Aubyn and I were in an odd place. It wasn’t a bad thing, just a confusing thing. What made it confusing was my complete lack of understanding of what role I was to be playing and what title our relationship had. We were in limbo.
We’d done everything backwards according to him. We’d kissed and teased and done foreplay before we even mentioned considering a relationship with each other. I was sure it was mostly because we hadn’t realized we liked each other until after that, so everything before our relationship discussion was simply due to being horny.
However, I was still horny, and while Aubyn wanted to take it slow and take a step back on all the intimate stuff until we knew more about each other, I wanted to continue with the touching. I could only imagine myself becoming a dried-up raisin and on the verge of death if I was touch starved. Aubyn had said he liked physical touch, but I was having a harder time than he was keeping my hands to myself.
When I had awkwardly brought up that I was Aubyn-starved, he only laughed and told me, “I am Zedikai starved too, but you are still recovering from your cold. If I kiss you then kiss Coen, I may risk getting him sick”. I couldn’t even argue, because I’d be almost as worried as he’d be if Coen got sick.
I didn’t have much time on my hands to keep missing Aubyn’s touch after I got Dr Stanley’s thumbs up to start working. I’d been forced to take it easy until all my symptoms disappeared and the better I felt as the days passed, the more excited I became to start my new job.
First, I had to discuss our rooming arrangement. As much as I’d love to keep staying with Aubyn, I knew I needed to get my own space. I’d miss sleeping next to him and waking up to him and having his warmth so close, but my top priority when I thought about things rationally with the brain in my skull, should be to become independent. If I continued to stay with Aubyn, he’d want to take care of me and I’d let him because I had a hard time refusing him. I liked being spoiled by him.
Me tripping over my suitcase one morning while half awake was the perfect time to bring it up, but Aubyn beat me to the punch by saying, “It is about time I put in for a double dorm. We need more space”.
“About that…” I’d started, putting the kettle on to make some tea. I’d always despised tea, but I’d gotten so used to having it with breakfast that it felt weird to not have it now.
“What is it?”
“I was thinking that I could have my own room,” I’d said cautiously, my back to him as I prepped the tea leaves and mugs.
“But… Why?” Aubyn asked. I could hear what almost sounded like betrayal in his tone which I could understand seeing as I never brought it up before. “Do you not want to share a dorm with me?”
“That’s not it,” I’d said quickly. “Before you came into the picture, my goal was to be independent, remember? I wanted to live a normal life with a job and a place I could call my home without having to depend on anyone. You saw where that got me. Wouldn’t you want to date someone who’s a whole person, who doesn’t need a crutch?”
Aubyn looked uneasy. I completely understood seeing as I felt the same way the second the thought popped into my head. I didn’t get this far by staying in my comfort zone and independence was something I’d always wanted. No, needed. I hated having to depend on others when I didn’t need to. I was starting a new life now. Things ought to be different.
“Is that okay?” I’d asked softly, still not wanting to upset him. If he wanted, I’d delay moving to my own room, but it was something that I felt had to be done eventually.
“It is perfectly fine if you want to live in your own dorm. I just thought…” He chewed on his lower lip and I’d never seen him so uncomfortable. “I thought we would stay together.”
“It’s more of me wanting to make sure I don’t needlessly depend on you,” I’d explained. “I don’t want to be someone who constantly needs to be taken care of. How am I supposed to feel worthy of you if you’re my alarm clock and my chef…”
“I do not mind helping you with anything at all.”
“But you’ve already done so much. I want to be able to walk alongside you and I don’t feel like I can do that while constantly relying on you.” I turned off the kettle when it began to whistle and poured the hot water into our two mugs. “I can’t depend on you forever. I thought this could be a nice step forward.”
“You are right about that.” He smiled as I brought our teas to the table. “I assumed we would be living together. I have gotten so used to sleeping next to you. Now I will have to get used to sleeping alone again.”
“Well, I could go back to sleeping on the couch as practice,” I said. I’d been sleeping on the couch mostly while I was sick.
“No. If we only have a few days left together, then I would rather keep you close.”
I took a sip of my tea to hide my satisfied smile and it immediately warmed me up. “Are you really gonna miss me?”
“If I visit you every day for the first few days, please forgive me.”
“Shouldn’t that be my line?” I asked, my stomach feeling all fluttery. I was sure I was the clingier of the two of us. “Don’t worry too much about me. I won’t take on more than I can handle and if I need your help, I’ll ask.”
“Would you like me to take you shopping?”
“Yes,” I’d answered immediately. I wouldn’t dare try to do that by myself just yet. “Please.”
“And now that you are better, there are some things that we need to do like get your bank account opened. Your phone will be ready before your drawing pad and you can use it to pay for things, but for now, you can access your funds through my card.”
