(Arc 1 : The raven and the dragon)
The musician had been receiving all kinds of threats for more than three weeks. At first, he thought it was just a joke with no real purpose. But as time went on, the situation got worse. It started with simple letters left in the mailbox at his music studio. The messages they contained were printed in a typography that mimicked the cut-out letters in newspapers and magazines. Gwenval was asked to leave the music business or face reprisals. The pianist, finding it in bad taste, simply ignored the messages. Considering the attention he had recently received, he found it strangely normal that some people would try to intimidate him.
The letters continued for three days, then nothing, which made the musician think it was a joke. But after two days of silence, the threats increased. The letters were replaced by packages containing dead animals, mainly decapitated or dismembered birds and mice, as well as mutilated photos of the musician, taken without his knowledge. From then on, Gwenval began to take the situation seriously. He installed new cameras in and outside his music studio, hoping to catch the culprit, but the results were mixed. The various packages were delivered by simple deliverymen who had no idea who had sent them. A few days later, he found a dead animal in his studio, along with torn photos of him and knives. From then on, the musician decided to close his studio for a few days and work from home to concentrate on his performance at the concert.
Ashlay had listened attentively to Gwenval's story and felt a shiver run down his spine. Not only because of the threats, but also because of the way Gwenval was handling the problem. If he'd been in his place, he would have called the police or hired a private detective instead. The musician was also much too calm. Was he used to being threatened? He talked about dealing with it alone as if he were trying to kill a cockroach.
"I didn't know it was possible to be so calm when someone is trying to scare you or take your life." Ashlay was fascinated.
Gwenval noticed Ashlay's strange expression and gave him a light smile.
"You're still ready to help me, aren't you?" Asked Gwenval.
"Of course!" Ashlay replied immediately.
Ashlay found this partly frightening, but the idea of catching a criminal excited him. His desire for thrills and his thirst for justice manifested themselves. But something kept nagging at him:
"Why don't you go to the authorities?"
Gwenval didn't answer, but looked gloomy. There was another reason why the pianist refused any help from the police. It wasn't just about attracting media attention. Ashlay saw that the musician was uncomfortable and decided not to ask him that question again for the time being.
"First, I want to identify the person or persons behind this on my own before I call the police."
"I see..."
Ashlay found Gwenval's air of mystery very attractive.
Once arrived at the video surveillance room, the duo found themselves face to face with four security guards. They were seated in front of numerous screens that broadcast in real time what was happening in various parts of the building. Gwenval lied to them, explaining that something had been stolen from his dressing room.
The agents recognized Gwenval and asked no further questions. They immediately agreed to help the musician find the thief. They couldn't afford to have a criminal running around the building, especially not tonight.
Cameras in the hallway leading to Gwenval's dressing room showed the musician leaving his dressing room and heading toward the stage. An unknown man then entered the dressing room carrying a large bag. He stayed in the dressing room for about fifteen minutes before quickly leaving.
The stranger's build indicated that he was a rather slender man, approximately 5'10" in height. Wearing a mask and cap, it was impossible to see his face, making it difficult to determine his age.
Continuing to watch the footage, the stranger could be seen walking through the door leading to the stairs. After that, there was no trace of his presence in the building. There were also no cameras on the stairs. Everyone in the CCTV room seemed preoccupied.
Ashlay asked a security guard to make him a copy of all the videos taken since the beginning of the afternoon. Seeing that the agent was reluctant to follow his request, Ashlay took out his wallet and take out a stack of fifty thousand won bills (*fifty thousand won = approximately thirty-four dollars) , which he placed on the keyboard in front of the agent. The agent and his colleagues couldn't believe their eyes and suddenly became very interested in Ashlay's identity. Gwenval was also surprised by the amount of money the young man had just handed over.
"This can stay between us. Divide it and use it for yourself or your family." Ashlay announced proudly.
"Rich kid... " Thought Gwenval with amusement.
Ashlay handed his business card to the agent in front of him. The latter was even more shocked when he read it and looked at the businessman, who was smiling at him.
In the end, Ashlay easily obtained a USB drive with the requested recordings. He had also made the agents promise to pretend they'd never seen them and gave them some information about Gwenval's dressing room.
Then, the duo made their way to the buffet room.
"So, did I help out ?" Ashlay asked while smiling.
"Yes, you were. That's a good start." Gwenval nodded.
"By the way, how old are you?"
"I'm twenty-six." Gwenval replied, looking at Ashlay.
"Ah?! I'm twenty-four! Can I call you hyung¹ ? You can call me Ash."
"No way." Gwenval said coldly.
This young man was a little too friendly for the musician.
" "Mr. Altaha" sounds a little too distant. Our relationship isn't like we are business partners, and it would be nice if we were closer... If hyung doesn't fit... So, Altaha? Gwenval? Gwen? Gwen Gwen?... Gwen Gwen! What do you think?"
"Just call me Gwenval." He explained. His ears were slightly red.
"Gwen Gwen! What's next?! This boy is much too shameless!" Thought the embarrassed musician.
Ashlay pouted a little, but he liked the nickname he'd come up with. He also found the musician's current expression particularly cute, which made him want to tease him.
"Would it be possible to get your contact information?" Ashlay asked, pulling out his cell phone.
