“Space.” Amber pulled away “Wait, first you tell me you don’t want to see me, and now you do want to see me, This is so damn confusing.I’m just done. We’re over.” Amber said and walked home alone and tired. Liam sat on the ground and stared into space.
Amber went to bed and cried, not stopping until the sun came over the surrounding mountains. Once the light hit Amber’s eyes she got up and went to the main floor kitchen. When Amber went to the kitchen for breakfast, her parents saw her and scolded her for not looking like a ‘perfect princess’. Kira was rewarded for being a ‘better princess’ and Amber was threatened to make Kira the heir to the throne. Amber quickly left forgetting her breakfast to go put on makeup. When Amber was done putting her makeup on making her the most beautiful woman alive. When Kira joined her in the bathroom Amber noticed Kira being nicer than normal, but Amber ignored it and walked to the Valar kingdom’s (Liam and Jackson’s kingdom) archery course. Kira followed Amber. She noticed she was far more depressed without Prince Liam. Kira knew she needed to get them back together… but how? She quickly sent a messenger to get Liam and Jackson. Soon, they were sitting in the princesses’ room…though they were awkward because they'd never been in a woman’s room before. Soon the girls walked in.
“What are you doin-?” Amber was cut off because Kira shoved her, pulled Jackson away, and locked Liam and Amber in the room. After a few minutes, Liam spoke,
“So… what now?”
“I ignore you and find the key to get out of here,” They sit there thinking about where the key is glancing around.
“Why did you walk away at the party?” Amber asked quietly.
“I was the one that actually came back!” Liam said, slightly agitated.
“But you started walking away as if I killed someone.” Amber got up and started removing her running makeup. Liam would’ve said something back if he wasn’t about to see a girl without makeup!
“What?” Amber asked noticing him staring
“Y-your makeup!” Amber blushed remembering he was here.
“Well, not only do I have makeup but I need to redo it.” Liam paused
“S-Sorry I’ve just never seen a girl without makeup,”
“I only wear it because of my parents plus it covers up my lack of sleep since I haven't slept since the archery course. So it helps cover that,” Liam looked down at his black boots.
“Oh, to which part… My parents or that night?”
“I guess… both.”
“Look I love you but you hurt me badly and I guess my parents make me feel terrible about who I am and it makes me feel like I don’t deserve you,” Amber said while holding in tears.
“You forgot I’m not your parents. I’ll always be there for you and if anything I don’t deserve you,”
“A prince always gets to choose his princess. The princesses don’t get a choice and, of course, you deserve me. You're loving, kind, and the hottest boy I’ve ever seen,” Amber said, smiling and laughing. Liam looked down again and couldn’t help but let out a laugh.
“Out of everything, I’ve been a terrible person and don’t deserve you EVER,” Amber finished redoing her makeup. In silence, Amber went and sat down. Liam put his arms around her and that's when Liam noticed the key.
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