“Alright.” I took another sip of my tea. “What can we get done tomorrow? Now that we’re talking about it, I want to get settled in with my dorm and work so I feel like I have a life here.”
“Can you meet me at the office tomorrow afternoon? We can go from there.”
I paused with my mug to my mouth. “I don’t know how to get to your work.”
“Our work,” he’d corrected. “It is Milan’s turn to teach you how to take the bus. He can help you get your public transport card.”
While we were on Earth, I had teased Milan about his lack of knowledge of the public transportation system thinking he might be used to being driven around or driving himself. I was wrong. He was used to taking public transportation, but not on Earth.
As expected, he requested I get on my knees and beg him for his assistance with an evil grin on his face. If it wasn’t for Sang’s “Baby, play nice”, I would have had to swallow my pride and get down on my knees.
I was more excited than I thought I’d be to ride the bus. It was something so simple that I’d done so many times in New Malta, yet it felt like a bigger deal in Karys. Maybe it was because I still hadn’t gotten used to being around so many vacura. Seeing two humans walking around with a non-human child was one of the reasons we kept being stared at before, but getting on a bus would likely trigger the same reaction.
Milan, Coen and I left the dorms and walked to the nearest convenience store to purchase a local transport card because I’d need it to get on public transportation. Because Coen was under ten years old, he travelled for free and didn’t need a card.
The card had options for different patterns and designs and it took me fifteen minutes to decide on a pattern. After, I used Aubyn’s bank card to charge money to it. All I had to do when I got on the bus was tap it against the tiny screen near the door and find a seat. Not so hard. Even Coen clinging to me because there were too many strangers around didn’t make boarding difficult.
Taking the bus was just like taking the bus in New Malta only with more efficient and accessible buses and routes. Finding the right train was way harder. Milan had to walk me through the steps at least three times and it took the third time before I got our stop right. Because I’d learned the alphabet, I could slowly read the signs around us, but that didn’t mean I could tell what they all meant. Even so, it was nice to see the benefit of my few lessons.
The office building of the Department of Community Protection, or Vuaila Kareta Sonryu, was huge. Like many of the buildings I’d seen since being on Karys, it looked like something I’d come across while travelling in the Middle East with its domes and high arches.
Before leaving for work, Aubyn said he’d let Siele know I was coming by in the afternoon, so as soon as I got to the front desk, I introduced myself and left Coen and Milan behind as I followed a tall woman to Siele’s office.
I hadn’t thought much of my new boss since landing and getting sick, so I was pleasantly surprised when she met me with a smile. As soon as I saw her and greeted her, I was immediately reminded of the very showy dress she’d worn to the departure dinner that had me questioning my sexuality. I’d settled on the realization that, just like with Rikki, my being gay did not render me unable to recognize and respectfully admire a beautiful woman.
“Are you feeling better?” Siele asked. “Don’t feel like you need to start work immediately. I’d rather you be in tip-top shape before even thinking about work.”
“I’ve more than recovered,” I’d told her. “Besides, I’m sure I have a deadline to start working.”
“But if the delay is due to your health, we don’t have much choice but to wait until you’re better, now do we?”
“Don’t worry. I’m better enough to get started.”
“Good to hear. So, first things first, your accommodations…”
I told her about my wanting to get my own room and she helped me choose an empty single dorm two floors above Aubyn. I was relieved since we wouldn’t be that far apart from each other.
We got to talking about my uniform, part-time schedule, and even discounts for things like groceries and apartments if I ever chose to leave the dorms since working with the DCP officially made me a government employee.
“What about benefits?” I’d asked.
“Benefits like what?”
“Like health insurance, vacation, fringe benefits… that kind of stuff.”
“We don’t have anything like that here. If you need healthcare, all you need to do is find a doctor who treats humans. They will help you. Taxes you pay help with supplying human medical needs that Othanaians don’t have. It covers everything from blood to medication.” Siele pursed her lips. “As for vacation, your schedule needs to match with Ges’sel-soh more or less so you pretty much have the same time off. As for fringe benefits, there are transportation, accommodation, mental health, memberships, discounts, childcare, tuition, disability, relocation, and retirement. If you ever want to take advantage of any of those, let me know.”
With how I’d heard Peter, my father, complain, I could only imagine how shitty things were set up back in New Malta. As I spoke to her, all of Peter’s complaints about work disappeared from my mind.
“Your uniform is something you must wear to work no matter what. We have our standard uniform and more casual and formal options for special occasions like workshops, trips, dinners, mentoring, award ceremonies, etcetera.” Siele handed over what looked like a ringed, laminated booklet. “You can choose the pieces of your uniform you’d like from this book. We reimburse you for however much you spend on work-related things, most of which are supplied here in the office.”
The meeting lasted longer than I thought it would, but I got all my questions answered.
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