bridge, they used the computer to access the archives. This was the first time Sebastian seeing all these document about earth. Back then, they were only showed a glimpsed pictures of earth and it inhabitants.
Examining the data, he was intrigued by variety of species that had ever lived on earth. All those animals on their old ship were only a mere fraction. There're also documents about extinct creatures from the distant past with the picture of their depiction of what they would look like in real life.
After matching the data with the archives. They found 20 potential planetary systems with terrestrial 3rd planet. Laenoth further sorting it out and found out that 17 of it were recently visited by the Watcher which high chance that's not the earth they're looking for and because the inhabitant weren't human. Sebastian noticed there was another one but it was listed in the lost planet archive.
"Found it yet?" asked someone which startled him. He turned his head to see Enid behind him, bringing a tray full of snack and drink, Sannekth was besides her.
"We found some." Sebastian show Sannekth and Enid the planets he found "We haven't check it yet, but these 3."
Sannekth looked at the pictures. "Hmmss. What'sss the archivess saysss aboutss thosess 3ss?"
"Thisss one havess a primitivess civilizationss, locatedss atss U'luxss systemss, archivess lastss updatedss 2041ss cyclesss agoss" Laenoth displayed the picture of the inhabitant, it's a green humanoid being with really wide head.
"Wess calculatess cycless based on yourss timess wess foundss in
yourss shipss. A cycless isss 4ss monthsss inss yourss timess. Ifss yourss
shipss timess weress
exactss, youss onlyss beenss in spacess forss 1044ss cyclesss."
"How about the other 2?" Enid pointed at monitor
"Thesess 2ss aren'tss goodss eitherss, bothss atmospheress aren'tss suitabless forss a speciesss likess humanss."
Everyone were dejected. Sebastian remembered the other one he found and he show it to Sannekth.
"Thatss fromss thess lostss planetss archivess." Laenoth opened the archive. "Itss saidss itss wasss destroyedss millionss cycless agoss, during the first alliance."
"But.. didn't our ancestor said earth only recently destroyed" said Enid "i don't think-"
"Nothss, whatss the archivess saysss?"
"A collisionss with an asteroidss, ittss the Anrakyansss whosess foundss itss andss recordedss itss finalss momentss. Wess hadss picturess ofss itss inhabitantss."
Those were lots of picture of huge creatures, some were massive and had a long neck, other had a large pouch on it throat and in the middle
catching fish, and
there's the one with large
head and mouth full of sharp teeths
although it had a pair of tiny arms. there were also small birds, and also something similar to a dog.
There's also pictures of an Anrakyans examined a nest but ended up getting chased by the 3 horned creature, which Sannekth snorted.
Sebastian remembered the picture he saw earlier, he opened the data and showed it to other. "Don't you think those creature resemble this?"
Sannekth and Enid looked at the picture.
"It does have resemblance, but this drawing of large head creature lacked the round plume on their neck." said Enid.
They compared more drawings and found most of it almost resembled with the one taken by Anrakyans, and there were lots of other creatures that weren't mentioned in their old ship document. Laenoth deduced that it might be the same planet and not completely destroyed.
"So earth might still exist?" Enid cheered
"Thisss isss ourss bestss leadss. Goodss workss kidss!" Sannekth smacked sebastian shoulder. "Amprss! Wess havess a newss destinationss, calculatess thisss planetss currentss coordinatess."
"Will it be still be as beautiful like the picture." Sebastian hoped
They heard a static noise. A moments later the ship changing it course. Another static and the robotic vessel at the corner start moving.
"Don'tss getss yourss hopess highss, kidss.." but Sannekth also looks excited
"Calculating. Done." Ampr reporting "At max speed. It will take. 1 cycles. To reach there."
Sebastian couldn't hide
his excitement, he wanted to tell Rob the news. He quickly gulped the
snack Enid brought for him
before finding Rob.
A cycle later, they arrived at their destination. They passed several planets that looked similar to the data which made Sebastian confident they found earth. When they reached the location of the 3rd planet from the star, Sebastian eyes beamed but quickly turn to horror, Earth was still there but it wasn't the beautiful planet from the picture, instead it's a barren world with crater riddled the snowy land.
Sebastian was devastated, he heard Enid sobbing.
"Is that.. earth?" Rob shocked. A volcano just erupted on one of the island.
Ammaurith hugged Enid to cheered her up. Sannekth told Mafith and Pulkth to prepared the landing craft. Sebastian wore his spacesuits and joined the other boarding the landing craft. Shannekth told Ampr to remained in their ship and monitor the situation from above.
They entered the atmosphere and found a large land that were still remain intact without any huge craters or active volcano. They spotted a ruin of a city and landed not far from it. Everyone get down from the craft, Sannekth told Lenoeth to check the condition.
Laenoth took a device from her bag. "Thess airss isss pollutedss, Radiationss quitess highss, alsoss thess temperaturess are lowss, butss itss stillss safess forss allss offss usss."
Sannekth removed his helmet and strapped it on his belt. "Smellss sulfuricss.."
Sebastian also removed his helmet, the
cold air swept his face.
"Bwah!! it's cold!" then Rob sneeze loudly
Sannekth motioned at everyone to followed him to the city; the ruin were
half buried under the snow. They split into 3 groups. Sebastian,
Sannekth and Enid went to the
city center. On the way there, Sebastian saw remnant of
advanced technologies which make him wondered what it's looked
like during it heyday.
There was a large stone wall near a collapsed building, something written on it. Sebastian swiped the snow and read. "New.. Boise?"
