Some moments later
Darius, waiting for the oldman at a far distance, sees oldman coming. He sees that the oldman’s jacket is all zipped up.
Darius - Are you alright??
Oldman - I’m fine.
Darius - we should move in the direction of the dome. This place is not safe for us.
Oldman - I told you, it was a Fairytale.
Darius - So what? Now that those beasts smelled us, If we stay here we will be dead anyways. What difference will it make?
Oldman - I will die in my house. No matter what….
Darius - Don't you wanna see your daughter again?
Oldman - What?
Darius - you never saw her die, therefore, maybe she is alive, maybe she is in the dome city or the survivor's camp, but we will never find out if we are not alive, just for the sake of your daughter lets go.
Oldman thinks for a moment.
Darius - Alright then. We’ll go.
They both start moving toward the survivors camp. However, not far the way has passed , Oldman collapses on the ground, but is conscious, Darius rushes to him.
Darius - Hey, What happened?
Darius Zip down the jacket and sees his wound. Chest all scratched.
Darius - Why didn’t you show me this, I need to bandage it, too much blood is coming out.
Oldman - No, we should move, they must be smelling the blood, they must be coming.
After a moment, Darius sees some movement in the trees and bushes, the Headhunters smelling blood attack Darius to move him out of the way in order to eat the oldman.
Oldman - Darius! run.
Darius takes out oldman gun and shoots the Headhunter, But headhunter dodges and jumps over Darius. Oldman sees Darius, beneath the headhunter, oldman tries hard to get up but couldn't due to constant blood loss. Darius holds the headhunter away from him using his legs.
Darius hears a voice in his head telling him.
"kill or be killed".
In the answer of this voice, Darius stares directly into the headhunter's eyes.
Darius - you will not enjoy the luxury of killing me.
Darius pulls out his knife and stabs his own chest in the heart, and as he does so, A bright light falls on him, The headhunter falls back, And from the bright light a different form of a creature materializes.
Oldman - the hell is that?
Darius grabs the headhunter from his leg and starts symmetrically tearing him apart, the headhunter being torn, screams, as call to other headhunters in the area. the headhunters comes rushing toward Darius,
Darius (shouts) - come and die, you monster.
All the Headhunters start attacking and Darius starts killing all of them one by one.
Darius - you took everything from us, You killed my sister, you guys deserved to die.
Darius kills all of them and as the dust settles, Oldman sees Darius’ other form covered in blood and steam. He roars out loud, which can be heard through miles.
Darius - AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa………..
11th March 2162
8:30 Pm
Darius opens his eyes and listens to Liam's words.
Liam - Yeah he has lost too much blood, I don’t think moving him in this situation is a good idea…….. Don’t worry he is not gonna wake up anytime soon.
Darius closes his eyes.
8th september 2159
3:40 pm
Darius opens his eyes and sees the oldman in a critical situation as he has lost too much blood.
Darius - Oldman you alive.
Oldman - Yeah I guess I am.
Darius - you losing blood, I have this shirt, It's dirty but I can bandage you with this.
He bandaged the wound.
Darius - It's done.
Then carries the oldman on a nearby wood block and pulls it with a rope, using it as a makeshift sledge and starts moving.
Oldman - I don’t remember it clearly but my daughter was taken away from me by her mother. Her mother and I were comrades in the military, we served in the war, after the war, she soon suffered from PTSD, she was declared off duty on the grounds of…… What was the ground? Leave it, But, How can I….. that was the best time of our lives, because we have a daughter now, Right? I started remembering her again, Didn’t I?....... Darius?
Darius - Yeah I am here.
Oldman - I thought, It was good, now, she can give her all the time she want, it's better for both of them, while I continued my military service, 12 year passed like this, and one day, I Received this Call on that duty, that my wife was found dead and she was taken to the trauma center, I rushed to the trauma center only to see her dead body, I saw some marking on the back of her neck, Doctors stated that she died because of drowning. then I asked about my Daughter, and they say there was no girl, After my wife's Funeral, I asked the police in hope that maybe she was found by someone and reported her to police or if she died as well there must be a report of death in the official state record, I searched her name everywhere, but ANNE LEON was not on any portal it's like she doesn't exist, Only on one portal where it is said that ANN LEON D/O EDWARD LEONE _ DECEASED AFTER 3 YEARS OF BIRTH -------I thought what the hell is this, My Daughter died 9 years ago, Then who am I seeing all this time as my daughter, I asked my friends and relatives about her and they said, I don’t have one for the last 9 year and not so long, when I began to ask questions more frequently they…., NO, the army declared me unfit for service…….. Those who are not fit for service and have no one to go to , the army puts them in a care house, so they can’t do anything and sleeps peacefully till the day they die, I think I am in that army care house, Incapable of doing anything, Waiting to die..........
