Small, not so great rhyme, but IH isn't great either so it fits. :P
I wanted to make something bit more Halloween-moody this week, while also reminding people who may not know about IH that it is 24/7 kind of thing.
You may have better times and manage to go out, even meet with people, but it is still there. Just because you can't see it, as we try to mask it heavily, doesn't mean it isn't right there with us in every moment.
IH is an invisible disability. The sleepiness impaires (is that written that way??) cognition, makes everyday tasks harder, and impacts every aspects of life.
It is by all means, easy to live with.
I just do wish people in the lives of IH people would realize that, and adjust accordingly. Be supportive instead of calling us "lazy". Helping out instead of complaining when we have to cancel things. Lending a hand when we are struggling.
We live with an invisible monster every day.
And there are no Witchers, Sorcerers, Healers, or other to make it go away.
It can't be slain. Only subdued.
So if you are reading this and are someone who has IH person in their lives - at least try to be a person who would rather try to help them stand than push them further down. Afterall, it is proven that unsupportive family/friends make living with any condition FAR WORSE.
Don't feed the Monster.
Meanwhile, I'll be back with a new Halloween themed comic (NO. 140!!) in 2 weeks. It should fit right to Hallowee time (that is my goal). (:
If you like the comic, please subscribe and support this tiny IH awareness attempt, follow me in social media (instagram @hiisikolo_art), leave a comment, like, do the stuff that helps this be more visible - and stay safe. <3
Trying my hardest to cope with a rare neurological sleep disorder some people don't even believe exists and yet manages to ruin my life.
Subscribe to support IH research and IH artist to keep the comic going. 50% of monetization goes to IH research, and once the comic reaches 250 you can donate Tapas INK to directly support the comic - from that I pledge 10% to IH research.
You can also support the comic by donating to me in ko-fi: where each donation helps me keep up making these. <3
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