Unlike Nathan, Oswald – the newly arrived descendant – managed to integrate rather quickly. He was a very friendly nineteen year old and, as a great lover of video games, it wasn't difficult for him to bond with Jeyson and Richard right away.
His powers were more or less similar to Megan's. He had highly developed senses and, although he could not camouflage himself, he was able to mutate into any animal he desired. Unfortunately, even as he returned to human form, he couldn't get rid of his furry ears, which stuck out from his mid-neck length brown hair. That's why he was forced to wear a hat when they went out on missions, in case there were Earthlings around.
His golden eyes had perfect vision and it was almost impossible to beat him at video games. He was able to observe movements, almost imperceptible, and consequently predict from which direction he would be attacked. So he always managed to dodge every blow.
Since he wasn't very good at controlling them yet, he had to practice – and not just play video games – between missions. Unfortunately that boy had been adopted and his parents were simple humans, who knew absolutely nothing about his true origins. Therefore, there was no other descendant with his abilities who could help him master them.
The diary written by Erleen – Dawn's ancestor – reported information regarding the powers of the other Nerys, but was not very detailed on how they could control them.
In the afternoon, after lunchtime, the Council had to intervene in a small town in Nova Scotia, Canada, Lunenburg. Sam had spotted a suspicious message left on a cell phone's voicemail. “It may seem absurd to you, but something crazy happened to me.”, said the voice of a rather happy boy. “Jess and his gang were beating me up in the bathroom, and suddenly they stopped because they couldn't see me anymore, while I was right there in front of them. Isn't it fantastic? I felt like I had an invisibility cloak on. I left school without them noticing, call me as soon as you hear the message buddy.”
«We're going to need you Meg if we're want to find him.» Dawn said as Samantha relayed the message. «You're the only one who can see him.»
«I think I can sense his movements even if he's camouflaged.» said Oswald.
Dawn shook her head. «You, Jeyson, Ellen, and Chelsea will stay here in case another mission comes up.» Dawn retorted. «We already have Megan's senses, and Sam will protect us if the Hunters show up.»
«Dawn's right.» Chelsea said. «You go, don't waste any more time. We can find some other descendant of Alyx to teleport us if necessary.»
Nathan looked at Dawn to see if he should go with them or stay with the others there, at the Nemlyth Institute. She grabbed his shirt and pulled him towards the rest of the group, without saying a word. And as soon as they were all close, Jeb took them to their destination, not far from where Sam had intercepted that message. «He hasn't gone far, I can still get the signal from his cell phone.»
They were a few steps from the port, there was practically no one around.
«Look around, you too.» Megan said as she scanned the surroundings with her eyes. «Even if you don't see him, you can always spot him by sounds and interactions with the surrounding environment.»
«I can do better... » Dawn whispered, closing her eyes.
Nathan stared at her curiously, wondering what she was doing.
«The life energies of humans and Nerys are different. If she concentrates, she can distinguish them.» Sam explained. «That's why she's certain you're one of us.»
When Dawn almost blacked out at the convenience store, it was because of the energy he exuded. Although she didn't manifest her powers, it seemed that her powers were quite powerful, enough to make her almost faint.
«That way.», Dawn pointed towards a small red house on their right. «I think it's in there. Meg take a look at the window.»
The purple haired girl approached carefully and peeked through the glass window. There was a little boy, smaller than Jeb, who was making a mess of everything in the house. His hair was black but, with her more developed vision, Megan could already see the pastel purple of regrowth at the roots of his hair. Without turning, with her hand, she motioned for her companions to join her. When they got to the window, they only saw furniture and objects moving on their own. Only Oswald could faintly perceive his figure. He wasn't really invisible, but he blended in with what was around him. If the movements were too sudden, he didn't give his body time to camouflage, and Oswald was able to glimpse him.
«You, come out.» said Meg, certain that the boy's ears would definitely hear her. In fact, he turned towards the window. His eyes widened when he saw that girl's purple hair. While he had always hidden them, she seemed to wear them freely. When he noticed the others next to her, he ran away but Richard ran to the door and the invisible boy was trapped in his arms as soon as he crossed the threshold. Within a few seconds, he was visible to everyone again.
«What do you want from me?», he protested as Richard still held him down.
«Don't worry, we don't want to hurt you.» the one of his kind reassured him. «We are just like you.»
«What are they?» the boy asked, still trying in vain to free himself from Richard's grip.
«If you come with us, without making a fuss, we will explain everything to you.» Dawn answered him.
«Now we'd better go, we don't know if the Hunters are after him.» Jeb pointed out.
Dawn nodded then she turned back to the boy. «When we are safe, you can contact your family, if you have one, now there is no more time.»
«Fine.», the boy finally gave up and Jeb was finally able to take them back to the institute.
