The gleaming white convertible screeched to a halt on the sandy shore, the engine sighing softly as it idled. Mia and her friends tumbled out, greeted by the cool caress of the night air. Laughter mingled with the roar of the ocean as they wrestled a giant, multicolored beach blanket from the trunk.
They unfolded the blanket, transforming it into a haven on the sand. Picnic baskets, made of woven wicker and red gingham, were deposited around the perimeter, filled with culinary delights—juicy burgers. Their aroma was a tease, nestled beside mountains of crispy fries and frosty drinks that sweated in the cool air.
As they settled in, a comfortable silence enveloped them, punctuated only by the sigh of the waves. The sky above was slowly surrendering to the inevitable march of night. The sun, a fiery ball moments ago, had dipped below the vast horizon, leaving behind a trail of breathtaking hues—fiery orange bleeding into soft pink, then a gentle lavender that morphed into a deep, velvety blue.
A warm gust of wind rustled through the night air, carrying the scent of salty spray and Mia's laughter. Beside her, Leo leaned in, his breath a caress against her neck. "Care to take a walk?" he asked.
Mia's heart skipped a beat. "Sure," she replied, her voice a breathless whisper. A thrill of anticipation danced through her veins as they rose from the blanket, brushing grains of sand from their clothes. Another playful gust of wind sent a flurry of sand into their faces, momentarily blinding them. A burst of laughter erupted from them both, a joyous sound that mingled with the symphony of the sea.
Felicia's voice, usually a smooth purr, transformed into a cartoonish "Oooooooo!" that echoed across the beach. With each enthusiastic "Get it, girl!" she yelled, the volume seemed to climb a decibel, turning heads and causing Leo and Mia to blush a fiery red under the scrutiny.
Ignoring the playful (though slightly embarrassing) commentary, Leo extended his hand, his fingers brushing against Mia’s. He felt the delicate ridges of her knuckles and the soft pads of her fingertips and, after a moment's hesitation, seemed to accept his silent invitation.
The ocean breeze, laced with the tang of salt and the distant scent of sunblock, danced around them, carrying away Felicia's whoops and leaving a comfortable silence in its wake. They shuffled along the shoreline, the rhythmic crash of waves against the sand a soothing lullaby. After a few minutes of peaceful quiet, Leo stopped, his gaze drawn to the fiery hues bleeding across the horizon. He turned to face Mia, a genuine smile softening his features. "I can't remember the last time I had this much fun,” he admitted.
Mia's gaze floated up to a stray grain of sand nestled precariously in Leo’s sun-kissed hair. A playful smile tugged at her lips. “Looks like you missed a spot,” she teased, her fingers reaching out to brush away the errant grain. Her touch was light and fleeting, yet it sent a jolt through him.
As she retracted her hand, Leo surprised them both. He caught her wrist, his grip gentle but firm, and before she could react, he drew her hand to his lips. The kiss on her palm was a whisper-soft touch against her skin, sending a spark sizzling up her arm that had nothing to do with the fading sunlight. A blush bloomed on her cheeks, a reaction that felt both foreign and thrilling. She'd witnessed her fair share of New York's crazy displays of public affection, but this…this felt different.
Leo, typically reserved and controlled, was a revelation in this moment. The unexpected tenderness left her breathless. "I think you've been in New York too long," she managed, a playful smile tugging at her lips despite the heat rising in her cheeks.
Perhaps it was the lingering boldness from Felicia's earlier teasing, or maybe it was something altogether more profound stirring within him, but Leo felt a newfound courage bloom in his chest. "I think it hasn't been long enough," he replied, his voice a husky murmur.
Nervousness and excitement took flight in Mia's stomach as she looked up at him. Her lips parted, ready to form a witty retort, but the words got lost somewhere between her racing heart and the mesmerizing depths of his eyes. "Maybe not," she finally managed, the statement a breathless whisper that shattered the silence.
Hastily, she shook off the spell his gaze had woven, breaking eye contact and continuing her walk along the shore. His long strides fell into step with hers, a comforting rhythm that echoed the beat of her suddenly erratic pulse. They walked side-by-side, but Mia kept her gaze downcast, her cheeks burning with a shyness that felt both unfamiliar and exhilarating. Finally, she peeked up, a smile grazing her lips. "So," she began, "tell me, Leo, are you a normal person or a royal?”
A flicker of hesitation crossed Leo's face. He knew how people changed once they discovered his royal lineage, the pedestal they placed him upon. "Royal," he admitted, "Why do you ask?"
She wrinkled her forehead in contemplation, a smirk playing on her lips. "Just curious," she replied. "What's the sentence for kidnapping a royal, anyway?"
A relieved chuckle bubbled up from Leo's chest, spilling out into the salty air. He shook his head, amusement crinkling the corners of his eyes. "A life sentence, no doubt," he admitted with a playful drawl, running a hand through his wind-tousled hair. "But perhaps I could be persuaded to grant a pardon."
"Really?" she gasped, her voice laced with disbelief. "Being the prince's best friend grants you that kind of power?" Her words tumbled out in a rush, punctuated by a sharp intake of breath that sent her chest rising and falling rapidly.
"Not exactly," he hedged, his voice carefully neutral. "But let's just say I hold a certain amount of influence within the royal family."
"Ah," she said, drawing out the word with a slow smile. "Good to know," she added.
The salty spray of the ocean misted their faces as Mia and Leo strolled hand-in-hand along the shore, their conversation flowing as effortlessly as the waves lapping at the sand. Laughter, carried on the cool evening breeze, mingled with the rhythmic crash of the surf. Suddenly, a distant shout pierced the tranquil scene. Mia's head snapped up, her gaze narrowing as she focused on the twinkling circles of light that marked the spot where her friends had parked their car.
A sigh of resignation escaped her lips as their steps faltered. With a shared look of understanding, she and Leo turned, their path illuminated by the soft glow of the moon peeking over the horizon. The once-pristine sand was now dotted with dark, tangled mounds of seaweed, remnants of the ocean's relentless tide, which they carefully navigated on their way back.
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