"Is that the name of that building?" Enid asked
They stumbled upon a long cylindrical vehicles that resemble the one back at their home. There's letter on the side of the vehicle, it's a bit faded.
"Nadia's corp.. Nadia?" Enid appalled "isn't that our old ship name?"
Sannekth wristband started buzzing.
"Nekthss, wess foundss somethingss, getss to ourss locationss!" Sebastian heard Gersoth voice.
They went to Gersoth's location, they were inside a building. Sebastian saw several humanoid bodies wearing some kind of makeshift protective suit, one of them was mangled pretty badly with bits splatered on the ground. Enid gasped seeing the bodies and quickly ran outside.
Gersoth removed the mask of one of the body, revealing a mummified face. Sebastian noticed their face was covered with scars.
"What happened to them? did something attacked them?" Sebastian pointing at the mangled body.
"Gersoth accidentally stepped on it." Rob explained
"They'ress buriedss underss the rubbless and snowss,"Gersoth shrugging his shoulder "howss shouldss iss knowss."
"Rithss, havess youss the
checkss the bodyss?" Sannekth looking at her
Ammaurith took out her medical device and examined the body. Sebastian crouched and examined the other body, there're also scars on their face as well.
Ammaurith finished examining the bodies, she packed her device "Theirss boness were shatteredss, but theyss allss diedss fromss starvationss."
"Are they humans?"
Rob asked
"Itss 99% Matchss withss yourss DNAss, yesss theyss are humanss."
"So.. there were who got left behind?" Sebastian jubilated
"We should find and save them!" said Enid suddenly, she's back inside the building, although she still looks scared.
"Thesess humanss diedss 21 cyclesss agoss." Ammaurith explained
"But.. there's might be survivor, right?" she looked at Sannekth "they need our help.. maybe we can bring them to new planet?"
"Thatss requiress permissionss fromss eldersss, butss firstss," Sannekth stared at the bodies, "letsss givess themss a properss burialss."
They dug several holes and carried the bodies outside. Sannekth, Ammaurith and Gersoth chanted a poem as they buried the bodies. Sebastian wiped the dirt from his hand and looked up, the skies was getting dark, Sannekth decided they will be making a camp nearby.
They found perfect spot, it seemed it was somekind of garden. Sebastian help Gersoth and Rob erecting their camp; Shannekth was building a campfire despite having an electric stove and lamp; Enid and Ammaurith start preparing their meal.
While they ate, Sebastian saw Mafith, Lenoeth and Pulkth walking towards them. Ammaurith offered them a soup as they sat down on the snow.
"Find anything?" asked Sebastian
Pulkth groaned "Wess stumbledss uponss a buildingss withss countlesss writtenss documentss, but itss crumbless whenss wess touchss itss, there'sss a computerss but the datass wasss beyondss savingss."
"Too badss thoughss, thosess documentss mightss be usefulss to uncoverss whatss happenss to thisss planetss," said Lenoeth "Andss wess also foundss somess weird symbolss paintedss on thess wallss."
Suddenly there's a loud bang.
Sebastian jumped "What was that?"
Enid looks scared, while Rob looking around
Sannekth motioned his hand to shush them. He, Gersoth, Mafith and Pulkth went to check the surrounding. When they returned, Sannekth told Sebastian that a building had collapsed not far from their location.
"Justss inss casess, Pulkthss, sendss outss droness," said Sannekth "orderss themss to surveyss thess areass."
Pulkth nodded. He took several small drones from his
bag. Sannekth told Sebastian,
Enid and Rob to take some
rest because it was already dark.
The next day, Sebastian was woken up by Mafith. Sebastian rubbed his eyes and then washed his face with the water from his bottle. Enid had already woke up and helped Ammaurith packing their camp. The other were busy near the campfire; Pulkth examined all the drones; while Lenoeth checking their equipment. Sebastian and Rob sat next to Sannekth who was grilling some skewered meat.
"Nekthss" called Pulkth, he finished checking the data gathered by the drones "There'sss a settlementss, there!" He pointed at the hillside.
"Hmmss.." Sannekth rubbed his chin "Amprss, wess needss mapss ofss thiss landss."
Sebastian wristband buzzing, Ampr had sent them a map. There's a settlement not far from their location just like pulkth said, there's also several ruins beyond the settlement.
"Nekthss, Amprss also detectedss a feintss signalss notss longss agoss. Shess sentss dronesss andss foundss a large struturess nearss thess twinss smallss planetsss orbitingss the edgess of thisss systemss"
"Structuress? didss wess missss themss when wess enteredss thisss systemss?" Pulkth turned his head
Sannekth gathered everyone to discuss their next objective. Investigating both the settlement and the structure might used up their remaining time, they had to go back to the base before the next 2 cycle.
"How about we split up?" suggested Sebastian "We can cover both faster"
Sannekth grinned and agreed with Sebastian suggestion. He told Sebastian, Enid and Rob to investigated earth by themselves while he and the other investigated the structure.
Ammaurith was opposing it because she feared something might happened to them, but relented after Sannekth assured her that this would be great final lesson for them.
Ampr sent a ground vehicle which double as mobile living quarters for them, she also prepared corinth (a handheld weapon that shot compressed air) for each of them.
"Yeah, finally i can use it." Rob waving the corinth
"It'sss forss emergencyss onlyss." Ammaurith warned him
The garbitians then boarded the landing craft and left earth. Sebastian watched as they dissapeared above the cloud. The 3 then hopped in to their vehicle and Rob drove to the location of the settlement.
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