They both fall,
Darius - It's no story time oldman, you should stop talking, you lost too much blood.
Oldman - Stop it Darius. It's not enough, there is no way I could be saved now, and you know that.
Darius stops pulling the sledge.
Darius - I am glad you are still with me.
Oldman - What do you think, I am dead.
Darius - I thought you were unconscious and babbling nonsense.
Oldman - Ah! Anyways, Listen kid, What I am telling you is important than my life
Darius - what is it?
Oldman - I never gave you the answer because I know. No, I believe in the fact that, My Daughter is alive. I make it my life's purpose to find her and give her all the happiness she deserves, but after a year all my hopes came down, I failed to find her. (tears come out of his eyes) I know she is alive, she has to. Because, I want to say sorry to her, I want to say that I am sorry, that I was not there with her when she was taking care of her mother's condition all alone.
Darius - It's not late. We will find her.
Oldman - NO, my road ends here. Now I want you to do this for me.
Darius - Do it yourself.
Oldman - My death can't be postponed. You know that, I am barely making it to talk, you can't save me.
Darius - How can you think that I can do it? you are stronger than me and look at yourself, how can you even think that a weak like me can do that. You saved me before while I was sleeping.
Oldman - That is where you are wrong Darius. I was not the one who saved you before, you were the one who saved me.
Darius - what?
Oldman - maybe not you like this but the other you.
Darius - I don't understand.
Oldman - I Saw a miracle happened, you were a big blue beast with blue eyes, long hairs, lots of lightning coming out of you. You killed everyone of those beasts. That’s right, you saved me.
Darius’ silence shows rejection in confusion.
Oldman - so you don't remember, How am I not surprised... Listen, you have this gift inside, you are capable of doing unimaginable things……. You don't believe me do you? ………….. think for a moment, about that story you told me, you said you and that soldier was surrounded by those beasts and you shoot the leaking oil to start a chain of blasts that results in breaking the ground, in which you and other beast fall, but how do you think you survived, who do you think helped you to made out of there alive?.................You helped yourself by transforming into that other you. I don’t know what it is, and how you can do it, but I do know that he saved your life. you saved yourself.
Darius starts thinking.
Oldman - and today you transformed into that being again.
Darius - Even If I have this power, I don't know how to control it, the proof of this is that, I am not able to recall any of it.
Oldman - Don't you remember anything?
Darius takes a pause to remember.
Darius - I kinda remember it but as flashes of dream.
Oldman - Then accept the fact that it was not a dream. It's true. You need to figure out how to control and make use of that power. And for that you need to leave me here.
Darius (screams) - snap out of it, do you listen yourself?
Oldman - You do? …..after the split and this beast horde thing, do you think anything is impossible in this world.
Darius (acknowledges the fact) - But I said I am not as strong as you.
Oldman - Darius stop underestimating yourself, you can do that. After all I trained you to be, never underestimate yourself. I saw you transforming, maybe I can give you a headstart…(Darius looks at oldman with confusion)……I think the key for transformation is you killing yourself.
Darius - That theory of yours might get myself killed in reality.
Oldman - I am just telling you what I saw.
Darius - Enough of it.
Darius starts pulling the Wood again.
Oldman - the thing about controlling that power, you just said you remembered it as a dream flashes, there is a thing called LUCID DREAMING, It's a way to sleep that allows a person to control his dream, Maybe that's how you control it.
Darius - Stop It, That isn't helping
Oldman - It will eventually
Darius keeps moving......after some moment
Oldman (breathing heavily) - One last thing, sometimes there will be no one to protect you and at that moment you need to decide to kill or be killed.
Darius stops and thinks about the old man's words.
Oldman - Darius, find my Daughter and tell her that I loved her, I know you can do that, you are strong, I made you strong,........... stronger than me, ………..stronger than anyone.
Darius hears silence
Darius - Hey Oldman, say something. You leaving me too
As he sees oldman die, he holds his hand, feeling his hands getting cold, tears start coming out of Darius’ eyes.
Darius buries the oldman and looks in his bag where he sees a family photo of the Oldman, his almost 5 year old daughter as a child and his wife. Darius carries the photo.
Darius - I will do this one last thing, you ask me to do.
Darius moves toward the survivor camp.
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