Our story begins in the land of Avalon where this tale follows a young girl's quest to discover her true purpose in this world. Gripped by uncertainty and confusion that will shape her destiny. Avalan is locked into a forever antagonizing war, fueled by conflicting ideals that divide the land. For over a millennium, breathtaking creatures had graced the skies, revered and worshipped like gods for their awe-inspiring presence. With wings spanning the horizon, as if turning the globe of this very planet. Their flames provided warmth to all living creatures underneath their ethereal presence, yet instilled fear in many who perceived them as threats. Now let us journey back to the beginning of our story, where joy is not always guaranteed. As we delve into the depths of her journey, we'll uncover the trial and tribulation that awaits our heroin on her path to self-discovery.
Step into a mesmerizing world where dragons soar high into the vast skies and legends become reality. " Dragon Savior: A New Beginning " is a captivating fantasy novel that follows the adventure of Starfania, a young girl destined to find her true purpose.
Starfania dreams of a realm where dragons and humans coexist harmoniously, a vision that helps drive her to self-discovery and heroism. As the next successor, in a lineage of powerful Dragon Saviors, she is faced with danger and immense responsibility, with powerful forces threatening her every step of the way.
From thrilling battles to heartwarming family bonds, Starfania's story is a tapestry of courage, sacrifice, and resilience. As she learns to navigate impossible choices, and the new power, being guided by wisdom.
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