Gruff directed his attention to Master, “So why cricket stew?” Gruff pinched his nose as he approached the stinky stew that sat on the counter, along with a note. “My sister-in-law sent us some stew with a message from Luis. I think she thought it would lighten our mood.”
“Did they send lousy news?” Marcia began to drain the stew down the sink.
“Marcia,” Jonah stopped her. He clicked his tongue, “Now it’s going to smell like Auntie’s stew in here.”
“Shit, you’re right!” Marcia turned on the faucet, running water down the sink.
“Well, we will only have to put up with it for a few days. They sent us a mission.”
“What kind of mission is it this time?” Marcia asked.
“Their letter tells of an orb. It’s been causing the monsters in yoRck Mountain to become violent.”
“When do we leave?”
Master turned to Gruff, “Sorry, kiddo. We will be leaving on your birthday.”
“It’s probably for the best. If we are preparing for a mission, Jonah will have less opportunity to prank me.”
The room went silent as the four looked at each other.
Jonah grinned from ear to ear, “Who says I won’t just prank you after the mission?”
Gruff barred his teeth at the older boy, “You’re an adult. Act like it!”
“You’re an adult. Act like it.” Jonah spun around the room with his arms up like a chicken.
Marcia and Master shook as they laughed, “Gruffy, you know he only acts like this with you because you react, right?”
“No! He acts like this because I’m the only other guy in this house.” Gruff stormed out of the room, and the three burst into laughter.
“Ew!” Jonah exclaimed from the other room, “I can still smell the cricket stew.”
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