Having left his mark on the battlefield, Ethan was nowhere near done with Sector 5, leaving Galaxia to wonder on her rooftop. “Does Vecky stand a chance against Lord Quinn? Apollo and Silver definitely have a chance, but I don’t see how Vector would win against Lord Quinn. But he is smart enough to outsmart Lord Quinn to victory, where does that put me though? Can I even win against him… what is wrong with me? Where is my gamer spirit? I will die trying before I give up this game.”
“Hopefully that was the last of your General, I’d hate to find out you have more hiding in the shadows.”
Like a frightened cat, Galaxia sprung forward while looking back at Ethan. “For the love of Mavis, stop sneaking up on me.” To her surprise, she had gone off the edge and was falling to the streets. “Now look what you made me do!”
Ethan chuckled looking down at Galaxia falling to the ground, he then followed as he stepped off the edge and descended. Although it was a high fall, she stuck the landing with her aching metal ankles and dashed off. Hovering down to break his fall, Ethan chased after her as he landed, leaving a streak of electricity behind him. The chase was on, they zoomed through the streets of the sector causing a tailwind to pick up. Ethan inched ever so closer to Galaxia as he could grab the streak of electricity she was leaving behind her. However, Ethan’s attention was drawn to Galaxia’s wide-open arms. For qinx sake, the last time I saw her do that, a bunch of bots came out everywhere to attack me.
Galaxia pulled her arms in and instantly, hundreds of bots came crashing out of every window in the area. From buildings to car windows, bots erupted onto the street to ambush Ethan who was not amused as his face had a blank expression while glaring at Galaxia who was running backwards to grin back at him with peace hand signs. “Nothing personal, Lord Quinny, just gotta play the game as best I can.”
That bastard, no point complaining about it. Ethan stood in a fight stance with his energy sword while the bots charged toward him with their weaponised hands. The first to reach him swung their right hand with blades for fingers at him, Ethan raised his left leg and swung it for his foot to kick the forearm of the bot, blocking the attack; Continuing the flow of the attack, Ethan became airborne as he used his other leg to swing in a kick on the bot’s face. Staying in the flow of the attack while the bot crashed into other bots, Ethan ducked under a hand attack and sweep-kicked the bot off their balance as it fell on Ethan’s blade, slicing through its neck.
Grabbing the arm of a bot, Judo threw it to the ground and impaled its head with his sword then spinning heel kicked a hand attack away and slashed through their head. Keeping in the flow, he threw his sword, it spun slicing through every bot that stood in its way. Diverting an attack from behind, he swung a punch onto their metal skull collapsing them. Dodging another attack and grabbing their arm to guide them into another attack, they got impaled by their own comrade’s weaponised hand. Channelling energy into the symbol in his left palm, Ethan summoned his sword back into his hand in time to slash off multiple heads of bots as heads flew and bodies fell.
He parried and countered every hand attack that came his way, leaving Galaxia in the background in utter shock and disappointment. “Come on you morons, at least get one hit on him!” Pointless her cries were, Ethan channelled electricity from his sword. The ecstatic sensation surged through him, he perceived their attacks in slow motion. With the bots around him unable to keep up with his speed, Ethan moved with the flow of his sword, slicing through every bot on his way outside the crowd. Finding himself in the open street away from the bots, Ethan channelled energy into his ring finger which activated a quantum symbol. Jumping high into the air, he gazed down at the bots, all eyes were on him. However, Galaxia had already seen this scene before, she forced the bots to disperse in a frenzy.
After a flash of ivy, an electromagnetic cannon appeared in Ethan’s hand ready to fire. With the pull of the trigger, an electromagnetic plasma ball was blasted out of the barrel and soared down like a bomb just burning to touch the ground to trigger its grand display of annihilation for all to see. BOOOOM!!! Running was pointless for the bots as it was already too late, their bodies were scorched to ashes in the blazing radiation. Feeling the shockwave, her coat flowed in the wave, and Galaxia witnessed the massacre from her rooftop. Speechless on her rooftop, she then noticed to her right that Ethan was standing on a rooftop across the road from her.
“Shall we continue our game of cat and mouse?”
A feeling of joy festered Galaxia as she grinned and then chuckled. If he wanted to kill me, he could’ve done that when he snuck up on me. He is fair and seems to savouring this as much as I am. “I believe it’s time for the mouse to stand up against its predator. So let’s settle this in a 1v1.”
