Kai loomed over the railing of the ship, the water was a dark blue color mixed in with some kind of foam, someone walked over and placed a hand on Kai's back, he looked over his shoulder and saw only a short boy with dark blonde hair "Dad can I play with Eric?" Kai turned fully, placing a hand on his son's head, "Sure, Don, as long as it ain't anything dangerous." Don smiled and ran off, soon after he left one of the other adventurers came walking up "Just wanted to inform you of something I found, Kai." Kai looked at the man and looked around, having seen only the captain of the ship nearby, but he was too busy, piloting the boat, "So what did you want to say?" The man looked both ways as well once he got his answer he looked at Kai, but he kept looking at the captain "The logs on the past entry of the island there's something off, there's the pre-interview but nothing after coming back, not even an interview on the group." Kai rolled his eyes quickly turning his attention to the guy "What's so strange about that half of us have pre-opted out of the post-interview it's likely, they did the same." Corpus looked at Kai worried, "I was told by a buddy they had vanished with no trace left behind, man. You're telling me that's not off?" Kai looked at Corpus shocked as he had clearly been under stress, but before Kai could answer, a darkness covered their sight.
Then for some unknown time, Kai was sent through some strange corridor, flying through as if he was falling, Kai's eyesight blacked out once more but this time for almost an instant later it cleared, and he was standing on strange lands. He looked around but saw only a wreckage of a ship not their own, then he saw a forest, he walked through it soon 20 minutes later he found a stone wall he walked around it and found a guarded entrance, the guards looked at him semi shocked by his clothes "You must be Kai, a fellow party member of the Shining star group." Kai looked at the guard confused, then the guard gestured for him to come in, "Your son is playing with Astra, daughter of the blacksmith here." Kai walked in and began to explore the new environment. During his exploring, he took out his phone and tried to call the group leader, but nothing, as the screen was messed up from some kind of interference."
He put his phone back in his pocket then saw a familiar face, he walked over "Corpus?" the man with the bow on his back turned with a confused face, he walked over then stopped at a distance Kai did the same "What happened?" Kai asked Corpus bit his lip, his eyes were red and Kai saw traces of tears, "I don't know, none of us know. Well, not all of us, some know only a little." Kai looked at him, "All I remember was, talking to you then a rainbow tunnel, then I stood on a beach..." Kai noticed someone missing when he looked around, "Wait, where's your son?" Kai asked suddenly tears came down bringing back some kind of memory, "My son is dead." Kai looked at him and his mouth opened in terror. "If you wish to know the details, talk to Brice, I'll take you to him." Corpus turned and began to walk, and quickly Kai followed. The walk didn’t last too long before they found Brice, a tall man with a single glove with some kind of marking on it, “Kai!” He said shocked and with a smile, “Brice, what happened?” Kai asked.
Brice looked around shooing any other person who wasn’t a part of the group, once they all left leaving just Brice, Kai, and Corpus Brice looked at Kai and sighed “So where to start… first thing is the portal that leads to this world expanded, it now covers the area around it going as far as the Atreas ocean, and when we entered, it sent each of us at different points in time, corpus’s
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