It was early in the morning when she arrived at work. She parked her car in the same place as always, took her bag, and walked to the elevator when she heard another car door shoot in the dark. She looked carefully to see who that person was, but she did not see anyone. Maintaining her composure, she walked faster, but at that moment, someone was also walking fast toward her, and she could hear footsteps in her direction. At that moment, she felt her heart jumping from her chest, and her foots moved by themself. Helena took the stairs to her left and quickly ran until she reached the entrance hall; out of breath, she saw Louise looking at her with concern.
"Are you okay?" she asked, walking toward her.
A door slammed underground at that moment, and both women felt shivers down their spines. Helena walked fast toward her and took her hand, whispering, "Follow me quietly."
They went straight to the security office while the guard tried to understand why the underground parking lot was out of service.
"Good morning, can i help you?" said the man after seeing them frightened.
"There is someone in the parking lot. That person followed me inside," said Helena.
The guard froze after hearing her say so, seeing that the cameras were out of service right at that moment. "Come inside," he said, trying to calm them down.
He searched on cameras for some minutes and saw in one of them that someone inside the building was moving in the dark corners. Meanwhile, Helena called Kilee.
"Common answer me..." she panicked because Kilee usually parked her car near hers, and at that moment, a freak was wandering around there.
"Hello, Helena??" she finally answered her phone.
"Where are you right now?" she asked in panic. "Almost there, why?" Helena could breathe calmly, hearing that they were still on the road.
"Listen, there is a freak in the parking lot underground and probably inside. Don't come in here." Hearing that, Kilee froze. She was right behind the corner.
"What do you mean, Helena? " she asked. "Who is there?" she continued, worried. Are you okay?" Kilee was lucid but concerned about Helena. "Listen, stay inside, close the door. I will call the police. Did you hear me?" Hearing that, Maria got afraid.
"What's the matter?" asked her, seeing Kilee worried.
"There is someone in the building." Kilee's hands were shaking while she typed for help. Maria took her hand, giving her strength.
Back at the security office, cameras went down one after the other, leaving the guard speechless; it was a first without precedents.
The police arrived in just five minutes. That company was one of the most influential in the city, and many people admired its CEO. It was unbelievable that someone was messing around with such people.
They reached every corner, but no one could be found. However, there were clear traces of someone cutting down camera wires. Some psycho was there, and no one knew his intention.
Kilee was comforting Helena when a police officer came in. "Director K?" he asked, looking at him with admiration while Kilee turned around.
"Good morning, sir!" said he respectfully. We looked around every corner; that person probably escaped when he heard us coming," the director nodded while scratching his forehead.
"Thank you, officer, for your work," she said while shaking hands with the police officer, who said, "Don't worry; we will investigate this situation."
"Alright, thank you again," said Kilee, getting outside and letting them work.
Maria stood there, hugging Helena, who was now breathing calmly; it was a shocking experience for her.
"How about we drink a hot chamomile tea?" asked Maria, glancing at Kilee.
"That's a good idea," answered her.
"Come on, Helena." Both took Helena's hands and dragged her to follow them. She was touched by having such people near her.
The day ended quietly, as the company closed to ensure its workers' safety. Helena stayed at Kilee's house, feeling more at ease in their company.
That situation reached the CEO's ears earlier than expected, even if he was in Europe with his first son.
"What is that about father?" Asked Stephen, who was always sitting on his sofà drinking his coffee.
"There were problems in our main building, some intruders, they said," the CEO fumed. No one had ever dared insult him like that.
"Isn't there Kilee? To solve the problem?" continued Stephen. He knew his sister's value; he had always observed her. In the past, she was just a rebel, but then she changed and managed herself a position in just a short time. She was tenacious.
"She worked well, handed the police and pressman as she wanted, still..." Something concerned him. Stephen looked at him, confused. There was more to that situation.
"That person aimed perfectly at our CCTV cameras," said the CEO, grinning his teeth. Surely, someone knew their company way too well—a mole!
"I want you to go back! Investigate this and report it to me." The CEO was clear: He would step on them.
"Alright, father!" said Stephen, posing his empty coffee cup on the table before getting up.
The CEO stood before the big window, watching the snow flow, whitening the city. "It's time to strengthen you up, Kilee," he murmured.
"Acchoo," sneezed Kilee while getting goosebumps; it was a feeling that was too familiar and a presage. Or better, it was well-known that his involvement was guaranteed after her rapport with her father.
"You're getting a cold?" Maria asked, stroking her back. She turned toward her and relaxed into her arms, burying her face into her hair and neck. She was scared that her father would discover her unlikely feelings and hurt Maria, but even knowing that, she would not let her go quickly. But if Maria abandoned her, she could do nothing to make her stay, as she loved her.
Maria sensed her lostness instantly and hugged her back as tight as she could. Both were too immersed in themselves to forget that another person foresaw that instant.
Helena's eyes wedded so much as her smile filled her face that she couldn't believe her eyes. That was a clear sign that something had happened between them. She went back to sleep without making any rumors, trying to kill her excitement after seeing her ship slowly getting real.
After discovering that her boyfriend was cheating, Maria was offered a job at B-Corp, the company of her dreams. However, she was surprised to be hired as the secretary for the workaholic director, Kyle. The only hope remains that they will understand each other over time and eventually learn to communicate. Or will there be more?
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