“Look, Ryle.” Argo began, however, the words he knew he had to say froze in his throat, leaving his mouth oddly agape. Nyx shot him a look, her eyebrow raised in confusion. Would he really be forced to do this again? Betray someone who placed their hopes in them. The feeling of Dalton going limp against the blade of his knife just three days prior rang through his mind. “Come with us, quick. And you better explain how you managed to outpace our horses on foot.”
“Ar- Terrin!” Nyx shouted, surprised.
“I’ve made my choice Fell, we can’t leave him. Besides, he could have useful information for us.” Ryle looked at him as if weighing his options before eventually nodding and running towards where Argo’s horse stood. “Get on him, Ryle.”
“Okay.” He hopped off the ground and leapt oddly high before landing on the back half of the horse. Nyx quickly followed suit, sighing at Argo’s stupidity before he too joined Ryle on his horse, sitting on the front half. They quickly began through the hill and up the mountain.
“Now, how far behind you were these bandits?”
“Not much, no more than a ten minute ride for them.” He had managed to outpace them on horseback?
“Okay, I’ve had enough. You’re going to be telling us how you managed to move so fast.” Nyx shouted as they reached the base of the mountain and began to move up around the carved road which looped around its edges. To their side, the cliff scaled high, until once again reaching the road. This pattern repeated off road, cliff face and road again for what seemed like a good four or five times before finally reaching the walls of the city above.
Ryle seemed to pause whilst holding on for dear life to the edge of the saddle. “If you don’t answer her I’ll throw you off the horse right now.” His eyes widened, yet seemingly not with fear. Argo could tell one of his canines was digging into his bottom lip. Argo had a suspicion of what the man could do, but he still had to be sure.
“I’m a Knower.” He responded with what Argo had assumed to be the case. “Not a good one though, but good enough that I can quicken myself a bit, hear a bit further and see well.” He was lying, it was clear the way his eyes flicked down to the side. Quickening oneself may make them faster than a person, but it wouldn’t put them close to the speed of a horse, let alone faster than one.
“Good enough of an answer I guess,” Nyx spoke, though Argo knew that she would have just as many issues with his claim as he did. They continued up the hill, however with each passing moment it became progressively more clear to Argo that they were going to slow. His first sign was when he saw the bandits for the first time, two layers further down on the hill than themselves. More of them rode on a more freshly ridden path. It was clearer of pebbles and stones, an easier ride for the upcoming horses. Whilst Winston may be able to get to the city in time, Argo’s horse wouldn’t have a chance whilst carrying both himself and Ryle, they wouldn’t make it. Nyx seemed to also realise what was happening.
* * *
“Boss! Only one layer to go, we should head back soon.”
“Not yet Gar, we turn back just before the gate. We have dealings with these guards, remember that.”
“Oh yeah, you’re right.”
Argo lay in wait, hoping that Nyx had gotten into position. They had sent Ryle ahead to wait for them within the town square, he had gone with both of their horses. There was no need to risk their lives in this trap. The hooves of approaching horses grew consistently closer, though the voices of the bandits faded as they looped around the length of the mountain.
He looked through the small wedge in the rocks in which he hid, he could barely fit though that in of itself made it a good hiding spot. He held tightly to his combat knife in his right hand, he didn’t have a sword with him, this would be his sole weapon till he could loot the bandits. His heart began to beat harder in his chest, unlike the bandits from a few days before these men wouldn’t be off guard, nor would they be working drugs through their system.
“Looks like the tracks are fresher here men.” They were close. He could hear the sound of hooves against the rocky path. He gripped the knife in his hand tighter. Just wait. They grew closer. Wait. One popped into his view, just a moment more.