Gwenval nodded and pulled out his phone. He looked depressed as he typed his number into Ashlay's cell phone.
"What's going on?"
"I'd like to get this over with as soon as possible..."
The banquet hall was very large and could easily seat a hundred people or more. Tall white vases filled with beautiful bouquets of colorful flowers were placed symmetrically on both sides of the room. A long, wide buffet stretched from the entrance of the room to within a few feet of a stage. A space had been left in the middle of the room to form an aisle, and beautifully arranged tables had been placed on either side. Guests could sit, chat, and eat. Others preferred to stand. Waiters circulated among the tables with trays of amuse-bouches or glasses of champagne.
The director of the Seoul Arts Center had already given an initial thank-you speech. He planned to return later to announce the amount raised tonight.
Secretary Shin was worried. It had been over twenty minutes since his call to Ashlay and he still hadn't arrived.
A few minutes later, young Nienrao finally appeared, accompanied by pianist Altaha Gwenval.
Their appearance immediately attracted attention, and several people came to chat with them. Secretary Shin quickly made his way over to his employer. He was speechless when he saw Gwenval up close. He was clearly a fan in front of his idol. Ashlay was amused.
"Gwenval, can you give him an autograph? This is my secretary, Shin Ha Ri. He really likes your work."
Secretary Shin's voice had risen slightly. Since when were the two of them close enough for Ashlay to call him by his first name? Wasn't this the first time they met? He was confused.
Gwenval also looked at Ashlay with surprise. He had allowed him to call him by his first name, but he hadn't expected Ashlay to feel so comfortable with him so soon.
"Of course." Gwenval agreed, flashing his best fake smile.
Secretary Shin quickly pulled out a small notebook he always carried with him and a pen. He handed it, slightly shaky, to the musician. After getting the autograph, Secretary Shin remained in a trance for a moment. He knew he would sleep well tonight, or maybe not, considering his excitement.
Gwenval and Ashlay could see an imaginary dog tail wagging happily behind the secretary's back. They thought it was cute.
" Good evening Mr. Nienrao, long time no see."
A man came up smiling next to Ashlay.
" Oh, Mr. Kim! Long time no see. How's business?"
" Very good ! Very good indeed! In fact, I'd like to talk to you about our new bedding collection. I'm sure it will fit in well with the aesthetic of your hotel. Is that possible? "
Ashlay turned to the musician.
"Euh..." Ashlay turned to look at the musician. "Gwenval, I have to leave for a bit, is that okay?"
The pianist gave Ashlay a slight nod to let him know he could go.
Immediately after, the young entrepreneur adopted a more professional attitude and left with the man for a chat, followed by secretary Shin.
Gwenval took a glass of champagne from a tray. It wasn't long before he was once again surrounded by other artists and admirers eager to learn more about him. For twenty long minutes, he exchanged ideas on a variety of subjects without stopping until he finally had a moment to himself.
Although he tried to keep his expression friendly, this kind of interaction usually took a lot of Gwenval's energy.
The musician took advantage of the moment when he was no longer the center of attention to isolate himself in a corner of the room to regain some peace.
"I think I've stayed long enough, it's time to go home..." He thought, checking the time on his watch.
Taking another look at the people in the room, Gwenval's eyes fell on Ashlay, who was talking to different people from before. He was completely different from the charming, playful young man who had introduced himself to him earlier. From the musician's point of view, he really looked like a serious businessman at the moment.
Maybe he wasn't just a playboy after all.
Later that night, the amount of money raised from the charity concert was announced. It had been three billion won, of which five hundred million had been donated by Orchid Prestige.
Ashlay had the opportunity to go on stage and take a picture with the director of the center.
It was around 11 p.m. when the evening finally came to an end. Most of the people in the building had left. Ashlay's secretary had also said goodbye.
Ashlay met Gwenval, who had picked up his things, on the parking lot.
"Shall I give you a ride home?" Ashlay asked seductively.
"That won't be necessary." Gwenval replied. "What are you going to do with the recordings anyway?"
"You'll see tomorrow."
"Yes, I have a week, I can't waste any time, can I? Are you free tomorrow?"
Gwenval nodded curiously. What did this playboy want to do?
"That's perfect! Tomorrow around ten then? I'll send you the address."
The musician was very curious. But just as he was about to ask Ashlay for more information, a black Audi TT Roadster pulled up right in front of him. The driver's side window rolled down and a blond, blue-eyed man poked his head out to smile at Gwenval.
"Am I not late, Gwen?"
"No." The musician declared amiably.
Ashlay was a bit jealous. Who was this newcomer, and why was Gwenval being so nice to him?
Gwenval greeted Ashlay and thanked him for his help, then got into his friend's car. Ashlay watched in perplexity as the car drove away. Had he planned to court someone who was already taken? He felt like crying.
But he quickly pulled himself together and got into his car. It wasn't a done deal! Gwenval hadn't refused his request if he could catch the person who wanted to harm him. So there was hope.
Ashlay called his friend Hao Ming, and after a brief exchange, he went to his friend's house.
1. Hyung : This is a term that means "big brother" in Korean. It is specifically used by men to refer to their big brothers or older men they consider close to them.
50 000 wons = 34,25 USD
3 milliards de wons = 2 055 203,79 USD
500 000 000 wons = 342 528,04 USD
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