“Then show me your fighting spirit, little mouse.”
Happy to oblige, a surge of electricity erupted from Galaxia as she entered her convergence mode. The thundering of static electricity could be heard throughout the empire, the sonic boom shattered windows in range, and the very rooftop she stood on quaked & slowly crumbled. Much to Ethan’s surprise, he didn’t expect this from Galaxia. Where is this coming from? She doesn’t have the build for this level of energy output, 300% is insane.
“Clearly, I cannot beat you without putting my life on the line, so I am risking it all to bring out the maximum energy convergence.” My body was not built for this kind of convergence, but I can handle it for a minute, two minutes tops before it eradicates my body. Until then I will give it my all, let's see if you can handle this, Lord Quinn.
Ethan quickly tried turning up the valve on his energy sword but Galaxia had closed the gap between them, she dashed into him with her fist firmly against his abdomen. She kept running, bringing Ethan along with her before at the edge she punched him away, and a thunderclap boomed from it. Ethan crashed and tumbled through building walls and glass until a wall withstood the worn-out momentum.
The Rebels stood up in a panic watching through their lenses from Ethan’s point of view. “We need to go help him!” Kunoichi said. Tony shook his head and was lying on the ground relaxed. “What exactly are you guys going to do in that fight? You’ll only get in his way.”
“He is right you know,” said Flash.
“Then why don’t you go help him?” Kunoichi asked Tony.
“Because he doesn’t need my help, Ethan is more resilient than all of us combined. He will adapt and handle the situation, so don’t worry about him.”
Against the wall with his body aching temporarily, he was healing himself. Gosh, that hurt. Well, this was an unexpected outcome, but still a manageable threat… Matching her energy output of Blue would be madness, so I need to use an energy type that would be good to counter hers. Before Ethan got up, he turned the valve up to its max and switched the energy mode to silver. Normally the sword would start radiating an energy but instead, Ethan’s body became distorted and erratic in the vibrations of his body.
Galaxia attacked Ethan with an electric punch, not realising how reckless it was until her punch was stopped by Ethan’s energy sword. What the, why can’t I move??? She struggled to even flinch, stuck in motion of her attack, with her fist against the side of his sword. Ethan lifted his hand, Kinetic Technique Level 3, and put two fingers on her forehead, Extreme Repulse. A massive surge of kinetic energy flowed out of Ethan’s two fingers causing Galaxia to be pushed back tremendously against her will without being able to resist. She rapidly crashed through many buildings continuously until she became embedded in the wall that separated the sectors.
Taking deep breaths amidst the aftermath, Ethan calmed his rapid heartbeat and regained his central equilibrium. He smirked while looking at the destruction caused by his attack. Kinetic Technique Level 1: Sonic Boom. Ethan vanished in the loud shockwave that was released when Ethan moved faster than the speed of sound, zooming toward Galaxia who was trying to unembed herself from the wall. Well, bust my boils and call me Gally… What the hell are you, Lord Quinn? I know you’re not the same kind of humans that exist in this world, but what human can produce an energy output of that magnitude? “But I’m not done yet, Lord Quinn!”
Her declaration summoned the full might of Ethan, he zoomed in before her, bringing an immense surge of potential energy with him. Putting his hand on her chest, a dense sonic BOOOM thundered as potential energy transformed into an overwhelming flood of kinetic energy that impacted the Galaxia and the sector wall, a large area of the wall cracked and crumbled, following Galaxia who was forced through the rest of the sector wall and tumbled through buildings into the streets of Sector 4.
Galaxia recovered but stumbled while she got up. I’m running out of time, I can’t let it reach 2 minutes. At least I still have more than a minute left. How can I clutch this in my favour…? I don’t know, I gotta improvise. Seeing a blur zooming toward her, she created strings from electricity and attached them to a vehicle, she spun around swinging the car into the blur. Ethan stopped the car with his hand with no impact or aftermath and pointed at Galaxia, the vehicle moved toward her like a blur. Jumping over the car, she attached electric strings to the front of the vehicle and swung it over her head to descend it on Ethan who stopped the car in mid-air with his hand and no impact. However, Galaxia had attached her strings to vehicles on both sides of the street and quickly crossed her hands, swiftly pulling the vehicles at Ethan.
