Izuku was sitting in the back of maths daydreaming about Katsuki who was under house arrest for a fight with Todoroki. He was doodling sparkles in the margin of his book, not paying attention to Aizawa who was explaining a equation on the chalkboard. When no one was watching he leaned over into his bag and grabbed his phone out, opening messages.
Izuku 🥦: Katsukiiii I miss you soo much baby
Delivered at 1:29PM
Seen by Katsuki at 1:30PM
Katsuki 💥: Miss you too baby
Izuku 🥦: I might sneak around your room after school
Katsuki 💥: Don't risk your ass trying to give me cuddles and kisses
Izuku 🥦: Haha wow very funny Katsuki
Katsuki 💥: 🙄
Izuku 🥦: Shit I think I've been caught by the teacher-
Izuku is offline
Izuku shoves his phone back into his bag when Aizawa comes around to check the work he's done in the last hour.
"Izuku Midoriya. To the office now" Aizawa said pointing to the class door. Izuku groans and packs his bag before traipsing to the office. On the way he peeks into the house were Todoroki and Katsuki were in for house arrest. Izuku can see Katsuki sitting on the couch looking at his phone. He knocks on the glass. Katsuki looks up and sees him in the window frame. Izuku points at his lips. Katsuki opens the window and leans out and kisses Izuku. They share a passionate kiss. Izuku smiles.
"I got caught by Aizawa using my phone and not doing any of my work" Izuku said.
"Like you ever do work. You only get good grades because of me" Katsuki said rolling his eyes.
Izuku frowns before leaving to the office. He opens the front door of the office and slams it hard.
"Bakugo.. where were you when Kaminari was stabbed?" Todoroki asked.
"Bathroom.. I was doing my business.. and I didn't even hear it happen. It was so quiet the way it happened" Bakugou answered. Todoroki stared at him.
"If you haven't heard about this yet here... During Kaminari's surgery, they found a piece of Blackwhip shattered. And the only person in U.A. who has Blackwhip is your boyfriend" Todoroki said. Bakugo falls silent. Then reaches for his phone and texts Izuku. Todoroki looked dumbfounded.
Katsuki 💥: Izuku hear me out. Todoroki knows it was you. They found traces of Blackwhip in Kaminari's body during the surgery.
Delivered at 2:07 PM
Seen by Izuku at 2:10PM
Izuku 🥦: Guess someone else is about to die as well.
Katsuki lets out a low laugh.
"I say you run now" Katsuki said.
Then a loud BANG and glass comes flying down at Todoroki, some small shards landing in his face and bigger shards in his body. No one was behind the sudden glass falling, but only Katsuki knew who was behind it. His angelic looking boyfriend.
Heya guys, sorry for such a long wait for this chapter, but after this chapter, I'll be on hiatus till Monday 29, or Tuesday depending on school.
I hope you enjoy this chapter <3
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