Chelsea, as always, acted as the welcoming committee. «Come with me.» she told him politely, as they appeared out of nowhere in the Council break room.
«How did we get here?» asked the newcomer.
«I will explain everything to you, follow me.» Chelsea insisted, leading the way.
Jeyson sighed. «I had to delete a dozen videos from the internet. That guy went around the school wreaking havoc and they caught him… well not him, but the objects floating in the air.» he complained.
«He had just discovered what he could do, we all made some mistakes in the beginning, before ending up here.», Megan defended the one of her kind.
Richard sat down on the carpet, on the floor, and joined Jeyson and Oswald for one last game, as it was now time for dinner.
While the three of them played, the others went to the kitchen to prepare food. Unlike the other students, they were more independent. While the Council members never had set hours, due to their rescue missions, the cafeteria had set shifts, for the Nerys who worked there. Because, even if that was an unusual institute, life there worked just like it did outside.
The Nerys of the Council, therefore, had to be responsible and to share the tasks. Usually, whoever arrived in the kitchen, or finished eating, last, was responsible for cleaning and tidying up. And that evening, Dawn and Ellen were the slowest to eat, so they stayed after dinner to clear the table and wash the dishes, while the others went back to their rooms to rest, but always ready in case something happened during the night.
With Dawn's help, drying the dishes was a breeze. Ellen soaped and washed them while her friend dried them by sucking up the water and directing it directly into the sink drain.
«Do you want me to take you downstairs?» Dawn asked Ellen as she handed her the last plate to dry.
Ellen shook her head. «No need, don't worry. Just go to rest.»
«Okay… see you tomorrow then.»
«Good night!» Ellen told her, putting away plates and cutlery in the cupboard just above the sink.
«'Night.», Dawn reached the door and left the kitchen.
As she headed to her room, she saw Nathan coming from the opposite direction. He hadn't changed, he was still wearing his uniform.
«Where are you going?» she asked him when she was close enough to him.
«My cell phone... I forgot it in the library this morning. I'll go get it, it won't take long.»
Dawn grabbed his wrist as he took a step forward, and stopped him. «You know the rules. You'll get it tomorrow, you don't need it anyway.»
«It embarrasses me a lot… but I need it.» he confessed after a slight hesitation. «Without music, I just can't sleep.»
«If that's the problem, I can lend you mine.»
Nathan shook his head. «No, I need mine. Those songs… my father composed them.» he said, looking down. «I know the way.», he freed himself from Dawn's hand and walked away.
Dawn knew how much her father cared about respecting the rules, but she couldn't pretend she hadn't seen the wistful look on Nathan's face. «I doubt it's still in the library.» Dawn told him before he got too far away. She turned and saw him standing, a few steps away from her, in the middle of the corridor. He seemed genuinely worried, scared at the idea of losing it forever, along with all of its contents. «By now they must have put it in the lost property drawer in my father's office.» she reassured him, then sighed. «I have the keys, but if we get caught, you'll have to take full responsibility. And if we get lucky, you will be the one, in the morning, begging Jeyson to delete tonight's footage, deal?»
Nathan smiled slightly then nodded. «Deal.»
Dawn joined him and together they headed to the principal's office. They moved quickly trying to do as soon as possible. The sooner they got the cell phone back, the sooner they would go back to their dorm.
As soon as they reached the door, Dawn pulled her phone out of her pocket and handed it to Nathan. «Turn on the flash, we can't turn the lights on.» she told him as she inserted the key into the lock, to open the door. «Come on in.»
Nathan didn't have to be told twice and ran towards the desk. Dawn joined him after closing the door.
«Which drawer should I look in?» Nathan asked her.
She bent down next to him. «He usually puts them in the last one.» she replied by helping him open it. «But as usual it's stuck.»
Just then they heard footsteps and Allen's voice getting closer and closer. He was probably on the phone with someone. «I think the time has come for you to talk to them, they need to know… Okay… I have some documents for you to see, I'll send them to you now.», he was now at the door and was inserting the key into the lock.
Nathan covered the flash with one hand and, with the other, grabbed Dawn by the arm. He pulled her under the desk and, in that tiny space, their faces found themselves just a few centimeters apart. They both tried to look anywhere but into each other's eyes.
When the door opened, Nathan quickly covered Dawn's mouth to prevent her from making any sound. She instinctively looked at him and when their eyes met, Dawn turned on the light in the room, before the principal could press the switch button.
Nathan immediately noticed the blush on her cheeks, even though his hand was covering part of her face. He released her immediately but the light remained on, it flickered only for a thousandth of a second and then stabilized. Even if the light had gone out, it would have been of no use, they had been discovered.
Allen quickly reached his desk and caught them hiding, far too close.
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