Ethan walked toward Galaxia, he caused a sonic BOOM that slowed the collision course he was in. Galaxia charged Ethan while the 2 vehicles collided behind him. Throwing a punch at him, Ethan stepped to the side and her punch flew past him. Improvising, she spun and threw a spinning kick at him that he caught and gripped her ankle, he spun her around before tossing her against a truck. Galaxia dug her hand into the pocket of her uniform and fiddled around in there. Taking her hand out with nothing in it, she put it on the side of the truck she crashed against and helped herself up. Suddenly moving out of the way, Galaxia swung the truck with all her might at Ethan who had seen it before so he remained unfazed. No impact was made, for the truck stopped in motion against Ethan’s hand.
Frustration led Galaxia to charge at Ethan. “For the love of Mavis, how are you doing that?!” She threw several reckless electrified punches at Ethan that were dodged, blocked or diverted. Her frustration ceased as she reached into her pocket and pulled out something. Ethan, unable to identify what she had pulled until it was too late, was blinded by a bright flash and discombobulated by the loud BANG. Left vulnerable on his feet, ready to collapse, Ethan was open to Galaxia’s attack, she came rushing in with a smirk and a surging fist that made contact with his face. I’m sorry I had to resort to such a dirty tactic, Lord Quinn, but a mouse has to do what a mouse has gotta do to survive. A thundering BOOM from the punch, forced Ethan to tumble and crash through buildings until he stopped his momentum with kinetic energy. Still concussed, Ethan kept stumbling back to the ground but mustered whatever stability he had left to conjure one of his BlackBoxes from the quantum realm through a symbol on his wrist.
Galaxia came in throwing a milk lorry at Ethan. Unable to channel efficiently due to his discombobulation, Ethan double-tapped his quantum glove and reached out his hand. The lorry was engulfed by shades of green as it made contact with Ethan’s glove hand, then vanished in a flash of green. Surprised by the vanishing trick, Galaxia scoffed and bolted toward Ethan. He still seems dazed so let me capitalise on that.
As Galaxia was about to attack Ethan, he activated Frigoré and it released a cybernetic wave that shut down Galaxia in motion for her attack. As her body fell on the street like a corpse, unable to fathom how her body just shut down out of nowhere, Galaxia wondered. Is this the same move he used earlier…? No, the one he used last time, left me feeling like I couldn’t move, this move has me feeling like I have no access to this body which is a whole other level.
Ethan fell himself on the street to recover, his vision was still blurry and his ears were still ringing. He mustered up the strength to speak his thoughts. “I’m sorry I had to use this on you Galaxia, but after that flash attack, I knew fair play was down the drain.”
“My bad, I should’ve known better than to play dirty against you… since this warm-up game is over, why don’t we continue to the main event, Lord Quinn?”
“Main event? What do you mean?”
“Our battle has only begun Lord Quinn. Join me in Cyber Realm and let us begin our gaming mania.”
His vision became clear, he was staring at the cloudy sky, he grinned and chuckled lightly. “How could I resist such a challenge, let’s do it Galaxia.”
“Aw Yeah! Lets goooo! Get in here!”
“Just give me a sec.”
Ethan dug into his pocket in search of a black box. “Colonel, do you copy?”
“Loud & clear, Cyber.”
“Great, so I’ll be going into the Virtual Cyber Realm to finish off Governor Galaxia. You have my location, so please come watch over my body while I’m in there.”
“Copy that, be careful in there, I doubt Kunoichi would like to experience the previous incident again.”
“I don’t know what Galaxia has prepared for me in her Cyber domain, but it shouldn’t take long. So tell Chi not to worry about me if she does.”
“Sure, I’ll try. Good luck in there, Cyber.”
“Thanks, Colonel. Cyber out.” Having pulled out Corruptión from his pocket, Ethan activated it in his hand and it lost its shape becoming a luminous slimy liquid. It began engulfing his hand, he remained lying on the street in front of Galaxia’s corpse. He gazed at the sky again, clouds scattered about on its canvas as they slowly moved across it. Soon Ethan could only see through his right eye as the other was covered by Corruptión. Ethan slowly lost consciousness while he was completely engulfed.
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