Legend has it that in ancient times, when the universe was younger, humans and Zyra'kth shared living space in the Homeworld. The tale recounts an era when humans, already conquerors and cunning, began to compete with a less advanced species. The battle for resources and territory ignited, and the shocks of war reverberated through the landscapes of primordial forests. This rivalry could have led to the almost complete extinction of this ancient civilization.
However, the fate of Zyra'kth was not sealed. At one point, a group of their community members was abducted by the Xilorians and transported to the far reaches of the universe. There, on the icy moons of Ythorii, in distant isolation from the human world, Zyra'kth began a new life, developing their civilization.
Ironically, fate arranged for the paths of humans and Zyra'kth to cross again at the edges of the universe.
The reunion of old acquaintances sparked a cosmic confrontation. Interstellar barbarians once again clash with Zyra'kth, who remember the ancient legend of how those same humans once devoured their ancestors.
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