"We need to take her powers away" Ms Carmen said. "No we can't do that it's already a rule in our school not to lock their powers once it is opened" Mr Powell said. Almora opened her eyes and found herself in a room and saw the headmistress and Mr Powell talking "Who brought me in here?" she asked. Mr Powell and Ms Carmen turned to look at her after hearing her voice. "Ms Almora you almost burnt the school down today" Ms Carmen said. "No I didn't when did I do that".
"Your powers are out of control miss Almora and we have no other choice than to lock it back" Ms Carmen said fiercely. "I didn't know when all that happened all I know was that I was feeling some pains in my head and the rest is blank" Almora said already scared. "Please please please don't lock my powers please it's so painful please don't don't do this to me please I promise my powers wont go out of control again" Almora begged already crying. Mr Powell looked at Ms Carmen in the eyes. "Miss Almora what happened today could have exposed our school or even jeopardized the life of the students in the school" Miss Carmen said "we have no other choice than to keep your powers locked till you are able to control them".
"Please I beg of you please don't lock it. I'll find a way to control it. Just please please don't please it's so painful please I had finally gotten free from the pain of my powers being locked just please please please don't lock it please" Almora kept begging. Lucian looked at Almora with a solemn look as he had never imagined seeing her like this. "Your powers are not going to be locked Mora" Lucian said and everyone turned to look at him. "Mr Harris what do you mean by that?" Ms Carmen said.
"I mean what I said and what I said is that Almora's power is not going to be locked".
"Yes please, please" Almora said as she cried. "And what are you going to do to stop me Mr Harris" Ms Carmen asked.
"I'm making you a promise that her powers won't go out of control again". Mr Powell smiled at what Lucian said and turned to look at Ms Carmen.so did Almora. "Okay Mr Harris I take your word as a promise. If this should go out of control again then I have no choice than to back out of this promise she said and left with Mr Powell.
"Thank you" Almora said and jumped to hug Lucian. Lucian was completely frozen by what she just did. She broke from the hug and said to him "why did you help me?". "Like I said I'm your friend and friends help each other right?" "Thank you again" Almora said "but please don't tell Amy or Stacy about what happened". "I promise I won't. Now clean your tears and let's go have dinner cry baby" he teased her. "I'm not a crybaby" she pouted her mouth as she said that. Lucian just chuckled at her expressions. She wiped her tears and took her phone from beside the bed, then she left with Lucian to meet with the others at the cafeteria. When Almora entered the cafeteria with Lucian and everyone turned to look at her.
"Did you hear about what happened today?" someone whispered.
"She almost burned the school"
"I'm sure she must have done that"
Lucian turned to look at them and they kept quiet. They both went to the table where their friends were. They had already ordered their food for them. "hey Almora, how are you feeling now" Amy asked. "I'm fine guys and I'm so sorry for the way I spoke to all of you. Well I guess it's because I've never had friends before so this was all new to me but believe me I'm sorry. I shouldn't have spoke to you like that" Almora said. "It's okay, Almora. We all understand and we are all friends if we don't understand each other then what are we friends for. We love you and will always do" Amy said and Stacy smiled and said "I'm also sorry and I love you too". They all laughed and ate their dinner heartily.
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