* Sakae's Thought * Keita-kun ? That guy who gave her flowers ? Are you serious ? It's been two years !
Yukari : I don't want to .
( Sakae sigh in relief )
( Yuri shakes her )
Yuri : WhyYyYYyyyyYyy ?
Yukari : That's because he was my Ex's friend , If I date him it feels like he's betraying his friend right ?
Yuri : That doesn't make sense ....
( Sakae raised her hand )
Sakae : It does !
Yukari : That's right , Sakae !
Sakae : ( smile ) Mhm !
Yuri : Seriously ? .... Ah ! Bisexuals are getting famous now right ?
Yukari : Bisexuals ?
Yuri : Yes , those people who love the same gender . It's like a disease !
( Sakae grips onto her chopsticks )
( Her chopsticks snapped )
Yuri : Eh ? What are you doing ?
( Sakae panicked )
Sakae : N-nothing .... Just an accident .
( Yukari gave her extra chopsticks )
Yukari : You can use that .
Sakae : Thanks .
( Yukari looked at her )
Yukari : Sakae , You're normal right ?
* Sakae's Thought * Normal ? Why ?
Sakae : Yes , what do you mean by that ?
Yukari : ( shakes her head ) Nothing ( smile )
Why ? Why would you ask me like that ? Why do you have to think like that ? You .... you just sounded like him . Why ? Why are you acting like my father ?
( Sakae stands up )
Sakae : Toilet ( she rushed outside )
" Disgusting " " Can't you just be normal ? " " You're a girl ! "
( Sakae cried )
Sakae : Stop ....
Those words hunt me .... Stop it , Please make it stop !
( Yukari knocked on the door )
Yukari : Sakae ? Open this ! Sakae ?
( Sakae opened the door , her tears were visible )
Yukari : Are you alright ? What happened ?
( Sakae hugged her and cried )
( Yukari pats her )
Oh dear , you never fail to make me cry .
Yuri : What happened ?
Yukari : Her ankle hit the door .
Yuri : Just that ?
Sakae : What ? Do you want a fight ?
Yuri : N-no no , I don't . Ha-ha-ha ....
( Yukari pat her again )
Yukari : Well .... Just tell me if something happens again , okay ?
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