He sprung from the rocks, cutting both his shoulders on their jagged edges as he did so, and thrust the tip of his dagger into the side of the closest horse. It rioted, throwing itself up into the air and through a streak of good luck its rider managed to hold on. The horse skated towards the edge of the cliff, but not off of it entirely, Argo hadn’t hit with enough force. He quickly moved towards the horse before it could stabilise, he grabbed his knife and ripped it free before bringing back his head and smashing it into the horse's side. He felt his brain smash against his skull, but that was enough, the horse stumbled back, too out of balance and along with its rider went falling down the cliff face.
“Boss!” The group of now seven bandits had been taken aback. The attack had lasted moments, however by the time it was over, and the first bandit was sent screaming to his death, they had all readied themselves. Three men had leapt off of their own horses, whilst another four remained on theirs.
“Fool. You should’ve turned over that kid when you had the chance.” One of the men still on their horse said as he pulled out a long sword. Argo readied himself, though that didn’t stop his heart from beating rapidly in his chest. Where was Nyx?
The captain's horse charged and he thrust his blade forward. Argo threw himself in a roll to the floor, though he was just a moment slow and the blade cut along his shoulder. As he stood up he was forced to use his knife to deflect an incoming strike and then jumped back to avoid another thrust of a blade aimed at his neck.
A scream, a scream came from above. That was his signal. He looked towards the group, turned and then ran. There were always three options when one encountered bandits, and it was a smart man who knew when to use each of those three.
A chorus of laughs followed him as he continued up the hill, many began to follow, the poor fools. A moment later a boulder peered over the ledge, it seemed like it was about to fall. It stopped. Argo’s heart dropped.
A bulk of the bandits had crossed the point of impact, the distance he had formed was gone and he had to find a way to deal with the encroaching group in front of him. He quickly turned around and launched back into the fight, knife in hand. He went for one of the bandit's throats, however he was prepared and quickly parried Argo’s knife. Whilst going for that attack, one of the bandit’s blades found the edge of his thigh, painting it red with his own blood. Adrenaline kept him standing as he tried to pull further back. However, that only did so much as the bandit's leader came charging in on horseback striking his head. This time Argo was prepared, he hit the ground fast, bruising the arm he landed on but successfully avoided the strike. One of the bandits seemed younger than the others, held further back within their haphazard formation. He was a rookie, the sole weakness Argo could take advantage of. He ran forward, ducking between blades which arced through the air towards him. Horses pulled back, providing those on their backs angles to strike from, yet Argo seemed to just dodge between them, avoiding each by the narrowest of margins. One by one he passed the bandits by until he stood directly in front of the youth. He muttered an apology which wouldn’t reach his ears as he thrust the blade forward.
A scream wrought out of the bandit crowd, throwing water on the raging fires of Argo’s adrenaline. The leader of the bandits rushed through the crowd towards Argo who stood atop the corpse of the youth. “Bastard!” Argo looked at him, shellshocked, he was frozen. Like a layer of mist, the bandit's anger spread through the battlefield, several others seemed stunned. He had to move though, he couldn’t simply let the strike land. He leapt to the side, towards the cliff face and felt the jagged rocks stab into his side. At the same time, the bandit thrust his sword through the flesh of Argo’s right arm. His adrenaline, wearing low, failed to prevent the immense pain of the strike from reaching his arm and like a wave all his other injuries piled down on top of him. His thigh spasmed and he collapsed down to one knee, his shoulder screamed in pain and blood coursed down his arm. The leader of the bandits was now weaponless, but Argo couldn’t continue. He needed a way out.
Nyx shouted. Argo felt energy flood him, how? He got up, this wasn’t adrenaline, his body still wept in pain, what was happening? He pushed the questions from his mind and started running up the hill, the bandits looked up in confusion, just as a boulder fell right on top of them. Argo turned back, he could see five standing on the other side of the boulder which now separated them, only one had been crushed. Still, the impact of the strike seemed to have shocked the thrill of the battle from them. Argo stood, looking towards the boulder, Nyx would be down soon. The bandits gathered and turned back. He let himself collapse to the floor, any remnants of the energy he had been gifted vanishing just like it had come, leaving him empty.
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