Thinking about the plan the director might have had, Raúl put his hand on the doorknob while keeping his eyes down and with his mind in the clouds stopped before opening. His heart ached slightly at the thought of his request not to speak to Tadeo again, but the cold look he gave him the last time gave him the strength to stand firm with his decision. He gasped before opening and stepping into the office at just the right time to end up bumping into someone.
He rubbed his nose a little and looked up, meeting Tadeo’s surprised face. Inside Raúl a mixture of emotions exploded; happiness, sadness, fury, among others. A part of him wanted to smile and plunge into a big hug. However, he looked over the redhead and angrily addressed the director. "I asked you only one thing and you were not able to fulfill it, if that’s how it will be then I ask you to give me out at once" Raúl ended while pushing Tadeo out of his way and stood firm in front of the director. Before Tadeo could come out of his surprise and say something, the director said loudly "Don’t worry young, the teacher was only here to be informed of his immediate suspension. Already he was retiring" With a cold look the director observed Tadeo who only under the gaze and left the office.
Once the door closed Raúl relaxed the body letting see the pain in his face. "You have a very sad face for someone who very firmly indicated that would respect the words of his teacher and avoid a close relationship with him" commented the director with a soft but severe look on his face. Raul just took a seat in front of him and hid his face in his hands. Mr Cortez then heard the slight cry of Raúl, without saying anything he only look until Raúl finish and raise his eyes "I know very well what I said and although it is something that I do not feel comfortable, I intend to respect the decision of the professor" mentioned Raul as he dried the tears from his eyes. "Those are very strong words for a young man like you, is that perhaps, are you in love with Tadeo?" asked the director without blinking. Raúl opened his eyes with surprise and without thinking he replied "I don’t like him, and I regret that my words could be misinterpreted. I don’t see the teacher that way, for me he is just an admiration figure that gives me the security I need to value myself properly" The director only observed Raúl without even believing his words, but without wanting to investigate more.
After Raul calmed down the director returned to the reason they were meeting. The director took out a folder from his desk drawer and looked up. With serious face began "I am aware that for the work it was indicated that each student would take care of a group, but having in mind your situation I decided that you would take care of a single student, here you have the information" He ended up extending his arm to give the folder to Raúl. He latter took the files, thanked and left the office leaving Mr Cortez thoughtful.
"Julian, please keep an eye on Raul and Tadeo, I feel that their actions hide more than either of them can admit at this time; and I would not want things to get worse to the extent that they ruin their lives" said Mr Cortez to his young secretary.
Raul once in his room lay down on his bed and began to read. With form was advancing in the reading of that file, the face of Raúl began to dye with fear, could not understand what was going through the mind of the director to select someone like Aaron Walker. The documents painted him as the kind of person one would frantically walk away from as it is a gigantic danger alert. However, if the director considers this the best way, he has no choice but to contact the boy. He wrote a message explaining everything and asked for a meeting the next day. Raul sent the message and fell asleep waiting for an answer.
The next morning he checked his cell phone, but he had not received any answer, he settled and went to classes. He spend the day checking, every 5 minutes, if he had any notification. Until the time of the meeting approached and decided to head to the cafeteria where he would see Aaron. Raul took his backpack and left the main building.
Just at the same time, Tadeo was walking outside the university accompanied by Roz, a very beautiful blonde, who asked him avidly about the young man who had made him so careful in his classes and by whom, according to Carlos, he had been suspended from his work. The redhead didn’t say a word, but a small gesture gave him away completely. In front of them was Raúl who had stopped before crossing the street because the wind took the cap off his sweatshirt. Tadeo looked at him with concern and it was then that Roz realized that that was just the famous Raúl.
Without pity, Roz ran in the direction of Raul speaking to him loudly while Tadeo tried to stop her. Raul, who had picked up his hair to put his cap back on, froze at the sight of the couple approaching him. Roz noticed the attitude of fawn in trouble that Raúl took and said "Oh very sorry, is that when I saw you I was excited, is that he have spoken a lot about you" Roz immediately realized the face of terror and confusion that put Raúl; but before I could say another word or Tadeo could intervene, a motorcycle stopped right next to them.
The biker without saying a word took out his cell phone and placed it in front of him looking at Raúl sideways. Once under his cell phone he took off his helmet, showing his golden hair and his silver look. "Sorry for not answering your message, I was on my way to the cafe for our date when I saw you and I decided to stop and go together, okay?" He finished saying to the young man as he smiled gallantly and extended his hand to Raúl.
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